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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Mandolin (?) My Mom had one, inherited from her father. Wish I had it now, but long gone.
  2. Goose, suddenly seeing the way the two captains were looking at each other, and also deciding that he didn't think it was a good idea for things to go any further, purposely dropped a heavy tray. The echoing clash made everyone jump, and the mood was broken. Goose figured it was worth the cussing and wipping he'd no doubt get later.
  3. Bow Wow (as in dog barking at a Rennie )
  4. Very nicely done, indeed, Kass. As usual, a wealth of information.
  5. "Awe, Jacky, I don't like plane C, even if the gob did nearly shoot me dead." I give Eyes a prod with the rapier, just to keep him awake. "Why don't you apply the proper amount of strength, and lift the door free?"
  6. From where I'm sitting, West is Hawaii! (Ooo, RFIV in Hawaii - not bad) Now for you Easterners, Oregon is West!
  7. "Tis true, we be like the Four Musketeers, er Mouseketeers, er, something anyways. As ta curvy, well...I wouldn't go that far, but I'm definately NOT scurvy!" Lifts her champagne glass toward her companions - Red Cat, Jacky, and CrazyChole. "Cheers to ya, mates, and tis even better on someone else's coin!" Leans over an whispers inta Red Cat's, and Chole's ears, "So what did ya think of the bloke's picture?"
  8. Just the camera? What a kodak moment - for her!
  9. "Ah, well, I never said this she-pyrate couldn't be bribed, neither! I guess the Red Cat can takes care of herself."
  10. After the crew and I had eaten a quantity of grilled fish, and drank down half a cask of Port, I gave orders that on the next tide, the ship would leave this un-named haven from the hurricane and head back to Port Royal. I found myself wondering how Professor Trilby had survived the storm, and also if my missing cook, Goose, had found shelter. To my surprise, I also found myself hoping that Sebastian had survived the tempest, and it wasn't only because our business transaction had been so abruptly interrupted by mother nature. I felt it would be a shame if the posseser of those fathomless dark eyes had been swept to his death before he was able to reach high ground. It might also explain why I was now in such haste to return to that Port, and discover for myself just what the cost of the hurricane had been.
  11. Go West, young pyrates, go West. How about Roseburg...Oregon, that is!
  12. This picture make it look like he's hung up in the rigging - or in a big spider web! Or are those things tree branches? I think I likes the snoozing Captain better!
  13. Alright, I confess. I started it by making the innocent comment "How do I adapt the clothes the Dutch sailors are wearing to something for a woman." Or something to that effect. And then, BOOM, we got into this great discussion about women dressing as men, and how historically acurate that was or wasn't. It's snowballed since then, but it's still a great discussion. I see William Red Wake is now asking all the gents if they LIKE women dressed as men, or would rather they dressed as women, so this thread is creating spin-offs! Kewl!
  14. "And Mr. Roberts, CrazyChole be right. Ya don't want ta be turnin' yer back on the Red Cat, lest that rum your downin' be wasted, and end up running' out of all the holes she'd blast through ya. Besides, the Cat be a friend o mine, and I might feel obligated-like ta tell her who nicked her purse"
  15. To help the red-haired woman get the...point...I pull my rapier out and hover the tip in front of her right eye. "Let me give you a hint, sweetie, coming from one red head to another, there is no way we are going to leave our mate in that cage, so now might be a good time for you to deal straight with us. Unless, of course, you want to be a one-eyed red head."
  16. When Spoons returned with the coffe, I gratefull watched him pour me a cup. I took a sip, letting the hot, strong stuff settle a bit before taking another. It seemd to help counteract the Port, so I resumed eating the sausage, which was excellent. Jacky remained by my side, watching me eat, which made me feel slightly foolish - as if he were waiting by the bed of a sick child to make sure they were okay. Part of me admired him for it, but the part of me that hated to be thought weak, wished he'd never had to worry about it in the first place. I took another sip of coffee, felt my head slowly clearing, and decided that it was nice to be weak once and awhile, if it made a man look at you the way Jacky was looking at me right this moment.
  17. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ For me, day off 'cause I work at home anyway. But for my husband, he had to work. < Didn't do much celebrating. Watched DMC, ate crackers and dip, and killed a bottle of Korbel. In bed by 10, because husband had to be back up at 5:30 am. V Any New Years resolutions?
  18. Whew, only six posts and he be stealin' women off ta his room! Now, that man be a pyrate! Best take a little time out, mate, and buy a few rounds, lest ya find yer door kicked back in and a pack of thirsty pirates interrupting yer...courting? As for meself, I have me ususal - a glass of Frech bubbly with shot of Tattoo. Welcome to the Pub.
  19. All good wishes for you in the New Year, Rumba. A member of my writer's group, (male) is going through the same issues with his back that you are - only he's been dealing with it for about 10 years. He continues on with great courage, and even though he had to move from our area back to California to be with his family, and is in a lot of pain, he continues to write and e-mail us chapters of his book. Granted, this man is in his late 60's early 70's ( I don't know his exact age-never asked), but he still maintains a sense of humor. I hope your health issues improve, and you have my prayers that they will. You and GoF handled the Secret Santa experiment wonderfully well, and I am sure it will become a Pub tradition. Just one more example of how much you do for all of us here at the Pub. Huzzah...huzzah...huzzah!
  20. Just had to compliment you, Captain Sterling, on your new signature photo. Very, um..... revealing? Love it!
  21. "And leave all the gold and riches? Are ya daft woman? I didn't brave Spiders, flames, and getting shot at just ta leave everything behind!"
  22. I don't have plates, but I have two stickers in my back window of my tundra - one says "Pirate Girl" and the other says "A Pirate Life for Me" in latin and English ( received from PirateMod.com). Does that count?
  23. Here's me toast for the New Year. Taken from our local paper, but it sounded good for pyrates as well. "Here's to cheating, stealing, fighting and drinking. If you cheat, may you cheat death. If you steal, may you steal a woman's heart. If you fight, may you fight for a brother. And if you drink, may you drink with me! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  24. Hear, hear, to the new year! (Gosh, did I just make a rhyme? - I know I've had too much wine to spell it right - or , did I? )
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