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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Bloody Minnesota snow! I was suppose to have an old friend visit this weekend. She lives in Minnesota, she works for the airlines, she couldn't get on any flights today because they canceled flights this morning and there was no room for standby passangers this evening! !@#$%^&*!!! Snow! And I have this sinking feeling that we are going to get here before the end of the month. Did I say !@#$%^&*!!! Snow!
  2. Sanity is relative. I'v one group o'friends det tink me wild and anotter det tink me mild ...I'm the same me wit boat groups!
  3. As if you have a say on who or what! Dis is turcher man! Yer a prisner. Ya should b'tryin t'escape. ...ladies, I tink we may b'doin somtin wrong. We've not tried to get any information bout d'enemy. Now prisner, Silkie kneeds the back of his neck where b'dey docked? I'm tinkin we may want t'take yer ship ...or at least more prisners!
  4. Well, the bedroom does need a new look ...hmmmm?
  5. bloody mary bonney Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr! A bit'o a difference from m'given name - Silkie bein given me by a luv, and it does suit m'bettar
  6. Silkie, still massaging his knotted shoulders leans to his ear again and kisses just behind it, then whispers Is it gettin too warm fer ya lad?
  7. It wernt yer mout det I was hohpen' yed b'shooten off! an wot d'ya say rule number two is?
  8. Now Tom, Silkie indicates the seat beside her. Seat yerself down an tell d'otters a bet about yerself. (or fill in some info on your profile)
  9. Luv t' have m'arms round a lusty pyrate!
  10. Now dar a tot. Mite ad, a rater plezin tot fer m'an da otter ladies couldn't reist
  11. M'close enuf t'b wantin t' come, and knowin wher'er two'r more pyrate gawter fun is sure t'falla, ifin I can gatwr m'some garb I'd like t join ya. Could ya shar some details wit ma'?
  12. Floria luv, thet cookie's gone, it's the one I fed him! Yul have't go back t'da jar! Silkie grabs the pillow at her feet and throws it at Floria
  13. sighted land after 40 days at sea
  14. Aw, Tom If it'were possable I'd b'blushing! An the bare keep b' ...RAY Silkie calls out, Ray enters from the kitchen Ray, we b'needin some service, A bit o rum fer m'tonight and ....Tom here has kindly afferd t'buy. Thet b' Ray, generally very a'comadatin fella ifin ya keep spendin yer coin here.
  15. Ah, fergive'm twas Sunday nights weekly chat. Twas a quiet night, Finn, who left early, Lady B n'I an' Long Tom Joind us later.
  16. Seems ya have yer choice o'what ya may want "t'drink". Lady B's milky white skin, The juice o'Merry's pressed grapes, a bit o' RUMmy, an the Irish cream stanin' b'hind ya! ...wots a lad t'do? Ladies, perhaps the man cannut stan so much pressure. Mat luv, would ya b' wantin t' escape?
  17. Well done Josh! Well done indeed!
  18. trying to get myself relaxed enough to sleep. I work nights but I'm not working and my sleep schedule is out of wack!
  19. Tom luv, so glad we didn't scare ya'away after last nights chat! Ya' bein such a gentelman! Silkie, throws her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek as if he were an old friend. Lady B! Look'oos returned!
  20. Now that one I'll support!
  21. Patrick! Nil b'changin yer posts! Yer sense o'humor brightens my far t'long days! (M spendin' many hours alone not bein able t'work tees dayz)
  22. My cell phone is my ONLY phone.
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