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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Silkie enters from the back room carrying a rhum cake singing "Happy Birthday" and the others at Kate's join in. Not a candle is to be seen. Once the baked treat is set infront of Lady Snow Silkie takes fire to its surface, it burns for a breif moment and then is snuffed out before it can burn the cake creating a tastey carmalized crust. You have been far to long away m'Lady!
  2. Robbie! Have a look here. No sense in cluttering up the lasses tred wit chatterin buot m'name n'its origains. Ya may find dis an interestin read Part the and Me or not ...no, tis not my writin. Silkie wuz ner used wit the likes uv dees pyrates. Siren and mermaid were taken on dis here pub so ...Silkie, Sealkie, Silky ...how'er ya spell it ...it works fer mae! Ya may also be interested in knowin det the name Silkie was given t'mae by a dear friend who loves m'voice ...tis silky smooth, and he seems t'be convinced I could lure sailors t'deir doom wit a song er a whim! Aditionally we've nil touched m'silky smooth skin!
  3. I'm makin a point to say "Welcome" to the new members that I have missed in the past month or so ...so Welcome back Lad!
  4. Murin and Nathan began to stroll the weather deck again. Before he had answered her question they rounded to the larboard and La Blanquilla lay before them brilliant in the noonday sun. Murin paused, mixed emotions surfaced as she gazed upon the white hot sands of the tiny islet. It was beautiful to behold the white sands and blue water, cacti clinging to the ground and palm swaying in the strong breeze, the water lapping at the rocks and sand of her shores. It was picturesque. It was the islet that saved her from Manannan’s* anger. She sighed as she remembered the brave gentleman who saved her life who they had buried there and the recent passage of her friend Ana not yet sent to her grave. The past two days Murin had managed to keep her mind focused on other matters but now she was faced with the days spent with Ana. She was sad for the loss but not as distraught as one would have thought from her behavior the other day. She had rested since and now had a new life to face. She knew little of the lady after the few weeks they had spent together. Only that she was headed to England to marry her betrothed. Murin recalled his picture in locket that Ana had kept hidden from her for many days revealing it to Murin only days before their rescue. What had happened to it? She should tell Captain Brand or Mister Lasseter before they disposed of her remains. Her family would be looking for her. The locket may be of some use. If the locket were not on Ana’s person it could be tucked away in the cave that they were residing in, although Murin couldn’t imagine the lady leaving it behind. The bright red waist coat she used to signal the ship was in that cave also. The fabric was fine brocade. She could adjust it to fit her or perhaps someone onboard could use it as it is. There was something cold about the practicality of her thoughts. Something that made her feel less than reverent for the lives lost. She looked to Nathan hopefully anticipating any answer that would divert her attention. If he had answered previously she missed it while in thought. *Irish god of the sea.
  5. ^What she said. Besides, any knowledge is a treasure ...and what do pirates desire/have/bury/steal? TREASURE!
  6. Didn't cook. Seldom do. A friend took me to a Nouvelle Indian place ...FANTASTIC! They even found a way to make spinich crispy! Okay, they made it unhealthy also by frying it but it was worth it! Well worth it being a relative term ...I didn't pay.
  7. Murin closed her eyes slowly as she broke from his gaze. Her lips pulled back at the corners to form a soft smile. She looked back at Nathan with a playful spark in her eye. "Now lad tis not tet I ner' been on a ship. I worked with a fishing fleet fer most o'mae life buot I worked as a mender of nets and sails. D'basics I've got" She taps her temple. "Tis the workin o'a ship tet I've need to learn." Before Nathan has an opportunity to reply she added, "Besides, wot makes ye an expert after havin' been on the Watch Dog fer such a short while and most o'tet time spent in the surgery?" Her smile broadened and the sparkle in her eye danced at him as the curve of her eyebrow raised in question.
  8. I work customer service at a bank ...think they will let me have some fun that night? "Arrrrgh, wot ya wont yer balance fer? Ya wont coin t'be spendin ya simply use yer cutlass n'take it!" Ain't gonna fly!
  9. As they headed onto the main deck Murin had nearly run into the Quartermaster who politely acknowledged them. She offered a polite curtsy and quickly removed herself from the officers path. Nathan and Mister Lasseter made eye contact sharing the same silent question then Nathan knuckled his forehead and awkwardly followed the lass. Once the two were at the rail and could not be overheard Nathan quietly asked. "Murin, why did you not stop to speak with the Quartermaster? I am sure that you would have much to talk about both being Celts" The lass stared at him blankly. "He's n'offcer, he's nil d'time fer d'likes of mae. Twas pleased det he took time t'exchange greetins wit'us." Nathan smiled sympathetically and gently tucked a stray curl that had swept across the soft blush of her cheek behind her ear. "You think too little of yourself lass. You are, as you yourself were quick to point out only moments ago, a member of this crew. Mister Lasseter is the officer that you must make your needs known to. He is the man who distributes rations, powder, work, prize and punishment. He is the person who will see that you have the equipment and supplies to do your work, and rest and relaxation as needed. Mostly, he is a good man, a fair man ...a friendly man" Nathan winked at her and smiled. She sheepishly looked to the floor and said nothing. Nathan let her wade through her thoughts for only a moment. "Murin." he paused until she looked up at him, her eyes a dry moss color in the bright sunlight. Looking around the deck he said, "Look at the members of this crew, really look." Begrudgingly she began to scan the deck. A powder monkey sat straddling the cannon nearby as he cleaned it. The men in the crows nest on watch joined the song with those below. The Moore scrubbing the deck side by side with the other women and men of the crew. The French man, Chanault gazed sedately over the waters as a cat who tastes the air in anticipation of it's next adventure. Captain Brand, dignified and strong as he departed the forecastle deck. After Nathan was sure the lass had complied and noted the crew he continued, "There is not one among us that is lesser than the other. Each has their own set of skills, their own background and their own reason for being here but all are equal in worth on this ship. You, lovely lady, are no exception." His sincerity could be seen clearly in his eyes and Murin was grateful for his support. He was right, she knew it, deep down she had once believed it. Today she would make herself accept that reality again.
  10. I own a bodhran and have taken some lessons but I have no practice at all. I may bring my drum but don't expect much as far as my playing is concerned.
  11. Will Rosie, Izzi and the other sibling survive the fall? Will Elvira be able to survive the daylight? Will Inigo ever post again? Will Jacky get carpal tunnel syndrom from so much typing? Tune in tomorrow (or later today) for the answers on: "Pyrates of the Slapstick Humor" or "Pyrates of the Drunken Sooper" or "As the Pub Burns" or "Sheep Montoya" or ...
  12. Okay, so looking at the responses in the MDRF thread more of them will be there on Saturday so now I'm thinking I'll do MDRF on 9/23 and PARF on 9/24 what say those of you who are attending both? ...Is anyone else attending both?
  13. Murin stood chatting with Nathan while the off duty crew members were taken in small groups below deck. As Mister Pew Came towards the two of them she stepped back so that those who were to collect their share could easily pass by. When Mister Pew pointed directly at her as one of the next group she was not sure what to say. "Tank ya Mista Pew buot I've nil been on d'crew more den a day." "You are on the roster, you get your share" Murin stood as if frozen, her maw agape. Nathan's smile broadened his dark eyes danced at her surprise and he laughed out loud. "Lass you're part of the crew now accept it" Pew smiled, lifted an eyebrow and continued to choose the others to advance to the ward room. Once in the ward room and standing in front of Mister Lasseter Murin felt small and unsure again. "Name" "MEER-een Micdunna" Mister Lasseter looked up from his books, a friendly smile on his face. "Aye lass. Heard ya signed on as our new sail maker and tailor. A fortuitous find ye were." She smiled weakly. "Twas certainly so fer mae" Mister Lasseter's smile broadened as he looked back at his books counted out her share and slid the coin across the table to her. She looked at the stacks of coin that had been passed to her, a fortune really. Never had she thought to have the opportunity to own so much wealth. She felt as though she should object that there had been a mistake but such a mistake would not have gone unchecked. "Tank ya." Mister Lasseter then asked her to make her mark, this she would gladly do. Her time spent with the Mistress Hodge had been well spent. Not simply for the company but for the knowledge and skills she had accumulated over the nearly two years. Murin accepted the quill from the man and signed her name. It was not a pretty signature, she was not well practiced at it but she knew her letters and knew which ones to use for her name ...HER name, the only thing she truly owned until this moment. When finished with the scribble she returned the quill to a startled Quartermaster deposited part of her allotment of coins into her injured hand and carried what remained with the other since she had no pouch. She offered a curtsy to the Quartermaster and turned to leave but the coins that she had perched in her left hand spilled to the floor before she reached the door rolling in every direction. Had she not been facing opposite him the officer would have seen the shades of scarlet change on her face. She gasped at her clumsiness and dropped to her knees to gather the scattered coins. She pulled out the front tail of her shirt and made a cradle to place the coins in and began depositing the scattered coins there. She was too embarrassed to try to count what she barely felt entitled to in the first place to check that they had all been accounted for. Once she had what she could find Mister Lasseter helped her to her feet and deposited the coins he had gathered into her shirt tail with the others. She could not tell if she read sympathy or amusement in his gaze, again she blushed. "Tank ya surr." She curtsied again, opened the door and made her exit. Once outside the door Mister Franklin smiled at her and Nathan grinned broadly as each deposited a few more coins into her shirt tail. "Rolled under the door." Nathan winked. She rolled her eyes and began to laugh. What else was there to do? In two days she had found freedom, a home, kindred spirits, and amassed more wealth than she ever imagined. Her laughter was a sound she had long forgotten the sound made her laugh all the harder. Nathan joined in and they continued to laugh and jibe at each other until they reached the surgery ward door. Murin's 'quarters' for now. "I've need uv sometin t'carry deeze in." She lifted her shirt tail causing the coins to jingle. The two entered the surgery. The surgeons mate was about his work and looked to the door as the two entered. "Mon-shure Sahn-alt" Murin greeted him with a smile. "I have coin in my purse," she again jingled the coin in her shirt and giggled, "I would be honored ifin yed let me buy you drynk uv yer choice once in Martinique." Neither Nathan nor Chanault seemed to have a reaction to this invitation save to share a glance. Murin rolled her eyes and laughed again as she deposited her fortune next to her belongings. "Gentlemen, ya seem to b'fergetten, I am now a crew member and not a lady t'b'waited on. I share in yer forchins n'misforchins and I simply wish to show m'graditude t'd'good doctor fer services rendered. Chanault nodded his head towards the lass and answered in the thick accent of his native tongue. "It would be my pleasure." Murin moved her belongings aside until she reached the tattered shirt that lay beneath. "Natan lad, would ya b'so kind as t' tear me a square from dis'er shirt. Enuf t'tie m'coin in and then tie t'mae belt?" indicating the rope that now held her pants at her hips. She snickered at her own joke. Nathan obliged but tore two squares feeling a double layer would be needed for the weight, and soon the makeshift pouch was hanging from her 'belt' dangling nearly to her knee. "Dars got t'b' a betta way." With her permission Nathan removed the sword and sheath from the belt and secured that around the lass' waist then attached the new 'pouch' securely to the belt. As an extra precaution Murin moved the makeshift pouch to her side, flipped it over the belt and into the breeches. She jingled a bit when she walked, the weight was somewhat uncomfortable and the bulk bothersome but until she had a better solution this would do. "Now lad,” She looked to Nathan, "shall we join d'oters?"
  14. Callinish, kisses are traded evenly are they not? So I happly have my new toys. Look familiar? I will someday take my own photos but for now these will do. The cutlass has a sheath of leather and brass. I need a belt to hold it now! As to the Murdock I now need to decide what to have etched onto that medallion. I am thinking my 'seal'. Hmmmm.... decisions decisions. This is my arsenal ...a bit weak but mine none the less. I have also a pocket knife that was gifted to me that is not shown and am awaiting a dagger or belt knife. Now if you want to count my kitchen cutlery there would be more but still not very impressive.
  15. A new member wanted to read this and bumping it was the easiest way to get them here.
  16. Seen something similar using a nipple pericing (ouch!) ...would that work for you?
  17. tink m'in luv! How perfect! :)
  18. Silkie, noticing that Matts eye has been caught by another lass leans back, bends her knee, places her foot firmly on his chest and pushes him hard into the nearest crowd of pub patrons. Stall m'tred will ya! She laughs as she uses the hem of her skirt to wipe the cherry juice from her neck and chest. Lifting a lemon wedge from behind the bar she takes the fruit into her mouth and follows it with a swig of rum. Makes a face as if having just heard the loudest flatest note a person could utter. Works better with Tiquilla Tosses what is left of the lemon wedge towards Jacky Tar hoping he will catch it Jacky luv. Care fer some lemon maid?
  19. The music and dance last night was a welcome celebration of her new found freedom although she had not participated. She felt unsure of her place here on the Watch Dog so she limited herself to watching and listening and kept hidden in the shadows on deck. The night was young when she slipped silently into the surgery. Mooney and Bly had been released from the doctor’s care so she had the ward to herself. A knock at the ward door startled her before she was three steps from the entrance. Nathan Bly came to inquire why she had been hiding in the shadows and why in heavens name was she retiring so soon. She smiled sheepishly back at the man and mumbled something about not feeling part of the crew. That she was sure that most of the crew saw her as a passenger and figured she would soon be gone. Nathan understood, he was new on the Watch Dog and had yet to find his place onboard. The music and laughter continued outside while the two chatted into the night, somehow neither ever seemed to be at a loss for words when together. As the night wore on, and the conversation fell into a comfortable silence the music slowed and Murin found herself wishing that they were on deck so Nathan could ask her to dance. He excused himself at the second bell of the middle watch and exited to the deck. She closed the door behind him, turned and leaned against the door smiling. When the next tune started she allowed herself to dance to her cot in the dark of the ward. It had been three long years since she had been allowed to enjoy life. The tune ended, she hugged herself, rolled over pulling the blanket to her chin and fell asleep listening to the crew’s serenade. This morning Murin paced the length of the surgery ward feeling like a wild animal kept too long in a cage. She was to be the Sail maker/Tailor once her hand was up to the work but the surgeon would not release her to duty. Surely she could make herself useful somehow. She looked down at the chemise. “Not in this.” It was comfortable but not practical. The clothing that she had when she arrived on board had been laundered and left with her ‘belongings’. She donned what she had tucking the long shirt into the large breeches and using the length of rope to tie the waist again. She left the large boots where they lay. Again she walked to the port hole and gazed impatiently at the start of the day. A knock at the door drew her back inside the ward and she let the porthole shut lightly. “Aye?” The door opened and Nathan entered his smile reflecting his surprise at her appearance in baggy shirt and too lorge breeches. “Tis nil wot a lady would wear but, wot lady would work on a ship as a privateer?” His eyes twinkled as he laughed with her. At that the ships bell rang the eighth bell of the morning watch. Within the next breath the Quartermasters voice was heard calling “all hands on deck”. Nathan offered Murin his arm. She lightly placed her hand on the offered forearm smiled and shook her head no. She was not a lady to be cared for any longer, she was soon to be an able bodied seaman and knew that she would need to prove her value among the others on board, even to Nathan.
  20. I have sisters who are twins and both claim the same thing ...I will never tell them which I think is the prettiest ...of course it is a mute point when I am present!
  21. I agree but since my wishes will not happen magically I can wish all I want. Mine can come true but I must be proactive in them. At that point they are no longer wishes and then become goals ...except for the perfect health one ...I'll never get 100% of the cartledge in my knee back. I may never get rid of the arthritus in my hands.
  22. Jack, truly lovely that there is so little that you wish for. You must indeed be a happy man. For me? Like Pete, enough money. For me enough would be for security. Just enough to keep a roof over my head and keep me and a loved one or two fed. Then I would have no fear of venturing into the world to seek what my talents could bring me. What I could make on stage, whatever stage, however small. I would love to be a busker at fests and fairs. To sell my artwork and share those talents also. Then i hope I would be contented with that income for the gravy. Perfect health again with the body that I would have had if I had taken care of this one. Including but not exclusive to the following: weight, knees, hands, feet. Drive. I want to be one of those people who "just do it" describes. So many ideas have gone unexicuted because I have put them off. I hate being a procrastinator!
  23. I lkie the idea of red and orange. THere is matalic fabric out there that is different colors for different directions. I'm thinking a color fade from a deep red to orange. Red at the tip of the tail to orange at the top. Why not simply have the fin and scales blend to a strapless boddice? I also like Jack's idea of using a coat and a hat! Undoubtedly from a captain that you called to the sea. I'm seeing the coloration on a betta also blue to red. I also have visions of the koi from Fantasia ...scarves and all ...so many choices and only one Kendra!
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