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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. He chased me to the waterline, lungs heaving, Arms flapping, but I discovered my coat under Sharp and heavy rocks. "Don't go," he begged, watching As the tide turned the unicorn to a narwhal and set her free. "I am not yours," I replied. "She was not yours. We are water through your hands. We are sand in your mouth." His hand touched mine, and for a moment he was True. The wind came and blew him away, A piece of dry paper, ink already fading the Promises he'd made. And I slipped into my skin, Went to the sea, felt her embrace, And dove under again. V Sometimes I return to this shore, Or shores just like it, and imagine I am looking for him. But I think the wind stole his name, Or his memory; either one is Death to his kind. My name is forever here, never spoken and always asked My belly is against these stones, The cold water sliding off my back. My heart races with the advancing fog; I linger As another boat is shipwrecked In the tide. Silkie finishes with a sigh.
  2. Silkie begins to recite Part Thee and Me for the children of Lochlann by Beth Winegarner I Last thing I remember before washing up on this shore Was the bright, jutting pain of the harpoon. Our blood has stained these seas before, Birth-blood and death-blood, salt mingling With the bracken of storm-tossed shallows And our falling numbers. We lose our skins here. Sometimes to the trappers Who hunt for their own greed, Sometimes to lovers who take us whole And hide our cloaks so that we must remain. Among them there are few who know who we are, But we are. II His arms, like liquid gold and just as hot, Lifted me to the sky. He took me to the woods, Tried to bury me in blankets inside his blood-red House. He took me in. The air was thin, but heavy with white caresses Of fog wrapped around the dark, pointed trees. I walked among them, watching the sky, Which looked like the sea after a storm, While his eyes, like the sea from below on a sunny morning, Watched me. I could go no further than his leash allowed, Not even when I met the unicorn on the path, Or the old woman who turned us inside out And told me he was not the One. But I could not go Back until I found my skin. The one he stole. III One night, high on mushrooms, he walked down To where the town begins, then returned. "You can hear The lighthouse out there at night," he explained. "Do you really need to hear that awful sound?" I asked. "Every time it blows, it means another Boat reaches shore safely, while another of my clan Bleeds to death on its splintered deck In the dark." He turned, away from the direction of the sea, Salt water staining his cheeks. "I don't know why you Brought me here," I continued. "You rescued me from Nothing." I was dying, drying out on his shore, thirsty for greater waters Than those beneath his eyes. IV "I don't know where your skin is," he snarled for the seventh Time. Sometimes he wished me away. But I was his prize, won at the edge of the world, As if in a great battle. His victory. So I walked Out of that dying red house, and I took the unicorn with me. Silkie pauses, drinking solemnly from the tankard that she has been gazing into
  3. I'm listen to the bloomin dog bark her fool head at every car, train, person, squirrel, bird, child, dog, mouse, dag-blane bug ...that pass' the house. It's the first time I've had the windows open since she'd lived here. Guess I should be a little more understanding. Only I didn't want a dog in the first place! ...long story.
  4. The telephone. My familly is over 300 miles away and so are most of my friends. My father doesn't own a computer and my sisters don't use theirs. Also, once I have the surgery on my right hand I don't know if I'll have much typing skills for the first few weeks so the desk top may be of little use. SO for now, i can't do without my phone.
  5. basically when justifying plunder... ...I saw, I liked, I bought it! Don't it look grand?
  6. I find that a good massage usually takes care of shoulder knots. ...sorry, perhaps I should have resisted.
  7. I'm still single. My longest relationship was a year. I don't think I'm qualified to answer this one.
  8. I found that one rather humorous! Well dun capin'
  9. Silkie gently kneads the knots in his shoulders while singing a temptress's tune softly in his ear
  10. Tis then setteled, party at m'house, ya'gents an watch the video n'I kin watch u!
  11. Aw luv "Tis nice t' b'appreciated somewhere"
  12. Only d'milky whit o'er skin
  13. 2000 an I missed d'party. Matt luv, a kiss fer ya! Silkie walks up to Matt, who is leaning against the wall. She reaches her one hand caresses the back of his neck, the other around his waist pulls her close to him. Standing on tip toes she presses her lips to his, mouth to mouth they linger, his arms enfolding her. They part lips with a slow smack, linger in each others eyes until together they exhale. Silkie smiles softly. Sorry so late t' d'celebration, how kin I ever make it up t'ya?
  14. holo-deck and a replicator.
  15. Beautiful Lady B!
  16. I was wrong NGC 109
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