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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. You are 13% Scorpio I fail as a Scorpio! You are 67% Virgo, for someone born early in September I'm not too good at being a Virgo either. ...change one answer and I'm a little better at it! You are 73% Virgo So, for the fun of it I tried Gemini ...I'm almost as good at Gemini as Virgo! You are 60% Gemini I could go on ...but I won't. Well, I wouldn't admit it if I did.
  2. Surgery Ward As Nathan guided her to the other end of the ward Murin thought about the shambles of her life, growing up under British rule, suffering simply because her family was Catholic, restricted by penal laws that stripped her clan of their lively hoods. Her father, denied his trade by the British died in prison for non payment of debt. Her mother, a midwife, struggled to provide for Murin and her brother Fionn. Murin, Aidan (her betrothed) and Fionn along with many others began protesting against the penal laws that stripped Irish, Catholics in particular, of nearly every dignity. The first few gatherings were considered the as little more than a nuisance but each time they would come back with more support. Land owners were starting to complain and commerce was suffering. The British guard arrived to put down the protest. Force was used; the rebels defended themselves but were no match for the armed guards. Aiden had lifted a sword from an officer and in the scuffle killed a soldier. For this he was hanged. Murin was sent to Barbados as punishment for her involvement. She had stabbed the guard who was kicking Fionn as he lie on the ground bleeding, she knew not her brothers fate. She hoped that her mother still lived. Yes, she had a strong disdain for the British. Nathan and Murin stood quietly in the far corner of the room for a few moments as her thoughts continued and her misery was magnified. She looked to Nathan to find some comfort. "She was a fine British lady, I have no doubt." He reassured her. She recoiled from him. "Fine? British!" His bright red coat mocked her pain. "Two words were ner' so contrary!" He was a British subject, loyal to the King and country that had persecuted her people for so many years. He was one of them, the enemy! The reason she now stood alone in waters so far away from home! When she faced him again her expression was distorted with rage. The mourning lass was now a woman enraged by the suffering inflicted upon her people. "Damn Brits!" She attacked Nathan full force her fist pounding at his chest. "Ya villains!" The force nearly set him off balance. "Ya di'dis t'm'people!" Her voice rose through the sobs and tears, "T'me!" She continued to thrash at him, unaware of the pain in her left hand "You and yer King!" She shrieked. Nathan grabbed hold of her wrists and held fast against her assault. "Wot gives ya d'right?" she wailed, "Wot reason d'ja ave?" She exerted what little strength she had left fighting for release. He pulled her close restraining her in an unyielding embrace. "Why?" She cried her final question spoken close to his chest, her sobs and rage ebbing. She stood weeping, her strength waning, barely able to stand. He held her, knowing there was nothing he could do to calm her. Knowing the woman was emotionally and physically spent, that the attack was not on him but on what he represented to her. He rocked her gently as he would a child. Her cries subsided to a barely audible whimper. Her despair weighed down upon her. She did not attempt to move from him, why would she? Where was she to go?
  3. Surgery Ward Murin heard the door open and the commotion beyond blew in with the wind. Someone strode up behind her. She knew it was Nathan. She did not look up or let Ana's hand drop. She just sat, still, Ana's hand in her right hand, her left softly stroking the back of the ladies hand the tears flowing. Gone; her father, mother, fiancé, friends, home, country ...all gone from her. Everything stripped away. Her dignity battered and bruised. Ana too was gone now. Nathan stood silently behind Murin his strong hands resting on her shoulders offering what comfort he could. He could feel her shoulders shudder punctuating each silent sob. His heart ached to see the young woman in such pain. The ladies must have been very close, Murin had perhaps been in the service of the lady for some time and her loss was great. He could not know that the two had only met the day the ship had wrecked. Nor could he have known what brought them to the cluster of small islands. She laid the ladies hand across her stomach, took the beautiful lace edged square of fabric to her eyes and finally allowed herself to grieve for her many losses. The past three years of loss and torment had suddenly burst forth. Nathan helped Murin to her feet thinking it best to remove her from Ana's side. Perhaps some distance would be better for the lass. She walked without objection, the kerchief dabbing her red swollen eyes. His arm tight around her shoulder guiding her to the far side of the room. There was no place on the ship that would offer her any more privacy than the surgery.
  4. 46% You're soooo close...if you would spend some extra time investigating Taoist thought and practicing arts such as yoga or taiji, you might discover the hidden Taoist in you! Surprised the heck out of me! Especialy since I have no clue about this topic. I do own a copy of "The Tao of Pooh". Never read it. Got it from a friend. Perhaps I should open it. :)
  5. Nathan held the door as Murin entered the surgery. Something seemed different in the room though she he could pinpoint the change. The two who were resting there lay quietly on their cot's. The lights were no longer lit in the room, perhaps that was it. Nathan headed to the seats they had occupied earlier as Murin went to check on the other, less able patients. Her mother had taught her much of the knowledge of a midwife. She knew at least enough to be able to keep these two comfortable. Mooney, rested well, his breathing deep as one in slumber . She placed her fingers on his forehead. Whatever aliment had gripped him earlier had at least subsided enough to allow him slumber. As she approached Ana the uneasy feeling that she had when they had entered the room found it's source. Ana had stopped breathing. Murin gasped. In her brief absence from the ladies presence Ana had passed from this life. For the second day in a row Murin let tears trickle from her eyes. She looked up at Nathan who had come to her side. He gently put his arm around her shoulders offering her what little comfort he could. Murin stood with him briefly her mind racing with far too many thoughts to keep them ordered. She swallowed hard, wiped her eyes yet again with the delicate handkerchief that the surgeons mate had loaned her and stepped from Nathans comforting embrace. No words were spoken as Murin moved to her friends side and Nathan headed out the door to notify the others. Murin sat in the stiff chair at Ana's bed side and took the ladies hand, still warm from the life recently passed. She spent the last day denying that the delicate woman could perish but she now knew the reality of such fears. She did not sob, this was just one more in a series of losses Murin had suffered over the past few years. Somehow she had survived while her life had crumbled. She did not mourn for Ana but for herself, alone once again.
  6. Murin and Nathan had conversed idly about the WatchDog and her exploration in these waters. She had surmised by now that the crew was not British but a strange mix, others like herself, men and women in need of something that they could not, or had not found on the land or perhaps avoiding someone or something. It calmed her fears to see that the crew contained many women. The tales of what could happen to a woman on a ship of privateers had tugged at the corners of her mind when she first arrived on board were now washed away in the waters of the oncoming tide. She peered at the shore as they talked. The tide, how swiftly it comes in and washes away much of the days toils. The commotion on land started before it reached the decks of the WatchDog. Murin felt the tension in the air before she knew its source. She looked to the land, as did everyone on ship who could, as the names of those on shore were called and counted. Murmurs of "Mister Lasseter!" rolled quietly through the crew. The Celt who had greeted her on the sands only a day earlier lost to the tides! The man who she envisioned when she thought of their rescue. A large lump formed in her throat as the Captains command thundered overhead. She and her companion thought it best to remove themselves from the deck.
  7. As someone who has experience trying to make something out of nothing with nothing all I have to say ...can't be done. You can mimic the look but not have it even close to accurate. There is a BIG difference between what you can get away with on stage and what you can/want to use for reinacting. You can find things that are 'close' but need alterations but if you are good enough to alter something why not just make them? If you are remotely serious about doing this you will save yourself money in the long run and if you are not ...you can probably sell what you have made. Goodwill purchases will just need to be re-donated (unless your alterations are FANTASTIC). Now, if you are set on mimicking from goodwill etc. My suggestion is find lots of photos and keep looking through the racks. You may be better off looking at vintage shops. Long vest were in style a good 15 years or so ago. Look in the woman's section for a waistcoat. Unless you are sure of the print pattern go with solids. "Puffy shirts" can be found. Problematic in that they are usually bright colors (womans section also) and usually made of a blend so they are generally colorfast. Again, not accurate but ...good enough for a start. Slacks can be cut or altered and when you wear the shirt out no one can see the zipper/elastic ...for the most part. The boot/shoe debate is ongoing. Again, look at pictures (many provided in "Captain Twill". You can find shoes that will 'pass' at thrift stores. It is easier for women because the skirts cover them. Rope sandals seem to be the least expensive route to go authentic. Even after giving this advice I say make your garb. Remember, look at "Captain Twill" threads here at the pub!
  8. Well, I wanted to do the Baltimore thing but this is closer. Could you send me the details?
  9. Okay, here is the rundown. I really want to attend this event but I have NO budget. Called and they do have a ticket I can purchase. It is a 2 hour drive and I know I won't be able to drive back afterwards. All I need is a place to put my air mattress. I even have a tent if you have a back yard! I can't find any camp grounds in the area ...yet. PM me if you have any leads for me.
  10. I spend MUCH less time here than i did when i was on medical leave. Now if I am lucky I get an hour a day ...if that. I do read posts at work but I don't want big brother at work to come down on me so I read there and write my responses in an email that I send to my home address. Then when/if I have the chance I post my responses! Yea, pretty sad ...I know. Just love it here. Lots of info and lots of fun and a few weirdos to make it interesting.
  11. Two weeks in the tub ...I think I'm clean! Art hu? I really need to get myself motivated! Sooooooo many things that need to be done and I procrastinate on EVERY one of them. I need some serious rewiring!
  12. The man you love agrees that being late for work that morning is a good idea.
  13. They don't want my blood ...something about being in England for more than three months in the early 90's and mad cow's. But I can help hand out cookies and juice!
  14. Murin giggled at the antics of the two men in red until the captains voice boomed down upon them. He kindly tipped his hat to her but she felt guilt in having participated in the behavior that led to Nathan's admonishment, her attentions were quickly directed to the deck beneath her feet. The doctors blithe words cut through the brief tension. Murin looked to the slight but strong woman in front of her, her brow furrowed in response to the surgeons words in regards to Ana. The lady seemed to be absent from herself taking nourishment only at the urging of others and sleeping the majority of the time. Murin reminded herself again, that Ana was exposed to life as never before. She just needed time to adjust, to recover. Her head nodded in agreement and she smiled in appreciation for the Lady's offer for more appropriate clothing. She knew that slops used by most sailors were much more comfortable and useful aboard a vessel. She had in the past gone out with the village fishing boats to tend the nets. Long skirts were a nuisance on board. She felt her own face blush lightly at Dr. Fitzgerald's assessment of Mr. Bly in his bright red coat. She had noted his comely appearance as he donned the coat thinking as he did how he looked like the gentlemen of court and at the estate. Conflicting emotions played at her. Such a gentleman is above her station. Such a man is not gentle at all! She was ...is a worthy woman. She had survived as well as any man could have! She was a formidable woman at one time ....three long years ago, before ...she stopped her thoughts and swallowed hard as she checked her thoughts. These were not the people whom had subjected her to such treatment and not at all so cruel. Murin looked up at Nathan's face and noted the humble look in his eye in response to the surgeons comment. Not so pompous as those "gentlemen" either. She hugged herself, fate had landed her safely in the hands of good people. A warm drink did sound wonderful but she would not be so bold as to ask for such a service. This she could do for herself. She had found the galley easily enough the day before. No, she would wait. Murin stepped to the rail and leaned forward. She looked out over the choppy water, so dark blue beneath the ship. She closed her eyes, the corners of her mouth turned up to a smile as she faced into the wind amazed that there could be such a chill in the air after so many days in the hot sun on LaBlanquilla. (She had made note of the name she had heard the others speak.) Such a beautiful sounding name for such a hostile place. The blood in her left hand still pumped hard reminding her of the little islet and its sparse but wicked vegetation. The damp chill in the air took her home to the North Eastern reaches of Ireland where she had grown up. She lingered there, letting the memory wash over her. The wind tugged her auburn tinged brown curls allowing tendrils to cling to her face. Nathan, Bill, Dr. Fitzgeraled even the WatchDog beneath her faded from her mind. Her blanket fluttered in the wind and peace surrounded her ...for the most part.
  15. Mister Hand! I don't think that was a bad idea at all ...a bit misguided and unrealistic but not dumb at all ...no more than the wet chemise idea that was presented. ...okay, it was a DUMB idea.
  16. Murin smiled demurely and nodded her head toward Mr. Flint. She had been enjoying Nathans company and the conversation was a welcome change to the grunts and groans that had become the communication between Ana and herself this past week. She looked over to where Ana lay, still sleeping soundly. Murin wondered if Ana's dreams were simply avoidance of the current situation. Ana, was most likely dreaming of her privileged life. Murin fought hard not to feel negatively towards Ana for her 'birth right' but the green eyed monster would always show itself at some very unlikely moments. She turned from Ana with new resolve, yes, some fresh air would be nice. She had begun to feel a bit claustrophobic here in the surgery. She never did take well to being cooped up and after the long voyage below deck from Ireland to Barbados with so many sick and dying next to her in such squalor she had developed a bit of claustrophobia. Again, the idea of being offered to travel the deck, a freedom she had not known for at least three years now, made her heart light. "Aye, some fresh air would do m'good!" She took the hand offered her and stood to leave. As they were about to exit the surgery Murin stopped short. "Beggin yer pardon" she looked at Bill then to Nathan and finally her gaze fell to the floor. "Lass?" Flint inquired. "I've nil on bot a chemise. I ken nay go out like dis." The two men smiled together understanding the lass' dilemma, Nathan collected a blanket from the cot she had slept in and wrapped it about her shoulders. She gathered it to her and allowed her escort to guide her to the deck. The door opened and a blast of damp air danced around her. She breathed deeply the fresh salt air. Her bare feet felt the dampness of the deck still wet from the days rains and a bit of a chill ran through her. The rains had stopped but the sun, still behind the lingering clouds, brought little heat to the air. She crossed the blanket tightly and let her escort lead her where he intended.
  17. For the past two plus years I have been making money as a customer service representative, over the phone, for a bank at night. I like the work, the people I work with and the company I work for. It just doesn't pay enough. I don't see myself retiring from this job. I'm just putting in time. Prior to that I was a graphic designer for nearly 20 years. Paid plenty but the stress was nearly killer and I had grown to hate the work. What I am aiming towards is just being an artist. Visual and performing. Discipline has never been one of my strong points!
  18. Being In Total Control of Herself
  19. I do not like to be called a wench. Silkie however, until I outfit her with at least a sword, is unfortunately just that ...a wench. I prefer lass or just Silkie. Once I have more than the garb of a wench and some way to defend myself against such title I will demand that pirate be used when referencing me. Dictionary.com defines Wench as: 1. A young woman or girl, especially a peasant girl. 2. A woman servant. 3. A wanton woman. So, it doesn't have to be a derogitory remark.
  20. Ohhhhh! For me?! William, hope your wife doesn't mind ...I think I have just fallen in love with you! Siren, please share! If I eat that whole cake the water displacement in this tub will be ...embarassing! William, as to dancing ...sounds to me like you are trying to avoid some footwork with some side-stepping!
  21. Don't know if you were talking to the lass behind the scrim but ...it sounds good to me!
  22. Been to both Ditzyland and Ditzyworld as an adult. I do not feel as though I have accomplished anything great in that. However, as a child, it would have been the equivalent of a month in Ireland today!
  23. I think of the first B&W photography assignment I had in college. Needed to compose a picture including an egg. I am proud to say that I was the only one in the class that went outside of the box and cracked a few, boiled a few, fried a few, soft boiled one ...all in all it was a good waste of film. Hmmmmm....did I save any of those photos? Well I save EVERYTHING else!
  24. Hopefully she had corrective lenses in the car.
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