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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough
Believe dis may'ave sent'er or' d edge!
New movie starring Viggo Mortensen
Silkie McDonough replied to Captain Striker's topic in Pyrate Pop
I shall have to see this one more than once! Some wonderful footage in the trailer. I anticipati tis release. -
A bit late Silkie chimes in; Aye
oooooh! puddin ...Matt likes puddin ifin I remember correctly Silkie starts looking for the "Slumber Party" thread from several months ago.
The deck clean now of all blood and nearly all sand Murin took a moment to look around. She was not one to shirk off work but the day was taking its toll on the lass. She stood straight, pushing her shoulders upward and back she held them tight in that position for a long moment then relaxed them enjoying the provided relief to her neck. She twisted her hips one direction and shoulders the other and switched them, finally she arched backwards, stretching the light wound on her side she felt it's sting as she moved. Lifting the mop she attempted to wring it over the edge of the ship but both the pain of the injury and the salt of the sea water in the wound on her hand, reopened yet again, would not allow it. Sheepishly she explained this to one of the lads she had been working with and asked that he assist her. The tall sailor looked down at her with a kind grin “Aye, yul’ owe me!” and winked. Smiling back she hoped that repayment would not be too dear. What next? She straightened herself again and scanned the deck of the ‘Dog, though far from being in order she saw little that she could lend her single hand to. This seasoned crew knew what needed to be done, but she was not privy to that information. Scanning the Maastricht she could clearly see the damage and disarray. The Heron was damaged also but not so severely. The cutter was much smaller and lighter. She had seen how it could fly over the water. There was a ship she understood. The Watch Dog and the Maastricht were like the ships that use to come into port and leave. She had never stood on the deck of those larger ships as a child and as a woman she had only been transported as cargo. The Heron was akin to the ships that she knew well. Smaller sloops maneuver well in the shallows of the coast lines. They are swift and this cutter was well armed. She did not know if the Huron was taken out of action by skill or luck. She suspected that there was no small quantity of either involved. For a moment she thought to make her way to the Heron. She longed to stand on her deck, feel the sea undulate beneath her bow. Murin closed her eyes and traveled to a time when life was quiet, when she and Aiden had stood at the bow of his father’s cutter looking out onto a sea of endless possibilities. Opening her eyes she looked again over the seas, the possibilities were endless here, only much darker. Breathing deeply she brought herself back to the moment. She searched the deck trying to decide who she should report to or who might know what she could do. She had been told to report to the boson before her watch so it seemed likely she should report to him now. He was not so easily found. Seeing no way to assist on the ‘Dog, she resolved herself to help with the remaining dead upon the Maastricht .
Round 'ear dessert usually IS d'main course ...wot er' d'dessert!
What size do you like your opposite sex
Silkie McDonough replied to Rumba Rue's topic in Beyond Pyracy
I second that sentiment! -
Hmmmm... fer some reason det wardroom looks fermilure.
He's been corrupted already?!
Welcome back lad. Now ifin dis wer say two'undred years later I might b acusin m'mates uv corruptin d'morals of a minor wit buyin ya drynks n'all, buot since tis early in d'seventeen'undreds I'm'self m'willin t buy the young lad a flaggon o'stout! oppy berthdey t'ya lad ...beit belated. Now, tell us yer tail uv dis trip det took ya away frum us!
Silkie McDonough replied to callenish gunner's topic in Fort Taylor
Dang! See Patrick, between you, me and Rusty we could have saved with a rental car! I'll be going Grayhound too. -
And I'll try not t'b'offended! I in turn will not create a list so that I can be called on it. I thank all of you, for each has in some way, great or small, touched my life. I am eternally grateful for having a place to come in Starting in early February thru late May, when I first had my hand surgery. Your company kept me from going stir crazy. I am thankful for those of you who have shared your knowledge with me. I fear that without your help I would be frighteningly close to a polyester pirate ...even when that was not my intention. I am thankful for those of you who have entertained me and have shown appreciation of my attempts to entertain and play. I am thankful for anyone who is and has been and will be involved with the WatchDog. In that forum I have discovered that I love words and the images they can paint. I have always known this but have never been driven to follow it through. Here I have focus for my words and each post is an opportunity to share and learn. I am thankful for the friends I have made. Some casual, some close. I am thankful for my dear friend Callenish Gunner. I have known him by another name for many years. It was he that guided me to this port. He has seen me through many changes in the 15 years we have known each other and I cherish him.
Silkie saunters in dressed so seductively as a ...pilgrim?! So much for seductive! In each hand she has a loaf pan of cornbread steam still rising from it. She sets down the loaf pans opens the satchel that she carries and pulls out several jars of preserves. Each has a label, "Pumpkin Butter", "Apple Cranberry", "Apple Butter" "Raspberry". Happy Tanksgivin' maties! Ray, ken we get a cuttin board, a bread knife, n'sum table knives? She pulls out a large tub of sweet creamy butter. Now, Jame, ya needs t'ab'doin wot I've been doin fer a few years now ...MOOCH! I'm o'r tree hundred miles away frum m'family sos, I gets me invited t'a friends house. I ask wot I ken bring n'each time dey say "notin, just yerself." Tis a wondrous ting! I do miss m'family gaterin buot I don't miss d'cleanin' nor d'cookin nor d'cleanin' up fter.
Happy day to all! Enjoy your families and communities! I shall be working into the day (7:00 AM). Then I will sleep for a few hours. After my morning nap I will join a friend and her family at her place for the meal. The evening is open. Friday morning I shal rise early and start to sew again. I have until Tuesday night to do nothing but prepare for PiP. Wednesday morning I leave for Florida! WOOT! I do not return to work until 11:00 PM December 5. ...I won't want to go back by then!
Mad Jacks 2007 Shopping list: 2 20 lb Herbed Butter Roasted Turkeys Cornbread Stuffing 5 lb's Baked Sweet Potatoes Gallon Turkey Dripping Gravy 5 lbs Oven Roasted Vegetables Vat of Homemade Cranberry Sauce 40 Butter Croissants Banquet hall extra chairs. BTW ...I'll be there too.
Welcome lad! Make mine Drambui!
WOT! I see nutin on yer schedule o'events about "Pirates in Paradise"! Well, welcome anyway. Sit a spell, tell a'tail."
Miss McDonough handed the sack containing Dinwiddie’s belongings to Mister Mooney, “Tink ya better keep deez safe n’til Mester Lass-ter is able t’attend to em.” Mooney took the sack still in a trance, staring at the medal that the lass had taken from Lawrence’s neck. Murin was curious about the Saint Christopher medal. She had assumed that Dinwiddie was English just as Mooney. Finding a Catholic medallion hanging from his neck was a surprise, the Church of England does not look kindly at Catholics. If others knew he would have been persecuted. Perhaps his story was not so different from hers. She would ask Mooney ...later. Looking across the ship over the ocean she could see the sun hovering closer to the horizon. There was still much work to be done before dark. There were still bodies on the Masstricht that needed to be prepared for burial but Murin was loath to continue to assist in that. Miss Smith had asked for volunteers to wash down the deck of the dog. Murin was glad for the chance to wash away some of the day’s mayhem. Grabbing a mop she waited for the clean sea water to spill from the pumps on to the deck. It splashed into her well worn shoes as she push away the sand that coated the deck. Her left hand ached a bit but the work was a release for her. It was pleasant here on the deck, the warm evening air gently blowing across the sea. She did not feel pleasant enough for a song or even a smile but cleansing the deck was a far cry more pleasing then the task she had just finished. As water continued to flow from the pumps she and several other crew members swabbed the sand and what blood there was. A wry grin crossed her lips as she realized that this sand, taken from same island they had found her on, had been scattered upon the deck by her only hours ago. Now, she directed it through the scuppers and out to sea.
Welcome lad! Tank ya fer d'drynk. After a few perhaps I'll find someting more t'say. Until den, sláinte!
Flirtation aside: D'know ifen Sarah will be at PiP but I use t' be pretty good wit m'ahnds. Now det d'saw bones ahs fixed m'up right fine I ken give a neck and shoulder rub a try ifen ya wonts. I kent promise no more, d'nt know ifen I've d'strengt in m'ahnds again. :)
Silkie McDonough replied to callenish gunner's topic in Fort Taylor
well, I was misquoted on the price of the flight change. Not as expensive as I was lead to believe. -
Mike! Ya'v been missed! Not quite sure by whom but ...ya'ave. Okay, I confess! By me! :) Now go an'play in d'Pirate Hunters Smarter broder"!
and Girl is Gerl.
Silkie McDonough replied to callenish gunner's topic in Fort Taylor
"I am an arse." Well, I somehow messed up my flight reservations! I managed to reserve a flight that arrives in Miami at 10:05 PM on 11/29 and one that leaves Miami at 9:00 AM on 12/4. How I managed to switch the flights like that I'll never know. I have learned to look at the reservation confirmation as soon as it arrive! So, my choices are as follows: Switch the flights @ a cost around $400.00 Rent a car because it will be less expensive. Cancel these flights and scheduel new ones using the credit for this flight within a year. Switch this flight and just go to Pittsburgh to visit my father who has been in and out of the hospital over the past few months and plan on PiP for next year. None of which I am too thrilled about.