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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. The thought that Dillard is now a member of Jacky's crew is a surprise. Haven't seen him in a year or two, but not a face a girl could forget. But when Robert's mentions the Dead Monkey, my attention is snapped back to present company. "Not that dive! A more rowdy place you'd be hard-pressed to find anywhere. And watch your back, as the press gangs like to wait outside like vultures and pick off the drunks." I cock a suspicious eye at Roberts. "Just why would Red Cat go there?"
  2. Hey, you've passed the "film maker" test. If you can sum up your "story/plot/subject" in one sentence, you're good to go. Congrats. That works with novels as well. Theme and premiss in 25 wds or less. It's right up there with trying to write a one page synopsis of a 300+ page book.
  3. Gosh, you didn't like the deoderant question!
  4. I see Jacky grab his coat and push Roberts toward the door. "Oh, no, Jacky, you don't go on a mercy mission without someone to guard your back." I knock back the last of my champagne, then grab my own coat, and follow the two men.
  5. Orange (The also like orange peels, the dryer the better! Go figure.)
  6. buttered (I don't know, I've never fed my horses corn. They might.)
  7. Okay, random thought. Why is there a Dove deoderant add on a pyrate site? I mean, are they implying that pyrates...smell? Inquiring minds want to know.
  8. I though you were Will... oooooh Ayyyee - Hat's off to ye then Sah! Ya know, if that picture is to scale - that's a really BIG glass of Guinness!
  9. "Burmuda? What do you need a chart of Burmuda for?" I narrowed one eye. "Come on Red Cat. You're playing awfully coy. What's in Burmuda that's so important you'd come and beg a chart from me?" I figure I better stop slurping up the brandy, 'cause this conversation was heading toward very interesting territory. "Oh, and, don't get too used to good eats from Goose. He's only had one day's worth of lessons, so his repertoir is small. Acually, I think you just got the best of it, other than a decent plate of Toads in the Hole."
  10. "Well, he's had a few lessons lately. That's part of the interesting evening I spent." I knew Red Cat was waiting to see if I'd confide in her, and I really did need someone to talk to that wasn't male. Besides, she was always good for an interesting tid bit of information, which I'm sure she would be willing to tell, if we did a little word-bartering. I got up and slipped the lock on the door, just so we wouldn't be interupted. "Okay, I'll tell you what happened last night, 'cause I probably need some advice of the girl kind, but it's got to be a fair trade, so you tell me what two reasons brought you here. Deal?" I poured a bit more brandy into my glass. What the hell, I was still half-drunk from the Irish whiskey, what was the harm in a little brandy? It beat having a headache.
  11. I watch Rosarita leave the Pub, then turn to Jane. "Kinda weird, how she shows up out of nowhere, then disappears again, don't you think? I mean, where does she and Inigo live? Who watches the kids while their at the Pub? It's just...strange."
  12. Keeping it simple, as my husband is on a truck run until tomorrow night. Thin slices of left-over smoked pork roast, and a handful of Bag-o-Salad, with Paul Newman sundried tomato dressing. Oh, and a glass of wine - Rosemont merlot.
  13. That made me laugh. "You don't miss a thing, do you Cat?" I fingered the cloth of the sash. "This be a souvineer of a very...interesting evening." I plopped into a chair, leaned over and poured a dram of brandy into the glass Red Cat had put out in anticipation of my arrival. "The hair of the dog is just what I need right now, as my head is pounding." I give her a little salute, then asked," I must say, I'm glad to see you, but what brings you to the Rakehell?"
  14. Yeah, the temps be dropping here as well, and today it snowed off and on all day. So, I'll be having some of that warm soup, and a hot toddie, for sure!
  15. I glanced at the stranger again. His words were getting that slushy sound one gets when rum numbs the brain. "I've never seen him before, but...I don't know. He says he's a friend of Red Cats, but why'd he let her go off by herself?" I shake my head, pondering the situation. It didn't help that Jacky and I were a bit at odds with each other at the moment. I turned to Jane again. "Look, I don't want to jump into anything without knowing the risks. If you can remember who this Roberts is, then maybe that might shed some light on what is going on."
  16. And, everyone knows how exhausting research can be!
  17. My cat, Celeste, helping me do research.
  18. Ioan wasn't as shocked as the others by the damage the hurricane had done to Port Royal. He'd survived one before, and was glad he'd been out to sea this time. As the La Maligna made to drop anchor, he looked around for the Rakehell, but didn't see her. There were not too many ships in the harbor, and those that had remained showed some form of damage. He noticed one ship had been blown up on shore and lay canted over, as if being careened. The only ships to appear untouched by the storm, were the Archangel and a merchant brig called the Sweet Temptation. He busied himself with securing the ship at anchor, then turned to Captain Striker to see what orders would be given. The woman, Jane, seemed quite distraught at the damage on shore, although she tried to hide it. He gestured toward the ravaged docks. "Don't worry, miss. In a couple of weeks, you won't be able to tell there ever was a hurricane. These people know how to deal with and recover from the destruction. You'll see."
  19. I moved to sit next to CrazyChole. She seemed to be as sceptical of this new venture as I was. "What do you think of this tale of Jacky's, of Spanish gold and giant legartos? I'm also kinda worried about Red Cat. It's not like her to bolt out without saying anything." I glance over my shoulder at Jacky head to head with Mr. Roberts. "And the sudden appearence of this new fellow is just a bit fishy, if you ask me."
  20. When we reached the Rakehell, Goose went below with my things and returned to his galley. Africa greeted me with a questioning expression on his face. "You don look too happy. What happen, dat man no like your dress?" "Oh he liked it well enough, I suppose." I stood at the rail by his side, letting the wind ruffle my hair and the sun warm my face. "Den why Goose come back fo your ol' clothes?" "I drank a little too much. When I tried to sober up, either Captain Tar or Spoons, his cook, spiked my coffee with Irish whiskey. I passed out. Next think I knew, it was morning, and I was in Captain Tar's bed with no clothes on." The big man's hand dropped to his cutlass. "If dat man hurt you..." I gave him a wry smile. "Nothing happened, except I cursed a blue streak." "Dat be normal." "Then he gave me a fine, expensive ball gown to wear." He raised an eyebrow. "You look pretty strange standin' at da helm in a ball gown." "That's why I politely refused it. But you know, for a moment, with that fine dress in my lap, I almost wished I was back in London at one of those horrid balls my mother used to throw, and that I was wearing that dress, and could dance the night away with a handsome man." Africa looked worried. "You ever wish dat before you meet Captain Tar?" I met his gaze. "No. Never." Africa was silent for a long time, then said, "I almost forget. You have a guest. She say her name be Cat." "Red Cat! Where is she?" I turned, scanning the deck, but didn't see her. "Waitin' fo you in da ward room." Feeling a bit more lighthearted, I went below to greet my friend. When I found her I grinned. "Found my best brandy, I see!"
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