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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough
Murin turned with a start to see the stealthy Frenchman. The quick movements made her head spin with hunger and fatigue; she used her good hand to balance herself with the door frame, “Well sur, tis m’stomach.” Murin’s other hand laid on her empty belly. “I’ve no doubt that tings have been attended to but m’feelin a bit hollow, n’ya were otteriz occupied, n’I ken do fer myself sir.” Looking into his light green eyes she began to feel like a youngster that had misbehaved. Her chin dipped a bit but she did not break eye contact with her the surgeon’s assistant. She was a guest here, and should have had a bit more patients. “My apologies ifin I’ve o’stepped m'bounds.”
Enter your name and find out
Silkie McDonough replied to Arthur Richards from Kent's topic in Beyond Pyracy
My real name: Jazz Hands Pub name: Bling ....what else would a pirate lass be turned on by? Well there is swords ....and pistols ....oh! can't forget cannons or ships ....lordy PIRATES and ...okay it is one in a long list! Can't complain about either. -
Patrick luv, yer ulways b'hayvin, tis mearly a mawter uv how. Tis behavin well det will trip ya up! Now anytin wort doin, is wort doin well. So we return t'bhayvin again an from wot I've seen ya misb'hayve wit skill, so ya are b'havin well!
Murin had finished bathing just before the last bell. She sat patiently waiting for the promised light meal. Doctor Fitzgerald and Chanalt had come and gone. Another bell sounded, Murin’s stomach growled loudly. The doctor and her mate must have been called away. Her independent nature would not allow her to sit idly another minuet. She stood, testing her strength and her sea legs. Sure of her footing her bare feet took her to the door where the parade of people with the bathing items had entered and retreated. She opened the door into a small corridor. Seeing no one she stood for a moment getting her bearings. To her right the corridor ended in a door that, she surmised, led to the deck. Across from her an open door where much light, laughter, and the aroma of food spilled into the corridor. Murin padded across to the door. Her empty stomach as the driving force she peeked into the room. There she found the galley. In it were all manner of people laughing and sharing drink. “Parrdin mae.” Silence fell on the room as all faces turned towards the gaunt woman with damp reddish curls wearing nothing but a chemise standing in the doorway. Her courage waned momentarily but the hole in her stomach urged her on. “Missure Shan-alt mentioned requestin a light meal fer d’lady an mae.” With slight trepidation she continued “Ifin the cook could make up a tray I ken take it back t’d surgery m’self.”
Rumba, is it the one with the title "FORUM ATTANTION ( From Pyracy Pub - the Pirate F.. "?
For starters I have used arrrrrrgh as long as I have known Charlie Brown. Just something I say. As to typing in a dialect ...I try to limit it to the times when my persona (Silkie) is speaking. I also find it hard to read when others post it the same way but I like the flavor. Additionally, I change the font to distiguish these from 'normal' conversation. "Aye, tis indeed difficult t'read dis. Ifin dis is too distractin let m'know an I'll either stop er translate!" Conversation, discussion and narration is all posted in my normal poor spelling and grammar. Americaneese. Avast, don't use it much but thanks for leting me know the definition before I used it incorrectly.
I need to plan a weekend to attend ...just don't make it the same weekend as the one in MD!
Wilum, prhes y'hould-pu-som-uv-awa-fer-ater Quietly slips a few turtles into her pocket.
William, Ya surely do know d'way t'a wenches heart! Pours a cup of coffee and drops a mint melt-away or two into the steamy brew, and stirs
Tank ya fer yer kind words and d'drink lass! Kind save fer det four ledder one ...w o r k ...eeeeeew! Sorry about your back problems! If it makes you feel any less angsiety I had back surgery in 1996 for a ruptured disk have been fine ...better than before since then. Now, who else will join d'dance ...some lad t'sweep these ladies uf er feet?
Murin continued to relive those days spent with Kate while she waited. Ana’s gentle touch brought her back to the ward room. Ana, looking less exhausted, had finished her bath and it was now her turn. Murin stood and peeled off the damp and grimy shirt that landed with a mild ‘thwack’ as it hit the floor, then added the breeches and rope belt to the pile. Placing her hand on the back of the chair for balance she stepped into the barrel. The warm water stung the burnt skin but the warmth was welcome. She washed quickly but gently, unsuccessfully trying to get the dry peeling skin off without hurting the burn. The soft scent of the perfumed soap washed away many of the fears and toils of the past few weeks …she felt alive again. The thought came to her with renewed vigor, like a flash of lightning, I am FREE AGAIN! A smile that could have lit up a room brightened her tired features. I am alive! The warm soapy water seemed to be washing away more than the grime the bonds that kept her from living her life were gone also! She used the soap from head to toe; this is a new beginning, a new life! The how and the where were of no consequence that would come later. Today she could fly if she had wings! She stepped from the tub a free woman, the woman she was so many short years ago. She dried and donned the fresh shift. The comforting scent of cedar caressed her senses as the shift dropped over her head. The seams of the light linen garment scratched the burn on her shoulders but it was not so painful that she could not bear it. She padded to the door of the surgeons quarters and knocked. “Ductor Fitzgerald, We’ve finished.”
What will you end up going to jail for?
Silkie McDonough replied to Arthur Richards from Kent's topic in Beyond Pyracy
Silkie McDonough will go to jail for ... Resisting arrest while having sex I will go to jail for ... Making lewd ginger bread men and giving them to carolers at Christmas Yep, sounds about right! -
Aye, motters er a blessin indeed! Me own mum passed on last year n'I kent help hope thet ifin she ken see all I'm doin thet she duzn't care any longer! Thanks for everything Mom.
She may have slept in the chair, for in what seemed to be the next instant; she was aware of movement in the room before she opened her eyes. The room was a full of activity as the surgery ward became a private bath for the grubby women. Murin gratefully accepted the surgeon’s gift with a dry smile. She lifted the soap cake to her nose breathed in. The surgeon had no idea that this small gift was a luxury that Murin had not had in nearly three years. “Ana?” she queried. Ana’s eyes opened slowly. “Ana, we ken wersh in fresh wurm wawter” Ana looked blankly around the room as Murin moved the chair she had been sitting on beside the ‘tub’ for balance and convenience and placed the precious soap on the seat. Returning to Ana she took the Lady’s hands “Come now.” Murin coxed her to her feet and guided her to the ‘tub’. Ana moved as if asleep, yet she moved as a lady still, gliding gracefully even in this state. Murin helped the younger lady remove her tattered garments and dropped the once fine fabric to the floor. Using the chair for balance Ana stepped into the warm water. After a moment Murin handed her a soft cloth and the cake of soap. Ana managed a soft weak smile and began to wash. Murin was use to the wait. She had been waiting on far too many people for far too many years now! But, this was a different situation; Ana was not well and needed assistance. She had not been demanding or demeaning to Murin while on the island. Yes, there were times when Ana’s requests would sound like orders but after a few days Murin realized that was not the case, the lady was always quick with her gratitude. Ana was very much like the Lady of the house where Murin had been working. Misses Andrew Hodge. Mrs. Hodge, Kate to her husband, would come into the room where Murin was working and start to chat …at her to begin with. There were no other ladies at the mansion and Murin was the only lass in the house near the young mistress’s age. Mrs. Hodge eventually began conversing with Murin and had even begun to teach her to read and write. Murin had a rudimentary grasp of the written word and was able to write her name and the alphabet by the time she was sent from the house and banished to the fields. No, Ana was not a demanding master but a friend born out of extreme circumstances, as was Kate.
"Missure Shan-alt?" the name came out slowly as she tried hard to mimic the doctor’s pronunciation the foreign sounds. He looked to the young woman who spoke. "Tank ya,” she paused to swallow, “we appreciate yer kineness." The cool green eyes glinted lightly at her; his mouth softened ever so slightly. Murin speculated that was a smile. She was tiring. The reality of not having to fight to merely survive another day was finally sinking into her being. She closed her eyes.
Callenish! She throws her arms around his neck and kises him as if it has been months since their last parting. So sweet uv ya! Tis always a pleasure ta dance wit ya, n'ya know I luv t'falla yer lead!
The two were alone in the surgery ward; Ana, nearly asleep in the chair to her left. The past few hours were a whirlwind in Murin’s mind. Earlier that evening she had feared that soon Ana would not have the strength to survive many more days. She began to try to calculate the days they had been there. She did not even know the date of their departure from Barbados or the date of her escape. Summer, perhaps early July. The dates on the calendar had meant nothing to her for so long; she concluded it made little difference now. They were alive and in the care of a physician and her mate. Relieved, she sighed. Trying to swallow she was reminded of how dehydrated she was …and how thirsty Ana surely was. Looking around the room she spied a bucket and ladle hung to her right just past the door the surgeon had disappeared through. As she rose and headed for the bucket, being unaccustomed to having sword hanging from her hip, the sword caught the chair she had been occupying and toppled it behind her. As she turned to stop it Chanault entered through the door and the two collided. He moved swiftly to set the chair upright. She turned again to the water bucket and the scabbard made contact with the man’s leg. Their eyes locked briefly. Had her face not been so burnt by the sun a bright blush from her embarrassment would have been evident. “M’soorey, sur.” She began to fumble to remove the sword belt but her bad hand hindered her progress. Chanault said something in his native tongue; Murin could only stare at the man blankly. Pointing at the buckle he asked in English, “May I help?” “Please” was all she could muster. He removed the sword from her waist and laid it on the floor with their other possessions as Murin proceeded to the bucket of water. She drank deeply from the ladle then filled it again and brought it to Ana. Ana gulped it quickly and nodded her unspoken thanks to Murin. Murin reached for the ladle again but Chanault’s hand was quicker. Their eyes met again. “Let me.” was all he said. Murin took her seat as Chanault retrieved the bucket of water for the ladies …allowing a little more to be consumed. “Too much is no good” He moved the bucket from their reach and continued with his work. Murin sat quietly again watching the rain splatter in the port hole.
Well folks, I just got the word today. I will be returning to work on 5/22. This means a few things. For starters ...I have to work! Additionally I will have much less time to spend in the pub. Therefore, I need to get in as much of you Pyrates as I can in two weeks! Ray ...a round fer m'mates here. She tucks up her skirt, tightens her shoe bow, tugs her boddice straight and asks: Now, who'll be dancin wit m'tday?
lifes a beach
south side of the tree