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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Thanks for the links, Patrick and Red Cat. Southern Oregon tends to be the "land that time forgot" so finding this kind of stuff can be hard. Can't wait to see your pictures, Patrick.
  2. Why would ya want to? Ya look fine just the way ya are.
  3. With amusement, I watch Jacky tuck the mistletoe into his front breeches pocket. A number of interesting thoughts run through my head, but I push them aside, for possible use in another thread. When Red Cat lights the candle, the glow from below gets even brighter, as the greed of happy pirates lights up our eyes. For the moment the spider is forgotten, as our curiousity over what lies below takes hold.
  4. Goose watched Spoons set up the fancy tray, but had a hard time helping, as he was still tryin' to figure out just what Captain Ransom was up to. It had ta be some scam she was workin', or why else the fancy duds? He knew it couldn't be a stall until this Spoons feller taught him how to cook, although, after Ransom's reaction to Goose's muther's stew receipe, that might be it. He shook his head, and went back to assistin' Spoons with the supper, which was makin' Goose's mouth water just smellin' it. If Captain Ransom had a plan, she was keepin' it close to the vest, but Goose still couldn't understand, if the Relentless had somethin' she wanted, why didn't she just give um a broadside, take it, and be done with it. Women, he thought, who can ever figure um?
  5. Maybe it should be an equal-opportunity calender, six female and six male hotties. That way, everyone gets a little cheese cake. **Hummm...thinking about which males I would like to press...er, oops...I mean, nominate**
  6. Happiest of natal days, CrazyChole. Be ya sailing with the Dane, fighting giant spiders, or kicking back at the Pub, ya do it with style! Cheers to ya!
  7. Silly pirate, yer suppose t' take the justacorps off the hanger when ye wear 'em! "Yeah, but if I leave it in, it makes me shoulders so much squarer, and I can "hang out" where ever I like, giving me feet a nice rest.
  8. I bit distracted by Jacky's kiss, it takes me a minute to pull my mind back to what is going on. "Find the rose? Do you mean a compass rose, 'cause there sure aren't any prickly real ones growing down here."
  9. I peer over the side at the sleeping spider, still not sure it's just faking those snores, which are kinda bubbly, since his face is in the bucket. I'm almost sure one of his good eyes is staring back up at us, but the light is so bad, I can't be positive. With a shrug, I follow Jacky and Red Cat, and a goofy-eye'd Eyes down into the hold, but there be a prickling at the base of me spine that tells me all is not well. Not yet.
  10. Only Mad Jack could give a whole new meaning to the term "Tossed Salad." I like pirating, 'cause where else can ya swash yer buckle, strut yer stuff, and wear a hanger, all at the same time! I mean, how much cooler could ya get?
  11. I look from Red Cat to Jacky, thinking that the plan, although creative, might be just a tad unreliable. Unfortunately, I didn't have a better one. "Okay, I'll stand at the ready with a torch, but if that thing grabs either one of you, and we toss torches on it, how are you NOT going to get burned at the same time? And concidering how soaked in rum everything is, this whole place could become a blazing inferno. I don't mind if the spider becomes a crispy critter, but I don't fancy the idea of becoming one myself."
  12. "Never thought I'd find myself chumming for spiders!" I look back toward the tunnel. "Maybe all that sand Eyes carries around with him will turn the spider off." I shrug. "Too much grit in the meal?"
  13. "P..LEah..THra" With lots of spittal drops as you speak.
  14. I laugh softely. "I don't think either of us would ever be bored. Our natures are too inquisitive, and our line of work too exciting. And I have never found your company to be anything but...exciting." That last thought shakes me a bit. I had never admitted it before, but it was true. I did find this man exciting. Which left me wondering just where the relationship would go. Our eyes met, but I couldn't read his thoughts, so merely commented, "Dinner sounds just fine. What marvels has Spoons taught Goose?"
  15. I stand at the rail, peering over, trying to see where the spider has taken Eyes, but everything is too dark. All I hear is the nasty beastie humming from way down a tunnel. I have a horrid image of Eyes, sucked dry as a raisin, and turn to the others. "What in blazes do we do now?"
  16. My butt hits the dirty floor as CrazyChole knocks me over in her enthusiasm. "Hey, ya wanna watch that." I say, as I try to brush the dust off my pants. Crouching on my knees, I watch her crawl across the floor, following a line carved into the wood. Facinated, I crawl after her.
  17. One of my cats, Celeste, purring as she sits on my lap.
  18. After moving the pieces around every whichaways, I look up at CrazyChole. "I don't have a blind idea what any of this means. Do you?"
  19. I gave him a wry smile. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about me slipping something into your drink. I don't find compliant men very attractive — drugged or otherwise. And something tells me you're not the compliant type. Neither am I. I prefer to put up a little fight." I gave him a wink. " Even if it's only for show. As for being polite and proper, well, that can get a bit boring after awhile, don't you think?" I accepted the Port and put the glass to my lips. The wine was smooth and rich as velvet.
  20. Not exactly th' sun..... but I can volunteer ter be givin''em th' next best kinda kiss..... Hey.... someones gotta do somethin' 'bout them wrinkles 'crosst thier bosoms... Poor things..... What a guy!
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