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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Gearing up to decorate the house for Christmas tomorrow.
  2. Sunny, after three days of rain, and light snow. But it's cold - down in the 20's at night, and maybe 40 during the day. Sun isn't going to last, as rain is forcast again, but it's nice to get that little break!
  3. Merlot - Tastes good, even with dissolved pearls.
  4. With a quick duck, I avoid getting bashed in the head by Jane's Brandy bottle. The smell of smouldering fruitcake hovers in the air. Ray looks a bit discusted with all of us, and grabs a broom to clean up the mess.
  5. Africa shrugged, then went to relay the message to the Captain. "Dat raggedy man say he goin' to wait." She looked amused. "Is he, by God. Well, I need to change clothes. I may need you later, to tighten some corset strings." "What you mean?" "Just what I said. I don't have a maid, in case you haven't noticed, and I plan to dress lady-like for this dinner. I can't tie my own bodice strings, so you're elected to do the job." Africa was alarmed at this statement. He'd never seen the captain in anything other then a conglomeration of men's clothing. "Why you need to dress up for dis dinner?" She smiled. "Every maneuver needs a strategy, Africa. Fancy dress is mine." He eyed her with suspicion. "It dat man, isn't it. You been actin' funny ever since you come off dat ship." He received a glare for answer. "You just be near at hand when I need you."
  6. I watch with interest as Ray takes the plate of soused fruitcake to the fireplace. Unfortunately, he gets it a little too close to the flames, and it becomes fruitcake flambeau. In a mistaken attempt to put out the fire, he throws more rum over the plate, causing the flames to explode toward the ceiling. Ray drops the plate, and flaming fruitcake tumbles over the floor. I'd help put it out, but I'm laughing too hard to move.
  7. Welcome, Lilith. Since you're buying, I'll be having me usual - French bubbly with a tot of Tattoo. The Pub be a fine place, but I hope you have a large cache, 'cause this lot can DRINK! Cheers!
  8. "You wait there, while I check." Africa went to the captain's door and knocked. "Yes?" He opened the door and poked his head in. "There be some raggedy-man callin' for you. He say he from the Relentless to escort you." "What kind of raggedy-man?" the captain asked. Africa shrugged his big shoulders. "Don know. Never see him before." "Well, tell him to head on back to his ship. I'm not ready to leave yet, and I can find my own way to the Relentless. Tell him to relay to his captain that I'll be along in about half an hour." "Aye, Captain." Then he shut the door and returned to the rail. The raggedy man was still waiting. "Captain Ransom say you go back to Relentless. She be along soon and can find her own way."
  9. My husband used to drive OTR, for years, and liked it. But now that he has 20 acres and animals - not to mention a wife! - it no longer appeals to him. Besides, at 48, and over 30 + years of driving a big rig, I think he's ready to do something else. Actually, I think right now he'd like to quit driving and live on our boat full time!
  10. Africa heard the hail and walked to the dock side of the ship. A man he didn't know was standing there. Due the the nature of the Rakehell's usual line of business, strangers were looked on with suspicion. "What you want with dis ship?"
  11. Goose hadn't known what the letter he carried said, but he hadn't expected a bath before he could go on board. Screeching and protesting, to no avail, he was scrubbed to within an inch of his life, given fresh clothes, then hussled down to the galley, where a man called Spoons gave him a look of dispare, and started giving him orders. "I don't rightly know why I'm here" he pleaded. Spoons gave him another look, as if a piece of fouled meat had been tossed into his cook pot, and informed him he was there to learn how to cook Goose nodded, somewhat distracted by the wonderful aroma coming from the stove. "So, what are we cookin' fer um? And, will there be leftovers, do ya think?" Spoons just rolled his eyes.
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