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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Like I don't want to be bothered whth the new mattress and box springs today! Christine, that is to be expected. It was an emotionally draining weekend for you. Just know that your friends here will allways be here when you need to escape.
  2. ^Knows how to pay a lady a compliment! Thanks Gage, ...I think That shot was taken with my Dis-functional computer cam. No re-touch, natural lighting. I didn't even move the camera from the top of my computer! I usually hate photos of me but this one looks good even to me!
  3. Fearadh na fáilte! A Heardy welcome t'ya! Ye'v com t the right place fer meetin d'finest bunch o scallawag to b'found lass. Now, thet man behind d'bar, she points he b'Ray. N,ifin ya wants t b'sure t'get thes lugs to greet ya, might I suggest buyin a round. Notin gets dem more sociable den a pint r'two! N'as I'v tol many a lass before ya, be warry o'des rogues, der likely t'b steelin a kiss b'fore ya can find der purse t'steel!
  4. Tom luv! I've read this tree or four times n'it still makes m'laugh!
  5. ^Plays a 'wicked' game of Master and Commander!
  6. Patrick, I buy the cheap stuff also. I usually make some umbrella drink with it anyway so why waste the money?
  7. I can't wink. Which causes all sorts of dificulties when flirting!
  8. It's a beautiful sunshinny day. The birds are singing, the windows are open. The dog isn't barking at the neighbors. Really very pleasant. Oh yea, it's spring, all I feel like is sleeping ...allergies!
  9. I nil know ifin we met b'fore, so let me take dis opportunity t'intraduce m'self. I'been round the pub fer just or tirty days and I tink uv come across yer name a time er two. Well Ransom, Well met!
  10. AARRRRRRRRRGH! I nil realize what da date was ...I'll be joining you on d'couch Silkie points to the two men in the center of the room ...or tent ...should we just leave these two here until we need them? I'm going to put on m'flannels and fleece. Silkie exits. When she returns she has her Winnie the Pooh (sleeping on clouds) flannel jammies on and a fleece robe with clouds and moons and matching slippers. In her hand she carries a hot water bottle wrapped in sheep's clothing and a bag of fresh green beans. She finds a comfy corner where she can see the TV and sits down with a hurumpf Wot r'you lookin at? Yes, green beans! I'm trying to cut down on the high sugar and fat. Besides I need the iron! She takes a bite of a green bean and happily chews. By the end of the second fresh bean she muses ...wonder how dis would taste dipped in chocolate?
  11. Gage, Strongbow Draft Hard Cider is my favorite also. Has been for nearly 15 years. At least I am able to find it here in the states now! My tavern The Banshee or The Banshee's Hold
  12. Silkie writes Arthur an note and hands it to Kent... Turn up your hearing aid!
  13. I like strawberries ratter den cherries. Sweet n juicy! mmmm Takes a rather large strawberry dips it in the hot fudge, scoops up some whipped cream from Biker with it, opens her soft mouth wide and takes a large bite of the luscious dessert.
  14. Been there! Wonderful place! I can't remember much except that it was excelent and we had to go back the next day for dessert!
  15. Greg, Thank you for bringing this thread to my attention. Paisley, thank you for starting it. I too am fighting the battle of the bulge and have won many skirmishes but still am loosing the war! I have been loosing weight since I was a kid when someone told me to loose 10 lbs at 14 (or12) and each time I gain it back and then some. I am currently, finally, making a lifestyle change and I could use all of the support I can get. Hope you have all been successful in this endeavor thus far!
  16. Gage lad, ranitidine 75mg daily, does wonders for me and my hyatel hernia
  17. I've undressed a pirate ...costume mistress I've dressed and undressed many people ...and was paid for it!
  18. I have never dressed up like a pirate!
  19. ^ is one hell of a fighter! sláinte duine a ól Kent!
  20. Aye, Rummy! Twas a grand scene! And ya culd nil ask fer a better place tan in Erelaunde! ..Save for d'Scottish highlands ...or, the Pennsylvania mountains ...or the beaches of ....well d'scene plays well where er'tis set!
  21. Couldn't agree with you more Jack! It's a great place to be. Age is all in the mind. There are days when I'm 10 and days when I'm 80 but all in all, I like where I am.
  22. I made the mistake of clicking it ...DON"T DO IT! It is loud and raunchy. Especially don't do it at work or where anyone else can hear the computer or the screen! Biker, you have a warped sense of humor ...if you call it that.
  23. I do to Tom. And once the confirmation of deja-vu hits reality veers from the dream. Only once did it remain on the same track as the dream. The strangest experience with this? When I was a child I had a very vivid dream that I had distinctly remembered still do. The details of the dream are actually unimportant but it the events would have been impossible, fantastic. Fast forward to my late college years, I'm playing D&D with the usual crowd and the situation in the game matches in every detail, except for the individuals involved the dream that I had! Now that one was bazaar.
  24. I had to load the personal photo from my desktop. To change it I had to first remove the old one and then load the second one.
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