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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. She returns to the pudding bowl and touches the flat of her hand to the pudding gradually lifting it, now covered with peeks of creamy chocolate from wrist to finger tip, she turns, deliberately advances over to matts side opposite his bound hand offering her pudding covered hand in front of him, presents him with his 'dessert' and awaits his reaction.
  2. As do I! That is why Galexy Quest was so funny, because in our house it was an event. EVERYONE watched Star Trek. With repets and spinoffs we still do when we can! Glad you're feeling better Bunny.
  3. Matt m' prisnor, Ifin'ya' need t' be askin tet question i must b' doin somtin wrong. she walks to the bowl of pudding, scoops a taste up with her index finger, stands just out of Matts reach, tilts her head forward slightly, looking him in the eye, her eyes dancing, she softly licks the pudding off of her index finger ending the taste with the tip of her finger aginst the soft pout of her lower lip. Would y' like anoter taste?
  4. she tighetens the lace of her shoe and tugs her bodice straight, smiling broadly You lead! 'll keep up!
  5. I lost d t'read somehow! I did say "ifin HE" I agree wit ya' Bunny!
  6. i' tis true lass but ifin he can tie a stem in a knot wit his tong then it stands t' reason that the 'oter skills ll' either b' well known r' easier t' achieve!
  7. Bunny m' lass, uv always loved t' dance. Here at the pub I feel I dance ferever wit only an accasional need t' wet m' wisail or breathn' heavy! :) ...course, d'pendin on who I mey b' breathin' heavy wit it may take a bit longer! A reel ms' Bunny!
  8. Some of us even later! I agree the posts are very helpful for those of us just starting this voyage.
  9. How did that evolve into todays meaning?
  10. No one, or no one here? No one here knows that... (it would be much easier to come up with something if I didn't know Hugh.) ...yesterday was the first anniversary of my mothers passing. She was a wonderful woman, so don't mourn, that time is past, I celebrate having her in my life every day! No one knows that ...every secret I have at least one other person knows about. :)
  11. Very interesting. I'd be happy to see more.
  12. Nope, lives in my old apartment building in Jersey! Saw him almost daily. :)
  13. Hugh m' friend, uv nil been caught steelin in m' life and any accusations are ...well earned!
  14. Guy in Galexy Quest. If you like treck this will make you laugh. If you have watched Treck since you were a child ...it's hoot!
  15. Tis easier t' catch flies wit 'oney den-wit' viniger! Now, who 'ere wants me' t' stop tis torchin' an' use m' sharp blade rater tan me' soft touch? I'll do as the majority wish.
  16. fíorchaoin fáiltee Stifler! Too many Jacks t' b' callin ya' by that name! Like callin' the name Michael when wit clan McDonough! M' new 'ere m'self an' Nil 'ave I ever found a nicer group o' rouges 'n cut trotes in m' days then thems thet r 'ere. Since ya' b' buyin, today my poison b' ...dark rum Ray!
  17. Ye' words be' smoot'er than many, or is it yer honesty? Honesty in a pyrate? May well be. We'll ye' words warm'd me' 'art an m' glad t be so well met!
  18. ...arrrrrgh! ...where was I before the blue screen of death?!... Upside down ye' say? Now thars a t'ought. uv only one good hand right now an' I seem t be able to cause ye' some trouble. Silkie tisnt an adjative, tis a noun. She softly sings a in his ear, he doesn't understand the words but the sound is sweet.
  19. Fate? Tis' nil fate that I be temptin' her hand softly brushing the back of his neck.
  20. Still very close to matt, softly into his ear, Now where would I be goin' sept right here, she softly kisses his neck just behind his ear.
  21. Maggie! Welcome t' ye'. M' new here m'self but uv found these waters be warm ...warm but far from calm!
  22. T' mans bein' fed an lickin is fingrs'! Happy man I'm sure! Oooh es' a smudge o' puddin' on his lips! Let me' help ye' wit thet. (Silkie glides over and tenderly kisses his lips) ope' ye' d'nt mind me joinin in.
  23. (looking at Richards) Tank y' fer t'drink. An' what would ye prefer a lady t' call y'? Arter, Rechards or Sir Kent? Miss Bunny! Such a kind welcome! Tank ye' much! Hugh, ifin ye' be here I'm wantin t' thank ye properly fer directin me' t' this place! Mayhaps I'll learn t' flirt here?
  24. M' on me' toes right ofen! I love a good jig or reel!
  25. Nothing, gets crums in the keyboard!
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