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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. FOr those of you hoping to attend bothe the PA and the MD I am thinking I will attend PA on 9/23 and MD on 9/24. Anyone else looking to do both?
  2. FOr those of you hoping to attend bothe the PA and the MD I am thinking I will attend PA on 9/23 and MD on 9/24. Anyone else looking to do both?
  3. I just had my first hot shower since Thursday! Spent the weekend plus at the Philadelphia Folk Festival.
  4. Hmm ...that is another one off the list of reasons to go ...drat! No William, no Matt. Question mark beside Merry's name. Eyes the list as it gets shorter. Who's in?
  5. My apologies. I did not mean to offend I simply wanted to join. Clearly my humor dose not translate well in this forum so I will kindly bow out for now. If anyone wants to use Teady feel free. In fact, if you want I'll give you the password and you can have her. I offer her up to the gods of this thread. I am sorry that Rosie thought I was talking about her entrance and describing her on my introduction of Teady. I don't know where my wording failed. If someone wishes to PM me an explanation of where I failed I would appreciate it. I did not intend to be a moderator. I would not want the job. I have not the temperament for it and I know it. Sterling, My post about the location of the boat was taken from Jackys cue. I was wondering how he didn't know but I figured I would follow along.
  6. So at 5'5" I'm tall? Well 5' 4 3/4"
  7. CUT ! Okay ...the last thing this thread needs is a director ...would ruin all the fun. However there is one rule that I think we should follow. We don't "puppet" anyone else's character without permission from that individual. Pepe, peons, Ray, the inquisiton staff etc. you can puppet they are Non-player characters. Anyone who is a player character ...Inigo, Rosie, Teady(because she is mine ...I just created a sign on ID for her), Joaqin, Jacky, Sterling, Sirene, etc. you can not puppet. Any one disagrees ...well that is just plain inconsiderate. annnnnnnnd ACTION!
  8. As Jacky rounds the corner after his encounter with Siren he does not see Joaquin. Feathers and churro's are scattered on the ground. A trail of each leads in two directions.
  9. Aye ...deet!
  10. Aye, was there ONCE ...MANY years ago, when I lived west of the east coast. Hmmm, perhaps some day I should return.
  11. Callinish, is one of them murdocks the one yer sellin t'me? Oooooooh ...look at the pretty cutlass' which one is mine ....and a knife ...and ...hmmm ...why do I suspect that the next time I see you I I will find my money pouch nearly empty?
  12. Rum Fiddle and a pirate who plays one Concertina and a pirate who plays one Drum and a pirate who plays one Food and a pirate who cooks Ship and a pirate who ....OWNS one.
  13. "Inigo! Jou no recognize me? So sweet of jou! Jes my weight loss hass been treemendous! Papa paid for deal-a-meal and I spend hours at the geem, weight training and cardio ...n'jes Rosie pilaties does do wonders for the tushie." She slaps her hand on her own tight tush. "Now Inigo my pequeño primo. Imagine me a bit rounder" She puffs out her cheeks "No?" "I am Agustina Camelia Teodora Esmeralda Narcisa .............. Montoya, but jou always call me Teddy" Inigo's jaw drops. "Jes, jour cusssin!" She smiles broadly "Now, Rosie, who said anything about romance? We are not keesin cussins! ...My little cusssin needs help wit hees dream of hunting pirates ...he belived in me all the years I waddled around Spain ...I am here to support heem!" She places her fists on her perfect little hips in defiance of anyone who would stop her 'pequeño primo'. "Hey, Inigo ...Jou no seem so little no more! ...have jou grown?"
  14. um... I wasn't describing you ...and certainly not me. Additionally I don't read romance novels. I confess to having watched a few soap operas in my lifetime ...I just wanted to play without creating a new log in name. Believe me, I am a good friend of Inigo's ....well the person who is Inigo. Helped them develop the character ...I love what they have done with this thread. I was describing: Agustina Camelia Teodora Esmeralda Narcisa Lastnametobedetermined Do you read your PM's Rosie?
  15. Again, some of us are planning to do PA one day and MD another. Hmmmm, which to do first ......?
  16. you want soap opera ...you got it. Horses are heard riding towards the pub door. They rear to a halt outside the door one rider tosses the reins of the steed to the other rider and swiftly dismounts, and comes to the pub entrance in a cloud of dust. Which is strange because Rosarita came in from the rain just moments ago. The silhouette of a perfect female form, The fringe dangling from her wide brimmed hat is the only movement in the pub, other than the dust that settles at her booted feet. She steps into the dim light of the pub, removes her kid leather riding gloves and her hat and hands them to a nearby pirate. Her raven locks tumble past her soft shoulders, past her waist, past her perky little tush, past her firm thighs, past her shapely knees, ...and bounce lightly as they reach their full length just below the tops of her boots. Nothing is said as her smoldering dark eyes locks with Inigo's through long, thick lashes. The world around them fades as Santana's "Samba Pa Ti" begins to play. She wraps her arms around him and places her full ruby lips softly to his cheek. She breaths "Inigo" into his ear "I hear you may be in danger"
  17. Several hours had passed since Murin had agreed to accept the position as tailor sail maker. She had hoped to talk to Tudor but after the captain had left she had need to finish her notations so Murin simply admired the wealth laid out on the table. Tudor, seeing Murin starring at the table surface offered a quick "Was found yesterday, part of the goods that the captain mentioned to be divided amongst the crew." Murin tried to mask the question that leapt to the forefront of her mind, "Am I to share in this?" She immediately dismissed that thought; she had just joined the crew and had done nothing to deserve a share. As Miss Smith finished her work she was called to join the landing party. She gently ushered Murin out of the ward room, latched the door and the two walked quickly through the hallway towards the deck past the galley to the surgery and parted company there. Murin stood at the surgery door for a moment and watched Miss Smith exit onto the deck, paused again lost in thought then absent mindedly entered the room that she had been occupying for going on three days now. Neither the doctor nor her mate was present. Murin was hoping to have her hand examined it was still throbbing and her fingers were a bit swollen yet but she wanted to make herself useful to the crew as soon as possible. Mooney, looking much better, and Bly sat at the table discussing the crew’s new found fortune but hushed as she entered the room. Nathan rose as she closed the door behind her and approached the two. Paul felt obliged to followed suit. Murin, a bit surprised by the courtesy shown after spending so much time being ignored by the Hodge's, dumbly curtsied to the gentlemen. Nathan politely introduced Murin and Paul who held out his hand and the two shook in greeting. “Yer lookin mouch betta den when ya furst come in yesterdey” Murin flashed a smiled at Mooney. “Aye, feeling better too.” Mooney gave a knowing glance to Bly. Paul took his seat as Nathan pulled out a chair and offered the lass the seat. “Tank ya Mista Bly,” Murin, not longer use to being treated with such respect, blushed lightly as she seated herself in the the chair offered. An awkward silence fell over the room as the men could think of nothing more to discuss than their new found wealth. Guessing this, the lass made sport of it . “N’wot has ya feelin so fine so quickly Mista Mooney?” Mooney shared an uneasy glance with Bly. “The good doctor’s care.” An unnatural tight laugh was accompanied by a furrow in his brow. Pleased, Murin continued the corners of her mouth turned up ever so slightly, "Been an awful lot o'comotion dese last few days wit our bein rescued n'mister Lasseter bein' lost, an who knows wot else." "Aye, it has." Paul shifted tensely. She paused. When neither man offered up conversation she smiled softly and said, “Tis amazing wot clear weather …n’a pretty treasure like wot was brought on board yesterday can do fer ones health n’disposition.” Both men raised eyebrows. “Wot er ya surprised bout? Det I know of d’treasure on this ship er d’fact det I seen it?” She did not have to pause for a response, “Seen it?” they asked nearly in unison. “Aye, d'capin jest invited m’inta d’ward fer a personal meetin on d’matter at hand.” Mooney balked while Nathan, noting the devilish grin on her face and the twinkle in her eye probed further ”An audience with the captain ...on what matter?” Murin’s eyes danced as she smiled broadly and declared that she would soon be the ships sail maker and tailor. “Good tidings!” exclaimed Nathan as he took her hand in both of his. “This here crew is bein gathered from the most unlikely places. Pluckin them out’a the sea and the sand! Glad t’have ya aboard Miss!” Mooney again offered his hand. The three continued to chat about the fortune located. They also discussed the Apollo and the plans to salvage what they could. Murin kept clear of how she came to be aboard the Apollo. She felt no shame at having been a stowaway but found safety in the the notion that she was in Ana’s service and now was in need of a job. The morning passed pleasantly as the men discussed what they would do with what they had earned and how much each crew member would receive. Murin described what she had seen in on the ward room table and the morning passed rapidly. The men asked what sailing experience she had. Her sheepish reply was little on a fishing vessel. She was accustomed to mending nets and sails, and working the nets and fishing lines onboard. The sailing was handled by the sailors. Casually she mentioned the need to learn the duties of the able seamen. At that the two began to instruct the lass, on the ship’s rigging, …sails …guns …Murin had to ask them to stop her head swimming with far too much new information. She would be fine once she was able to learn hands on.
  18. No, you're not the only one. I have a friend, we'll call her C., who practically went into mourning when Enterprise was cancelled. I liked it. yes it needed some development but I liked that too, watching it progress. Aditionally I have been a fan of Scott Bacula's for MANY years ...MANY MANY years. I was disappointed when it was canceled the characters were getting well developed and we were cut off ...oh well. I'll live ...or something like that.
  19. Watermellon ...for breakfast.
  20. PYRATE ....spelled that way. I grew up in Pittsburgh, seeing PIRATE spelled that way ...yep, you got it ...I think baseball, and I'm not even a fan ...of any sport.
  21. I think it can be packed in your checked luggage. BTW Bunny... WELCOME BACK!
  22. absolutely awesome
  23. Also, a good portion of this leather that I have acquired is teal suede ....any suggestions on what to do with that? I can make a bodice but I don't need two or three the same color and ...teal may not be historically correct. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you for sharing your thread Mister Nash. As a pirate I have discovered that it is easier to get forgiveness than permission. :)
  24. Julius, If you offering to share I have some leather that is looking for a project or two and a baldric would be a good one to start with. Could you PM me that pattern also ...it may take a while to get to it but I would appreciate the help.
  25. Ummmmm... Bunny... It isn't Callinish or his handsome son that you need worry bout snoring ...tis me! Do not fear ...I always have a ample supply of ear plugs with me if it gets too bad! You think I'm joaking? Now, find me a lad t snuggle against and the snoring will be less ...or is that the sleep will be less!
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