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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Murin had followed the hands with the rent sail to the hold to examined the damage. Her stomach was in knots at her first official duty as sail maker. She knew her trade but this first test would be proof that she would be an asset to the crew. It had been several years since she had done any mending on such a large scale. Fighting the demons that knawed at her confidence she timidly asked the Tars to assist in spreading the large sheet and then inquired where the mending supplies were kept. The tar's looked at each other as if this should be obvious and pointed out a very large chest in the corner. Murin walked to the corner where the chest sat at the reaches of the lamp light. Neither tar offered assistance as she looked around the space for a second lantern they stood, waiting for her to ask for assistance, this she childishly refused to do. She soon spied a second lantern not far from the first. Once lit she proceeded to the chest again. Holding the lantern to light the interior of the chest she gingerly sorted through the contents with her free hand as if something inside might bite her at any moment. Murin turned back to the sail lifting the lantern higher and inspected the tear more closely in the brighter light. Yes, it should repair rather easily. After hanging the second lantern turned again to the chest, plucked out what was needed and within moments was on the floor, the sail spread out before her, beginning the task at hand. Her hands moved with skill, nimble but for the injury. She did not pay head to the ache in her left palm save for the times when she stopped to re-thread the needle or rent canvas for the long patch. Then she would simply extend her fingers a few times and return to the task at hand. The bells rang but she did not count, she enjoyed her work and was driven by her desire to prove herself useful. She was enjoying the solitude of the work ...until Patrick Godfrey bounded to the doorway energetically declared "Cap'n requestin' yer presence on the quater deck Miz McDunna." Murin startled from her work stared wide eyed at the door for a moment then let out a laugh as her heart began to beat again. The lad seemed just as startled at her reaction, "M'sorry miz." Murin replied, "Tis nil a problem lad, I'll be there presently." and Patrick disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared. As she lifted herself from the coil of ropes she had been sitting on she wondered just how long she had been below deck. Making her way to the quarter deck Murin stretched the muscles that had been too long in one position. Her eyes were dry, she rubbed the fatigue from them and continued on. Once above board she was surprised to find the sky dark save for the twinkle of the stars. As she mounted the quarter deck she curtsied to the officers, "Cap'n, Mess-ter. Lass'ter"
  2. Welcome lad! I pass Elkton regularly... ...at least I knows whar it be!
  3. I would think it would serve one better to get the rat's and barrels tatoo on ones scalp thus keeping ones head above water rather than ones feet!
  4. Through the day Murin did what she could to help on deck but as the changing winds strengthened and buffeted the WatchDog Murin could do little more than hold on with her good hand and watch. The canvas' were being tested, the new sail maker feared these winds would cause damage. She watched Sirine take position above the strained Foremain sail. Murin did not envy the crew in the rigging this day. She turned her attention to inspect the sails of the Main mast just as the Main Topgallant sail was rent. She knew there was a spare but repairs would need to be made, if indeed repairs could be made. The crew needed to furl it quickly or the winds would unravel the fabric making repairs impossible.
  5. Okay, how many need to travel from Miami to KW? As of right now I have a ride but would be willing to change those plans if the cost of carrental were cheap enough.
  6. Mad_Jack would take you anywhere lass! Wouldn't you lad?
  7. Oh Siren! Please take care of yourself! Iron deficiency can have all sorts of repercussions and causes. Do be cautious!
  8. Welcome lass!
  9. Some may call ya d'Jack, I'd ave t'disagree, yer a card alright...d'joker! Now William, Ifin ya always cook like dis yer wife is indeed a lucky woman! Looking at Will Silkie thinks "I gots t'get mae one uv dem!"
  10. I just got mine! William, they are beautiful! Such attention to detail! Just MAGNIFICENT! Well worth the price and NO waiting! Printed on parchment adds to the feel. I am debating on putting mine behind some amber or sepia tinted glass to give it an antique feeling. I would hate to harm it by trying to age it. Thank you , thank you, thank you!
  11. Ifin ye were just in the chat room, please come back ...I/we had stepped away.
  12. What does KK mean? Fanny?
  13. The second is ...why didn't the artist take time to animate two of the eggs? I think the one that is most obsured (second to the last in the back row) should jump every so often ...or explode!
  14. Aye. Looks like a gather to me also.
  15. MMMMM! Salmon, potatos... I'll have all but d'jalapenos ...play havoc wit m'stomach. ...and a bit more bubbly. Now Jacky, Silkie leans forward allowing Jackiy to observe where her golden pendant nests. Wot'll ya have?
  16. William always has fine fare. If only I were so inspired to cook. I do my best cooking n'mixin in rooms other den d'galley! The office/studio where I cook up posts fer d'pub and mixin' colors on m'pallet! If I were eating (and drinkng) as well in reality I would need to increase my physical activity ten fold just to keep from gaining inches without a thought to loosing!
  17. I find it hilarious that the originator of this thread has not posted in it since the original. He gets to sit back and watch this thing grow. Perhaps we should throw a pair of vinyl bucket boots in ...better yet vinyl bucket boot spats!
  18. Now det sounds like my band o' pirates! Don't happen t'ave a east coast chapter d'ya? She takes another sip from her wine glass and winks at Jacky.
  19. YOU, will be missed by MANY!
  20. Should I fear asking what KK means?
  21. Jacky! Or'a'hundred post per month since ya firs arrived lad! I'd say det's pretty mouch as homey as it gets here! Ya'ave succeeded in makin many uv us laugh ere ...I was hopin det was on purpose! I only been writin with the crew of d'WatchDog since d'end o'April. Det was just ...mmmmm ...four DAYS ago! :) N'tank ya fer yer nice words bout m'banner. I've only met a few here bouts in d'flesh. Time will change det. Furs time in m'life det my reputation preeceeds mae! Aye! I'm a notorious pyrate! Penchant fer dancin' on tables! Only here in d'pub lad! I luv t'dance buot in reality I like t'keep my feet planted firmly on d'floor! As t'finding d'time, m'exploits are achieved by ignorin otter parts uv m'life! Though I do need t'make time fer laundry soon or I'll be fired fer not meetin d'dress code! :) Strange ...I seem to be stuck in a limbo between my two selves in this post ...oh well ...tis a pleasant place t'be! Wot about you Jacky? I see ha here often, and yer playful posts! Wot brought ya here in d'furs place?
  22. I agree with Chole. you can do better ...but I do like red, just not this style ...but I won't be there to droll over you lad so ...please the ladies nearer to you!
  23. So jacky, we've danced round each otter her n'der in d'pub. I still tink uv yer lemon maid! Twas clever. Been glad t'see yer makin yerself at'ome ear
  24. Wot he said.
  25. Jacky, I'd love t'share a table wit ya. William, I have never had Spanish cava, I trust your judgment. M'sure twill do nicely, tank ya. At Jacky's table ifin ya please. She moves to Jacky's table as the wine is poured, sits then lifts her glass. T'friends, old n'new!"
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