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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Welcome young laddie! Tis surely a pleasure t' be meetin' ya'! Rootbeer be m' favorite! I thank ya' kindly! she tussles the hair on his head with her hand Plenty t' learn 'round here, and scores of people wit t' answer yer questions an' happy t' do so!
  2. I think you this is the link: http://www.snopes.com/lost/sixpence.htm however upon further reading http://www.snopes.com/humor/mediagoofs/sixpence.asp
  3. What a beautiful dog! I've always been partial to German Shepherds. Looks like a big guy! How old is he? ...she? I had to give my last one up. She was just too big since I had moved and couldn't find an apartment that would allow dogs. My sister has her now. She has more black on her and it looks like she probably is smaller than yours. That's why I believe yours is most likely a male. I just love that face! What do you call him?
  4. Still hungry? What an appitite! Ya' want more? After all thet? Silkie tickels him as she wigles from his half embrace almost knocking Matt and the chair to the floor. Ladies! If yer please this lad has far too much an appitite fer me' alone t' satisfy! She picks up the bowl. f' nil a one uv ya is gon t' help feed the lad m' gona have t' give him da bowl She looks to the others for help while enjoying the starteled smile on Matts face.
  5. Best o' luck t'ya. Hope all is well.
  6. Her torso pressed against him. Her head tilted slightly back, exposing her neck, the cookie held to his mouth below her chin she lets him devour the treet. Her free hand gently twirling the hair at the back of his neck.
  7. Stitches came out today. God I luv my Occupational Therapist!
  8. holding the pudding coated treat to his mouth she lets him take a bite. After he gingerly takes a bite she stradels his lap, still holding the cookie between them. Did I say what I wanted him to be good at? PS: Don't forget where we got the cookie!
  9. How how houngry arya? Perhaps da'sweets nil bee good on an empty stomach! She turns to leave, stops, on second thought. Ifin ya promis t'be very good, ill let ya' av a nibble. Daya promis t'b good? She turns to look Matt in the eye. ...very good.
  10. Silkies skills are surprising even me! Holding the cookie just inches from his hungry mouth she continues to move around him, his head turning like a pup waiting for a morsal from the table. She bends near his ear again placing another delacate kiss on his neck.
  11. unfortunatly Silkie can't read matts mind. or can she
  12. keeping her eyes locked to Matts, her eyes sparkling with mischief Jack b' deservin such a place indeed! I've m' mark here. Ladies ya' more than welcome t'join me'. Afta all it's yer game, and Matt's a free hand. m' sure ya' cn handle Jack yerself but ifin ya' need me' ya' nkow where t' find me' Silkie, moves near his bound hand bringing the tantalizing dessert closer to his mouth.
  13. follows easily, wondering if perhaps she's had a bit too much cider fo this table top thing.
  14. Silkie (who thought she had put herself on his bound hand side! ) stands her ground showing no reaction, save a trembling intake of air. Have yer fill. Then quickly fliping his hat from his head, she snatches the cookie that lies beneth it, spins deftly from his reach, adding Unless yd' prefer a biscuit! again out of reach, the pudding covered cookie presented before him.
  15. Wev' no problen wit pyracy hear!
  16. Scarlet! d' lad does know how t' make an enterance duznt e' Ray! Did ye hear d lad? Tap de' keg n' start yer' perin'. fáilte Mista Russell! Welcom' t' ya.
  17. Pardon me' scarlet I was confused for a moment, I'll be gettin back t' ya later. Well Bunny m' use t floors. Nil av I ever don tis. Here's hopin' d tabels here be strong! Silkie jumps to the next table top, copies Bunnies pose and looks quizzically at Bunny.
  18. I've known about the mermaid In since I've moved here almost six years ago. I've neverbeen there. Something always gets in the way. It's so far all the way over the bridge and ...there be' hills in that area! This could be just what I'm looking for.
  19. Scarlet m' lady, we never did have an opportunity to talk wit all these fine people greetin' m'. Now det tings have calmed a bit round here, what might ye b'wantin to hear?
  20. Welcome t' ye' lad! N' tank ya' fer de fine introduction o' yerself. A nice cup o' tea fer me' ifin ya' please. Hearin a tune o' yers would be lovely indeed. I sings a bit also, perhaps I could work on some harmonies wit ye'.
  21. I'm feeling fine now that I've read Lady Barbossa post! I've had employers like that. Take a good look at your livelihood. I changed fields and although I now make half the wages i am much happier ...all be it land locked (can't afford to travel much) Hope you are feeling much better very soon! I'm doing well thank you. Recovering from my surgery on my left hand (carpal tunnel) not needing the pain meds, stitches coming out on Monday. life is good. Now ask me again in a few weeks when I get the surgery done on my right hand ...my dominant hand. You can ask but i can guarantee, typing a response will take MUCH longer.
  22. What he said. I was going to suggest May but see you have already booked. I was there for three weeks in December ...about 15 years ago too long away! Anyway, the locals said the best time to visit is the end of May, the tourist haven't started arriving and everything is in bloom. Your plans sound fabulous! Plan to wear layers, the temps are cool and damp but in the dampness a little exertion can warm you mighty fast. If you can make the layer aginst the skin something that will draw the moisture away from your skin but dry fast you'll be most comfortable. You can fing these things through companies that handel camping geer and such. I think LLBean or LandsEnd may have them also. Well worth the investment.
  23. I've been singing all my life. Started as a child singing 4 part harmony with my three sisters. Never stopped. My voice is the only instrument that I have mastered. Compact, portable, easy to tune even when the weather effects it. I own and have at some point played a song or two on: Guitar, it's not an instrument made for a woman with ...large ...blessings. Fiddle, Learned four tunes and had to stop, carpal tunnel syndrome. Recorder, Soprano & Tenor, tenor's a bit large for my hands and soprano is too high pitched. If I ever go back to that I'll get an alto. bodhran, bought it just after the pain in my hands made playing fiddle impossible. Couldn't play it either due to the pain. ...now that I am having surgery to relieve the carpal tunnel syndrome pain (one hand down one to go) I will be picking up something again ...hopefully in 10 to 12 weeks. I'm looking for new songs and recordings (I learn by ear, sheet music is work for me). If anyone has some suggestions of artists, links, threads or other that I should investigate I'd appreciate the direction.
  24. Ya dn't need t' wonder, yer gettin' old! ...were gettin old! But not at heart!
  25. OMG! ROTFLMAO! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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