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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. so I'm sitting at my computer, as I do most every day, YIM is open and a window pops up: "hi" "hello" We have a very breif conversation, he's from chicogo, I'm from NJ, weathers nice, he has C.P.etc. I soon tell him I have to go I and he asks if he can addd me to his friends list. "Sure" Five hours later I am on again, window pops up: "hi" "hello" "met a few more weirdos" "yes, there are quite a few out there" "do you have a boyfriend?" "yes" ...even though I don't "delete and block me" "ok, thought we could talk, but if you want I will" "tell him to get his whore away from me how aboutt that" "now wait a moment, I'm just making conversation" "get lost" "you have NO rght to call me a whore!" "GET LOST" "you contacrted me! Good life to you!" "AND I GOING TO DO MORE IF YOU IM ME AGAN, ADD ME TO YOUR INORE YOU NOT FAIR IF YOU TOLD ME ON YOUR PROFILE YOU HAVE A BF I WOULDNT HAVE BOTHER" So I ask you who's the weirdo? My profile says I am single, for all he knows I just met my boyfriend today! Geeze ...Takes all kinds! Wonder if he knew I have friends in low places!
  2. This discussion reminds me of a neighbor where I grew up. The man was constantly saying "Piss on it." when he was frustrated. One day he was working on the lawn mower and could not get it to run. Finally he yelled "Piss on it!", threw down the wrench, and walked away. Once his temper cooled he returned to the lawn mower it was wet. He could not figure out what happened. He dried the mower, thinking it could be leaking gasoline he smelled the rag. Urine, turns out his son heard him yell and obliged!
  3. Aye! So true Rumba, so very true!
  4. William, this sounds like it should have been posted in "The Island of Dark Waters" ...um , happy to say ...no, not since the entire year of 1992. Gawd will, hope tomorrow is better for you. Feel better ...when you can.
  5. "Too soon old, too late smart" 100% German Great Grandma, accent and all!
  6. Aye, n'soon there be a tick, spring green, flocking on everyting! AH AHHH AHHHHHH Choooooooo!
  7. Maybe b'cause she was ne'r lost! Guss what my name is in the real world ...and how I spell it!
  8. MerryD luv, thanks for the word on the surgery but that almost two weeks ago. Now lady, I will be more than glad to head the Eastern Region for CHILL! cars can be repaired and finally, stalkers ...send a few pyrates after him! Gawd! Not good ...be careful ...like i actually have to tell you that!
  9. Siren! Thanks for the smile ...much needed today! and ...no, ya "don't look bad all fuzzy"! Aldough I was tinkin it were m'eyes!
  10. I agree Rumba! He is indeed a handsom man! :)
  11. And the blindingly white! Most likely not so by the end of the weekend! But ya still look good, and you at least have garb ...don't have mine yet!
  12. Raised as a Roman Catholic ...I don't think you are allowed to have a happy Good Friday.
  13. Madd, yer just fine lookin ...fer a madd man! Now, ifin ya look straight at that right eye in the second photo, ya ken see the maddness twikelin' deir! :)
  14. Dorian! How kind uv ya t'order fer me! Will luv, make my steak rare but HOT! Wot sort o dressin d'ya have fer d'greens? An I say we share da dessert just as long as dare b'enough fer me et d'end o'm'meal! lifts her wine, Sláinte!!
  15. Tryin t'figer out how I got int' the situation I'm facin now!
  16. A Gala apple! Crisp, sweet and juicy! Mmmmmm!
  17. It would a better use than putting it around the waistlines of Americans!
  18. Finger just tells you who is in the room. If you are not connected just follow the directions at the top of the page. If you are connected when you open the chat window all you must do is type and enter. I suggest clicking on 'Help', this will tell you how to change your name and a few other helpful things. At that point it is a waiting game. There is not allways someone in there. I have taken to just sitting back and waiting to see if anyone will come through the door. The chat pub has been rather quiet recently. Just two or tree uv us sittin deere sharin a few tales.
  19. The swelling has gone down considerably thanks to the 800 mg of Ibuprofen I am taking. The bruising is more obvious today ...purple into green halfway up my arm ...I have developed an allergic reaction to something ...hives on my fore arms and hind quarters! I'm hoping it is just the bath salts that I used earlier today. I'm sleeping allot but all in all I am doing well.
  20. Lady Snow, Any News?
  21. Lady B. Forgive me if I sounded less than understanding. I was once a college student and I know how tight money can be. Additionally I personally am not feeling the pinch of gas prices right now because I am not driving much these days (right hand limited in use + 5 on the floor = little driving.). Additionally you have been side lined with this wicked sickness that is haunting you. ...I'd be looking for someone to scream at too! Feel better and keep sounding off at will! Well, not at Will ...unless he deserves it!
  22. Just a quick word about the "6 digit bastard out there". I have a very dear friend who falls into this category. Yes his family lives well and he drives a fancy car but they are the most civic minded people I have ever known. Their circle of friends all seem to be very giving souls. Additionally they are encouraging their children to be giving. At the end of the year the children choose where a great portion of their savings will be donated and even take the funds directly to the organization. His company has donated entire homes, furnished to people in need. I agree, they are in the financial position to be so generous and many of us are not. I am also not saying that all "6 digit bastard out there" are so giving. Just wanted to put in my two cents.
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