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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. If I had enough of the shiny, I'd buy me a pair of boots. I know they aren't period, but I don't care. They look way too cool. The coat, pants, shirt, etc. I can make myself. But, ah, them boots!
  2. I think ya just answered yer own question, mate!
  3. Not in pyrate garb, but in SCA costume - tourney clothes to court dress. Liqour stores grocery stores gas stations restaurants fast food joints Best one was after a two day equestrien event. Fifteen of us in costume, sweaty, dirty, dusty and smelling of horse, overtook a Sizzler. It was hilarious. We'd be standing in line at the salade bar, and people would start sniffing, then look at us and step back three paces. We had a blast.
  4. With a wide grin, I stand back and let Jacky vent his anger. Eyes still looks sheepish, and Red Cat looks about ta pee her pants, wavin' her arms and putting herself between Eyes and Jacky's pistol. I secretly think Jacky be my hero, and I wait ta see just what will happen next.
  5. Might want ta stock up, as it could be two or three coats!
  6. Warmish, in the 50's, but rain and heading for snow this weekend.
  7. dunta....dunta...dunta, dunta, dunta....arhhhhhh!
  8. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Hoping for snow. We're due to get some this weekend, but don't know about Christmas yet. < Single serving of Eggnog, mixed in a generous coffee mug = Any good commercial eggnog, mixed 2/3 to 1/3 of half & half. Nuke to heat, then add a generous slug of Captain Morgan's Tattoo. Killer!!! V Do you buy Christmas presents for your pets?
  9. Eventually I run out of curses, and grabing my hat, shove it back on to my head, glaring at Eyes, and wondering if that shot were truely accidental. He is a pyrate, after all. "What in blazes is so important that ya haveta shoot yer friends over, ya stupid gob?" I snap, still miffed that I didn't get the punch-line to the mushroom joke. Then I see the big X on the floor, and how everyone is staring at it. "So, who has the part of the map with the X on it, and what does it mean?" All the while I'm still wondering where the spider has slunk off to, and when will it be back.
  10. Feeling that my distrust had been foolish, and that I had indeed offended my host, I picked up the glass and held it out. "Sorry, that was rude of me. I've been out of polite society for too long. I'll take that glass of Port, if you're still willing to pour it."
  11. I cock an eye in exasperation. "Do ya think I'm some kinda of lubberish coward? I can fight with the best of them, even against hairy spiders! I'll use its wooden eyes for billiard balls if it tries anything again. Now come on, let's find Red Cat and Eyes, and see if they've found the treasure yet." Holding the lantern high, I follow two sets of rum-wet footprints leading toward a door to the lower deck. The window in the door has a big smudge on it where someone wiped away most of the dirt so they could look in. "I'd guess this is the way they went." And I opened the door.
  12. Taquitos with quacamole and sour cream. But I'll skip the ale and have a margarita. Fightin' aracnids(?) is hard work!
  13. "Well, that's better - I think. One more step closer, and I was ready to fling the lantern at it, and turn it into a spidy-torch." I look around for Eyes and Red Cat, but don't see them. "Where are the others?" Then I give Jacky a grin. "Twas nice of ya to put yourself between me and the beastie. If you really want that blunderbuss, I guess I can shinny back up the rope and fetch it, but toting a gun and a lantern and trying to climb back down might be a bit tricky. Any other suggestions?"
  14. The Rakehell bobbed gently in the center of the protected bay of some un-named cay. Her exhausted crew slept where they had collapsed, too tired to eat, even after almost 30 hours of fighting the storm. I lay in my hammock, listening to the slap of water against the hull. I'd gone far beyond mere exhaustion, and lay awake, though my body felt as if I had been beaten in an alley. But I was grateful for the calm, and for the fact that no one had been swept overboard, and that the ship was still whole with little damage. When the sun had finally broken through the clouds, I took what bearings I could, and guessed we were two days south from Port Royal. Better than I had hoped. As the warm sun shown through the thick glass of the stern window, and the hammock rocked with the ship, gentle as any baby's crib, my eyes finally closed.
  15. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Don't see why not. Our boat be a power boat, but she still flies the Jolly Roger. Not everyone can afford something with a mast on the ocean. It's your pyrate heart that counts. < Just watched one of me favorite movies - Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Always cracks me up. V What kind of movies do you like, sad, funny, scary, tear-jerker?
  16. Doomed to a happy life - what's so bad about that?
  17. "You want me to run and leave you here ta deal with the beastie? Are ya nuts?" I grab the lantern just as the light flickers out. I open it, and by the light from CrazyChole's torch, I fill it with some of the rum on the floor, that the spider didn't suck up. Then I relight it with the torch. With the lantern bright as ever, I pull out my rapier and wave the point at the spider. "Don't know what ya got in mind, ya hairy beast, but I don't fancy being wrapped up for your larder." Side by side, Jacky and I face the creature, while Chole reaches into the cookie pouch.
  18. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Croisants and champagne mimosas < Just got back from mailing my last Christmas present. Only cards left to do. V Do you listen to music while you wrap gifts - if so, what kind?
  19. So, does that mean, when we buy the game, we can send you the board so you can autograph it for us? Congratulations!
  20. Lemme see. I ws born on the cusp between Aries and Taurus — so I'm really in trouble!
  21. "Holy Shite, jeeze louise, YIKES." I jump back, as the spider looms in front of us, and I swear it has a smile on it's ugly mug. It's a pale gray color, from being down in the dark so long, and nasty black hairs sprout all over its fat body. Shakin' in me boots, I grab CrazyChole's arm and push it so the torch shines brighter on the creature. It's then I notice that not all of its eight eyes look normal. Some be looking up, some down, and appear ta be made of wood. I point to one eye weathered as drift wood. "Bet that splinters something awful."
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