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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. I've never been married. I don't understand the problem either. That was in the past. You have choosen your wife and have choosen to be faithful to her. I'm only seeing this from one side but it seems to me that your love for your wife has been proven by you sticking with her in sickness add in health, for richer for poorer ...I'd like to hear another womans rational also.
  2. Thanks for all of the well wishes and prayers. I'm sleeping much of the time, happy drug induced rest. Saw the surgeon today. This surgery was a bit more involved than the last. He had to do a Flexorteno synonectomy ...yea, thats what I said. He had to remove additional inflamed tissues from the area in addition to the carpal tunnel release. The palm and wrist halfway to the elbow are bruised. Hurts more than the last too. Both the surgeon and the OT say that it should heal as well as the other but it may take more work. Hey, as long as the pain is gone and it still works as well as before the surgery I'll be happy! Typing is a chore but easier than writing!
  3. I'd like to help but... A. You seem to be doing just fine. B. The picture says it all. C. What could you call a Wood Duck with a wooden leg?
  4. What about an i-dog makes it impossable to live without?
  5. Silkie is "Twin Peaks" :) I am "Tight Cheeks"
  6. Silkie is defined as: Fetish oriented I am defined as: A skimpy piece of lingere
  7. 11:11 AM EST and I'm home again. Just letting you all know so far, so good. Thsnks for your prayers.
  8. At 8:15 AM today I will be laying on a table in a surgery center having my right hand operated on. The left hand carpal tunnel release went well. My right hand is my dominant hand ...I'm a little more nervous this time because it is my dominant hand and I am an artist. That having been said, prayers or whatever you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I like them to! Freaks of a feather! Peanut butter and bananna too!
  10. Don't get me wrong man. I have fine china and crystal stem ware. I use cloth napkins and table clothes but I live alone. Additionally I am a very poor house keeper, so why create more work!
  11. My sinus headaches happen every time the barometric pressure changes. At least it happens less frequently here in the flatlands of New Jersey than it use to in the foothills of Western Pennsylvania! Even my migrains have become less frequent! Perhaps 3 or for a year!
  12. Uh, Mimi luv, ...d'ya have one o'dem der scanner tingies? B'cause ya ca'nil email det dar photo yer holdin!
  13. Better thank you. I have a sinus headache. Drugs should take care of that! It is a bit cool today, freezing rain and snow today but it is better that the weather be gloomy than me!
  14. Do we need to worry about the board of health?
  15. Thank you Kent, Christine. It is nice to be here and be comforted.
  16. You actually use dishes? I save them for when companys comming. Eat over the sink, no crums to clean up either.
  17. Kent, heres hoping that some of your good cheer rubs off on me because I doing just suckie today!
  18. ::Hugs Kent as he steps away from the mic:: I... ::the feedback reverberate through the speakers in the still room. I step back from the mic until the sound is squelched.:: ...I'm just in a bad place today and need to dump. I have my second Carpel Tunnel Release surgery scheduled for Thursday. I'm not nervous, the first went so well but there is a little stress involved. I am having problems with a re-occurring infection under my skin that I thought had cleared up over a month ago. That makes me nervous about the surgery and possible complications. My Father has been in the hospital, had tests and procedures, then was moved to a rehab facility and back since March 2, (One year and one day after my Mothers death.) and this morning I get a 9 AM call from my sister, my father was moved back to the hospital at 4AM, breathing difficulties, fluid in his lungs ...did I mention that my mother died from complications of phnomonia? Oh yea, They are all in Pittsburgh and I am in the Philadelphia area. I have been home and alone much of the time since February 16 recovering from my first surgery. Being alone too much of the time sucks! It's spring and I have spring fever. I'm tired of the cold and I long to go some place where there is sunshine, warm air and some pirates to brighten my day but beyond air fair I can't get the numbers to work. My compass is FINALLY pointing some place but I can't seem to get enough wind in my sails to move forward! My love life, is...well, what love life? Finally, I'd like to join CHILL. ...Thank you for listening. ::Steps away from the mic. Scuffles into the shadows with MaddMatt and gets a hug from him.:: Miss you Matt.
  19. I love bananas. Today just keeps getting beter and better.
  20. Dia duit! Hello lass! D'lady knows how t'make un entrance! Rhummy, m'tinks d lady is well versed in wenchin ! Shes ulready got d'lauds drinkin out o er'hands! N'tank ya fer the dark rhum. Signals to Ray. I b'needin it t'day!
  21. Hugh luve! Dey'ar beautiful! Mmmmmmm. Aye, some where down d'road fer me. Promise you'll b'helpin me find a'right nice gun er'two.
  22. "The Iceman Cometh" ...well somebody had to say it. Is the name a literary reference? I really don't need a gloomy look at reality right now. Dia duit! Hello lad, n'welcome t'd pub. I've a dark rhum t'day tank ya'. Silki says more to Ray than Iceman Glad ye'v jumped in wit boat feet! M'sure det Arter n'the rest o'd Pirates of Treasure Cove will treat ya right well! Again, well met lad!
  23. My first car was a 1970 Ford Maverick. I was just out of high school and the "Return of the Jedi" was about to be released. My best friend was a Star Wars fan. She dubbed the car the "MillenniumFalcon". My brother-in-law who usually did the repairs for me changed that to the "MillenniumTurkey"!
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