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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. I like it. I tried it with my own melody and it flows very nicely, can't wait to hear it!
  2. A friend gave me a set of Tarot cards a few years back ...never did learn how to read them.
  3. Enjoy it first then read the remainder of this post. The symbols change numbers each time. I've noticed that although the symbols change, certain numbers share the same symbol each time. All are divisible by 9. These correspond to the symbol that shows in the ball. Would somebody who has more mathematical prowess than I do like to take it from here?
  4. i' but nil narry enuf! I still b' hungry
  5. I'm in jersey too ...looks to be about 2 hours south of your local.
  6. Silkies lips linger on Matts mouth enjoying the taste. mmmmmm
  7. mmmm, one o' m'favorites! She takes a large sip and looks up again sporting a foamy coconut milk mustache.
  8. In 1992, which I refer to as "The Year From Hell" I had lost 4 loved ones. One of these people I had been dating. He was an family friend, it was early in the romance when he killed himself. About a week after his funeral I woke up in my bed at my new home feeling like someone was spooning with me. I was groggy and the feeling was pleasant so I just accepted it and fell back asleep. About a month later I woke to feel the same presence. Feeling a bit alarmed this time I tried to roll over to see something, the more I tried the more I felt trapped. The fear became a panic ...the force that held me to the bed was suddenly gone I rolled over with ease, there was nothing in the room, not even my dog. I never felt it again. I'm convinced it was Brian.
  9. Silkie, draped in the chair, Ah' Bunny, twas surin a fine time t b' stoppin t' steppin! Almost took a spill on thet last one. I'twas afeared I' lund spralled o'r one o' tees lads. Why'd ya stop m'?! Sam m'lad, indeed a'do need somtin from ya, but fer now I'll take a drink to cool me down. ya can quench m' tirst later!
  10. Don't turn it off Rummy, write it down! No one knows that I am still in my night clothes because the "Big Event" for the day is grocery shopping and I find it hard to get excited about it.
  11. Love my job, hate the pay. Last position, hated the job, loved the pay. Yes, work does suck. But I'm working on the changes and perhaps, work won't suck and the pay won't suck!
  12. Guess that's one good thing about being home bound. Thank goodness for the pub, i'ts been keeping me from madness ...well further madness. Hope you feel better in the morning Christine.
  13. As the clatter of the fight ceases abruptly, Silkie looks up to see both Scarlet and Bunny advancing towards her. She breaks hold of Jack as they advance y' ladies were otter ize occupied, her hand to the hilt of her short blade m' jest makin da man feel welcome! backing away from Cannon Jack tis a tastey morsal but what's one Jack or anoter?! She quickly places herself behind the Madds, Merry and anyone else there.
  14. ya' nil look like any sailor thet uv seen afor Silkie inspects the new stranger Bjärn ya say? Well we nil judge a man by his looks round here. Ifin we would nil a one uv us would b conversin wi'tees rouges! She puts her arms around Bo's waist and gives him a peck on the cheek.
  15. tis' notin, m' suprised I caught it'. tank ya fer d'pint. I was hoping it was true also, although I have also heard that many nursery rhymes were used as a way of passing news in the past, never could figure any of it out. That was probably an urban legend also.
  16. tis a pleasure t meet ya' Finn! She lifts her tankard t' tha good times to come and drinks
  17. My next surgery is scheduled for 3/30/06. Oh to live without the pain any more!
  18. Silkie hops to the next table, deftly repeats the previous step, not even trying whatever that was that Bunny just did adds a cut step followed by double high kicks a smooth jump turn, hops to the next table, and yes the table does wobble a bit.
  19. Meanwhile, where the spectators sit, Silkie walks up behind Cannon Jack, puts her arm around his waist, pulls herself tight against him her lips to his ear: Jack m' man, d ya prefer fighters t' lovers? and kisses his neck
  20. Jack, it's never easy but, yes, there is comfort in knowing that a loved one is not suffering. Janelle will always miss her mother but in her heart, once it has had time to heal, mom will always with her. Deepest sympathy and much love to you and yours.
  21. not wishing to offend the tall, legless, eyless, handless stranger silkie holds back a laugh, as the corners of her mouth turn upward she looks around the room at the others makes eyecontact with Scarlet, Merry, Matt, notices the same grin on each face She can no longer control herself and bursts into roaring laughter!
  22. Babylon 5 (Babylon 5). The universe is erupting into war and your government picks the wrong side. How much worse could things get? It doesn’t matter, because no matter what you have your friends and you’ll do the right thing. In the end that will be all that matters. Now if only the Psi Cops would leave you alone. Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 100% Moya (Farscape) 75% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 75% SG-1 (Stargate) 75% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 69% Seen maybe five episodes of Babalon5, Guess I should look into it, I may enjoy it.
  23. silki leads the new captain to the bar and sets herself on the stool next to him 'tis ray there behin 'dbar. Callin' im "Inn Keeper" just confuses im! She chucks a coin to Ray and winks at him. ya' b'nill as far from me' as most a tees otter folks. mayhaps I could come up t' the Ilse o' long n' find out abot dis thigh bi'ten! I b' needin a coach fer m' tunes thet i'm lernin! tank ya' fer d'rum
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