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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Die alone at the curb. It is truly a shame.
  2. Ya ca'nil keep lookin back at da 'wot if". Look forward to dem seys I!
  3. fáilte ó chroí! Welcome! An tank ya fer d' grog. Now have a seat an enjoy d'good company found witin dis pub!
  4. I'd like to be a muppet when I grow up :)
  5. Now come on, you didn't come in here all bedraggled from work with no clothes on ! SO, you have an ice cube down your breeches whether you like it or not! Also remember, this is rated PG-13 ...like it or not. Now, dis little ting, she holds up the suede flogger that Siren handed her I'v nil used bufor her eyes full of mischief Er ya suppos t'jus drag it 'or d'skin like dis, She runs it from the top of his breeches up his side to his neck ending with the tails brushing there lightly er ...flick it she lightly snaps it across his stomach just above his breeches. Like dis?
  6. Lady B. I sympathize with you. I have not been at work so I am spending much of my time alone at home. I am fortunate that I have not been ill but I am still going stir crazy. I can't imagine what you must be going through. prayers, white light, positive energy ...whatever you want to call it coming your way. Hope you can lick this thing soon and get your life back on track soon.
  7. I'm pretty sure the first part was George Carlin. I can even hear him in my head as I read it. The last line "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." I have a newspaper clipping with that on it on my refrigerator in a magnetic plastic picture pocket with a photo of a deceased friend and me. I got it off of her refrigerator when cleaning her house with her brother after her death. It is a heart warming thought and expresses how she tried to live her life. I miss her but the moments that we shared when we would laugh until we cried are the moments that still take my breath away. Thanks for sharing Sam
  8. breeches front then
  9. Passion? Nay, more like an obsession!
  10. come dis way lad Silkie strategically places herself between Biker and Matt, blocking his view of Matt (Like he could see past all of the lasses!) Blue meets them at the mast. ya just lean here against the mast while I see what i can do bout a drynk fer ya. As soon as Bikers back touches the mast, Blue pulls his hands around the pole and deftly ties a strong knot before Biker knows what has happened.
  11. Right on cue! Couldn't uv written it better ifin I tried! Sar d'sign d'ja? Silkie places herself between Biker and the exit. Blue, here's gona help wit yer ...interview.
  12. Aye, I'm sure he is. I howeva have had m'fun wit'him and m'lookin fer new adventure! She contemplates I ca'nil tink uv how t'drag em in here. Wot d'ya suggest Blue? Mind if I call you Blue? It's quicker to type.
  13. We ladies are no more cut throat we can however be more conniving than men.
  14. BLOODY FREEKIN COLD! I can't get warm today!
  15. brilliant blue eyes and snowy white wiskers
  16. On yer lap, yer arms round me, I ca'nil help but smile!
  17. be content, for in your embrace any lass would
  18. They best not, but we be ready ifin they do!
  19. They already are, no need to wait years!
  20. ^Knows how to savor a good piece of meat! I know you were thinking it too, it had to be said.
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