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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Wish I could say you were wrong ...but ...::sigh::
  2. So how about a street sing? Strolling hords of pirates. We don't sing in the establishment, we walk in at the end of a song, cause a ruckus with our mear presence and numbers buy an ale, talk to the other patrons ...they will surely ask what is going on, then we walk out starting a song as we go? They get our patronage and we get exposure. Just a thought.
  3. I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken.
  4. Does this explain why he fell out of a palm tree? Come on! The man has been dead for years, his body has been so well drugged and preserved that it hasn't stopped! Maybe he won't have any lines?
  5. I have a voice but little advice. I have asked in the pub before for suggestions on popular songs of the time but got little to no response. Many of the songs that may sound period are not ...or at least I can't prove that they are. "The Fisherman's Song" by Andy Stewart of 'Silly Wizard' is not period and I think the lyrics don't fit period but if someone would volunteer to check them for me I'd appreciate that. I'll even PM them to you. DeDannan has a shantie on their CD "Hibernian Rhapsody" "Captain Jack" I like it and have learned to sing it but ..I can find no reference to it on the web and there is no history on the jacket. How does one go about researching such things? I also like "The Maid on the Shore" It is generally well received but I don't know it's history save that it is Scottish ...I think, may be English.
  6. Codpiece? Um, no codpiece contest lads ...wet breeches!
  7. Question that comes to mind on this one is "Have we subjected our friends over the sea to 'Sponge Bob Squarepants'?"
  8. Could someone tell Freebird det tI've been ere longer den em and det dis is at least the second time he's welcomed me?
  9. Natural You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen. Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people. You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find! People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast. I don't know about this but I'll take it!
  10. I'm wantin t'come but the drive back after would be narsty! Any suggestions as to where I should look to be staying?
  11. Siren! Thank ya luv! So sweet uv ya. Silkie hugs Siren before she slides behind the partition that William has erected once again around the bath, her arms ladened with the care basket and chocolates. She lights the candles and discreetly slides up to her chin into the hot water. Mmmmmmmm. Ahhhhhhhhhh. Oooooooooooo. By the sound of it one might think she is not alone! Splashing a bit she covers the surface of the water with bubbles. She places the bath pillow 'just so', dries her hands and opens the romance novel (never read one of these before) as she lays back to read. OH! Siren, are you still there? William... or somebody ...Could you be so kind as to bring me a glass of Irish cream liquor ...the good stuff ...the home made stuff!
  12. ::wide eyed:: : : : : What a beautiful place! ::heavy sigh:: I need to get out of here more often. How the heck did I end up in Jersey?!
  13. I can tell you that it involves a seal. How far from "authentic" would it be if it also involved a Celtic knot and wsn't black? ...don't much about colors. ...or is that I know TOO much about color!
  14. Your Birthdate: September 11 Spiritual and thoughtful, you tend to take a step back from the world. You're very sensitive to what's going on around you, yet you remain calm. Calm me? ...right ...allways ...yea, if you say so Although you are brilliant, That goes without saying it may take you a while to find your niche.still don't know what I want to be when/if I grow up! Your creativity is supreme, but it sometimes makes it hard for you to get things done. No, really? ...! Your strength: Your inner peace Your weakness: You get stuck in the clouds Your power color: Emerald Green has allways been my favorite color. Your power symbol: Leaf Love trees! Your power month: November
  15. William, nothing you have said has made it any easier to decide!
  16. OMG! What a beautiful box! So, Will, when is the best time of year to treck out there? ...I like the cold my guy likes the heat.
  17. Tom, I agree with William. Additionally, I suggest moving the Skull down a bit. Even though it is centered from top to bottom visually it is not. What about tilting the three cannons ...or fanning them ...or ...how about me just shutting my mouth.
  18. As a pirate you will have a full deck ...and a quarter deck!
  19. Missed Siren! Missed Dinner! Missed cholocate! Missed pie! William I work nights and all of my friends here are asleep when I am at work, at work when I am asleep and many are three hours behind me when I am awake! I need a special meal and lots of chocolate and many hugs if you gots em!
  20. The two finish their dance without running into too many others. Silkie pours Matt into a chair and falls on one as they finish. Ray! Ale! She swallows hard between heavy breathing. WAIT! That didn't come out right! Tank ya luv! Twas grand! The DANCE! Get your minds out of the gutter!
  21. Nil a complaint lad! Except that I can't feel your virtual embrace!
  22. Matt may be drunk but not so much that he is stumbling, just enough to relax him enough and let him enjoy the closeness that the dance brings. The two dance around the pub darting between patrons, tables and chairs. Matt holds the lass tightly. Silkie, in turn tries to determine if he keeps her close for the sheer enjoyment of her form against his or because he is afraid to fall from the ride!
  23. Have a friend who use to work for Comcast installing. If you wish to be, be very picky about the instilation and the holes ...it is a pain but they are use to the requests. I on the other hand have cable coming in the front of thr basement to where the TV sits on the first floor, running through the basement out the back up to the second floor to the room where the computer first was, then through that room and the closet to the room where the computer now sits. (I drilled the hole through the back of the closet for that one!) :)
  24. Can't answer that one for you. (Yea, I know, you're asking "then why's she posting.") Anyway, I never had a hard phone line so when I was given the computer Comcast cost less and I could allways use the antena service for TV. Verizon was too expensive to install. So far I have had good luck with the service, Comcast works well. Now I just need to get the computer to work well!
  25. Sorry about that Morgan. Guess I still have an authenticity burr stuck in my boot. Point taken.
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