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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I yank a gold necklace from around my neck, and quick like, whip it around the red-haired lady's neck, and pull it tight. "Red Cat, use yer daggar and hold her fast! I don't plan ta be spendin' the rest o me days in this cage!" Twisten the necklace even tighter, I yell at Jacky, "Quick man, do something!"
  2. I grab a fancy jeweled tiara and put it on my head over my hat - the one with the hole shot through it, thanks to Eyes. Next I grab necklaces and bracelets, then stuff all my pockets with coins and loose jewels. I turn to the others, all dripping in gold and gems. "Okay, now we're all rich, but, how do we get back to the Pub without all the other pirates seeing us, and stealing out loot?"
  3. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ No question - night owl < Warm and cosy is good too. V Big party or private dinner?
  4. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Rent a video if I want "up close and personal" < I like up close and personal V Summer or winter Simultaineous post.
  5. Toilet (JT - Thanks for the offer, but I have short hair, so, no worry)
  6. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Fish! < My timing is off most of the time V Coast or mountains?
  7. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Peas, lima beans, okra, succatash (?) < Other than those listed above, I'm omniverous - could never be vegetarian. V What is your favorite dessert?
  8. My random thoughts right now are, "Damn, I just busted a filling and a quarter of one of my back teeth. I see an expensive crown in my near future. Shite - there goes $400 bucks down the drain.
  9. Yeah, Partrick, but our point is, they didn't get to do the fun stuff! Just a comment, or rather, clarification. When, at least for me, I talk about women wearing men's clothing, I'm NOT talking about the dreaded BBS (Bucket Boot Syndrom). I'm talking about regualr seaman's garb. I also have to relay a comment my husband made concerning basing all female sailor's clothing on Bonny and Read. His comment was, "Yeah, but they were the only ones who got "caught", so therefore documented. What about all the ones that didn't get caught or discovered?" Throughout history there have been woman hiding themselves by wearing men's clothing. If they were good at it, they were never discovered, until an injury caused a surgeon to discover their sex. There has been little to no research done on females taking up traditional male roles wearing male clothing, so I still hold to the idea that it is stifling to limit female costume contraints to only two known examples. And this is still my own opinion (worth ?) that human nature would dictate that, documented or not, pirates were by their very occupation, scavengers. If one poor English sod had a raty shirt, then took a Dutch ship, and found himself in possesion of a fine new (NOT fancy) Dutch shirt, he'd trade up. If your shoes had holes in the soles, and you could pilfer a new pair from a Spanish sailor, same deal, you'd trade up. It's called survival.
  10. When Jacky actually held the food to my lips, I finally realised just how far gone in my cups I was. Not good. I put the full glass back on the table, took a deep breath, and took the fork from his hand. "I'm not so far gone that I can't feed myself. And I certainly don't want this evening to end up with me chumming over the side. Have Spoons send down a strong cup of coffee, while I enjoy...small, careful bites of this good meal."
  11. BINGO! Thank-you for stating EXACTLY what I've been muddling around with! I've had this dicussion with others (not on the Pub) to the tune of, you CAN'T totally recreate the past. The past is the past, and what every reenactor is doing is to some extent a fantasy - albiet one based on known facts. You can't put a 21st. century mindset into 17th century clothes, and get a 17th century person. You get an interpretation of a 17th century person. If a woman can pull that interpretation off just as well as a man, no matter how she is dressed, then good for her.
  12. Yeah, and a quill pen on an airplane would probably be confiscated as a lethal weapon!
  13. Easy for you, but not so easy for the computer impared! I make notes. I have a memory like a sieve, so unless I make notes, it's in one ear and out the other. I also have books - lots and lots of books. However, most of them are on the Medieval and Elizabethan period, and King Arthur, since that was my first interest. On pyracy, I have next to nothing, except "The Pirates Own Book" by Dover Press, which is a reprint from the late 1800's. Oh, and I have the Pirates book similar to Piratology, but I don't really count that as resource material. I have checked out numerous books from the library on pirates, so that has helped. If I have a question I also Google search things, and then...make notes!
  14. Ransom


    I'm still in the experimental state when it comes to rum. Like others, my only experience was with (Yuck) Bacardi - high school cheap binges on Bacardi and coke. I learned about Captain Morgan's Tattoo here on the Pub, and mixed in hot drinks (hot chocolat, egg nogg) it's killer. I've also, true to my "usual" newcomer request, mixed a shot of it into champange ( I egotistically call this a "Ransom"), and that's good as well. I also picked up a bottle of Pyrate rum, as it was on sale at the time. It worked out really nice for summer Mojitos. As for drinking it straight, I need more practice. I'm a wine drinker at heart, and most rum is just way too strong for me without mixing it with something else.
  15. "Ah, another newcomer! And one as is buying drinks. I'll have me usual, French bubbly with a shot of Tattoo, if ya don't mind - or even if ya do!" Welcome to the Pub, mate.
  16. I know a lot of the caligraphy people use Walnut ink. It has a nice brown color that looks period, but I haven't tried it yet. I can get it at the local art store, so might have to settle for that if I can't find anything else. I live on the Rogue River, and always thought it would be kinda cool to have a group called Pirates on the Rogue, or just Rogue Pirates - but then I guess all pirates are rogues of a sort.
  17. Of the more recent pictures posted by Foxx, I suppose the one maked A c. 1690 is closest to what I have in mind, although not completely - definately NOT the hat! This is just my own thoughts about why women tend to want to wear the men's clothing rather than female. It's the "cool" factor. It's just more fun to wear a frock coat and breeches than it is a corset and skirts. I think it's the panache or romance of it, that you can't get otherwise. It's the same reason most of the men tend to wear frock coats and (gasp) bucket boots. Granted, they are not period, but by their popularity, they are obviously more fun. And yes, I know the difference between wanting to just have fun, and wanting to be strickly period acurate. I'm just throwing out a possible reason for the tendancy of woman wanting to dress like men and be more dashing, rather than be dressed like a woman selling fruit on the dock. I know that woman can be agressive in skirts, whether low born or high. I have read where noble women directed the defense of their estates, and took up arms against Cromwell while their Royalist husbands were off fighting somewhere else. Which I guess just goes to show, don't back us against a wall, 'cause we'll fight back!
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