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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Painful aye? Well, that explains why you tend to spit it out upon your keyboard so often.
  2. Because I won't be there. gonna miss all the fun.
  3. I need to stop reading this thread.
  4. Okay, since everyone is doing the last name thing I will too. My last name is also German. Fleckenstein. fleck = spot or speck in = in stein = stone A flecked stone. Granite. There is a small castle on the southern Rhine hewn of solid granite. (I haven't researched the fact to check if it is indeed carved from solid granite.) The name of the castle? Fleckenstein of course.
  5. Tis nay the first time I have seen you waste good port my friend and I am quite sure twill not be the last.
  6. The light of the full moon was darkened by the storm clouds rolling in with the coming storm. Aside: Just call me the weather girl.
  7. Hence the deep brown of dear Sebastian's eyes. lol
  8. Hence the reason to keep reenactors & performers behind the rope. There is no reason for someone at a public event to be so polluted. Don't "peace tie" arms, kick the drunks out.
  9. A most excellent reason to party in camp with friends and not bother going out to the bars with drunk mundanes. Hawkyns Aye! We were actually walking to the vehicle that was to transport us back to the Fort. LOL
  10. There are too many variables at this time to say that I would come but I can say that I would like to attend. A date that doesn't conflict with several other events, Historically Accurate (HA) camping, and being able to fund my transportation would be the deciding factors for me.
  11. Similar to the event Merry is referring to PiP Key West, after the parade 2 years ago a few law enforcement officers stopped us and told us that we needed to remove the swords. There had been an incident where a drunk had taken an others sword or knife and stabbed someone. sigh Drunk people & swords don't mix.
  12. I would offer to do the gardening but that means you & Lily would have to feed me and Sophie would have to give up her bedroom ...oh, and I can't get that much time off of work ...and I can't afford the transportation ...and I would have to find someone to take care of the dog and ...never mind.
  13. We can still party even if we don't jump into the drynk.
  14. Take the battery charger just in case they have electricity to keep them charged up! lolI can watch the live feed or if you can tell me how to, I can save it and share it since I will be home.
  15. Ooooh ...aren't you looking rather dapper!
  16. missed this so many years back. MaryAnne
  17. You and about 30 or 40 others on the crew ...and that is a lot of shade.
  18. Is anyone headed past/near Philladelphia to this event? I NEED a ride share. If I can't find transportation I won't be going.
  19. Wow, Hope you can find a sturdy mast for that thing!
  20. Thompson also noted that small powder keg knowing its worth but Halward, although weak and injured, kept him in check with his steel against the lieutenants throat.
  21. My first car was a 1970 Ford Maverick, drove that thing through college. My brother-in-law and his best friend Brian use to do the work on it for me. They dubbed that ship "the Millenium Turkey" lol (early 80's)
  22. The wind tugged hard against the partially unfurled sails, lightning flashed again and the thunder rumbled more quickly after than before.
  23. I am trying to think of what went through my mind when I was at my first event, this is what I have come up with. Do not be afraid to attend an event if you don't have the correct garb. If it is your first event then you are just learning and proper garb can take time (for most of us.) besides, what is correct for me may not be for you. Do not be insulted if you are asked to stay on the outside of the historic encampment. There are many reasons for this: Historical accuracy, security, safety and more. Do let others know that you are interested in what they are doing. There are MANY spectators dressed and the reenactors at the event won't know a potential recruit if you don't let them know who you are.
  24. The Lieutennant heard the steel of the blade scraping on the side of a 9 pounder as its owner stood, and he wheeled again to ward off the attack, but now multiple men were on top of him, holding him down, weapons poised though not moving - as if these men who had so savagely turned upon him and the other officers just moments ago needed him alive, if only for a few more minutes."Lieutenant Alister Thompson" Halward said his name with false amenity, "Good sir," feigned politeness slurred his words further clarifying his contempt for the officer "You possess something that we are in need of." (yeah yeah, I know, mine's long . I cheated with all my "ands" and "buts") This is not a game, there is no cheating. You simply bent the stated rules.
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