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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I pick up one of the rounds of dough and bang it against the table. The roll doesn't even dent. I glance at Goose, who quickly looks away. Yes, I suppose he does need a few more lessons, but he can't stay on the Relentless forever. After a few more cups of coffee, and a filling breakfast, I figure it's time to get back aboard the Rakehell. I retreive my dress of the previous night, and with Goose in tow, return to the deck. Before crossing back to the dock, I turn to Jacky. "Thank you for the dinner and breakfast. I'm sorry about getting drunk, but you have to admit, that wasn't entirely my fault. I'll send Goose back soon, for another lesson, and yes, I'll come and see how he fairs." I give Jacky a kiss on the cheek, and leave the Relentless, slightly dissappointed at the way the whole evening had gone. As usual, it had been different than I had hoped or expected. But, there was always next time.
  2. I perk up at the entrance of the mysterious friend of Red Cats. I perk up even more, when I see the heated discussion and exchange of rolled parchments. I'm surprised when she scoots out of the Pub, leaving Jacky with one of the parchments. I take a sip of champagne (after promising Ray I won't throw any more glasses) and ponder these new developments, thinking, "What's the Cat gotten herself into this time?"
  3. Each to her or his own heaven, luv.
  4. Yeah, horrible movie! Don't know why anyone would waste their money and time. NOT Let's hope the Oscar people are paying attention.
  5. "Ooo, white chocolate - my favorite!" Takes one of the little curly things and pops it in my mouth. "Tastes like heaven!"
  6. "That's fine with me, I like lamb too! And food that's a bit spicy. Besides, anything ya cook would be good."
  7. I step up to Jacky, my eyes shooting sparks. "Ya can say what you like about me, make jokes about me sneeking onto Spanish ships, and the like, but NEVER make fun of the Rakehell! No, she's no fat-bellied galleon wallowing around like a log in a puddle. I can sail rings around um before they can fire a shot. Mostly they see me flag, and they gives up! So, no more comments about my "little schooner", Sir! I walk off in a huff to the bar, and order a shot of Tattoo, muttering to myself, "Little schooner, humph, the nerve..."
  8. I pull up a chair, and wipe the drool from my lips. "Looks yummy, William. Are they stuffed with...turkey? " (Which I agree, is a very noble bird indeed - especially after my husband has slow-cooked one in the smoker for about eight hours! )
  9. Okay, I confess, if I had the money, I'd be the Imelda Marcos of Grants Pass. Right now, I'm listening to...rain, again.
  10. Tis very true. Might be one of the reasons I've been very happily married for 16 years! I wish you and Callendish the same joy.
  11. "Ohhhh, is THAT all? Just a few savages and a lot of flesh-eating animals. All for a treasure some geriatric Dutchman babbled on about in his delierium? And that Legarto Grande sounds pretty mythological to me." I turn to Red Cat. "Are you really thinking about looking for this Spanish gold? I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but, if this treasure was just sitting out there waiting for some nosey pirates to find it, how come no one has come back with any before now? Maybe all them as tried ended up Lagarto snacks — except for this Dutchman, of course." I was willing to play devils advocate, if only to see how determined the rest of the swabs were on getting this so-called treasure. Give me a nice fat galleon bursting at the seams with loot, and I'd be on her in a trice. Clean, easy, and no beasties to deal with. This adventure was something totally different.
  12. Norrington! I was totally blown away by his change between the first movie and the second. Can't wait to see how he fares in the third.
  13. "Irish whiskey! No wonder I got so drunk. God's teeth, Spoons, I was trying to sober up, not get...well, never mind. Just give me a cup of plain coffee, will you?" I turn to Jacky, who has been a bit quiet since I returned in my own clothes. I approached him with a smile, and touched his cheek. "Thank you again for the dress. It really was lovely. Maybe I'll be able to wear it someday." I gave a little laugh. "If you can put up with me for that long."
  14. Pounding, drilling, banging - as my husband puts in a new clothes closet rack and shelf, since ours collapsed two nights ago. He swears it was the weight of all my shoes. NOT!
  15. Fresh caught Ling Cod, with lemon and parsley butter, new potatoes, chopped broccoli, and jalapeno cheese bread. Yum!
  16. I took a healthy slug of rum, then looked Jacky square in the eyes. "This doesn't involve mythical beasts, oversized spiders, giant squids, or man-eating sharks, does it? And this Dutchman wasn't a flying one, was he? Being as how I've just escaped one hairy beast, and a fast-draw pyrate, I'm none too keen ta start on a new adventure until I have a few more facts."
  17. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Tax return? You get money back? < Going through old SCA costumes looking for something GAoP appropriate - I ended up with a hat! V Resolutions aside, what do you think you'll do different in the new year?
  18. Putting back on my brash exterior, I asked with a hint of sarcasm, "So, Spoons, can I get a mug of coffe without any rum in it this time?" Goose grinned, obviously glad that his captain was back to normal.
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Nice fire in the fireplace, glass of wine to hand, handsome hubby cuddling next to me! < Favorite wintertime activity would be - "same as above" except if hubby wasn't around, then a good book. V Favorite cold-weather drink?
  20. I take a slurp of my margarita, then look over at OderlessEye. "So, are ya going ta show us how ta play this game, since it's seems Jacky has bowed out, 'cause he knows no more than the rest of us?"
  21. Something told me I'd hurt Jacky's feelings, but it could not be helped. The gown would never do for me, much as I might wish it. I changed back into my own clothes, but, since he had offered, kept the blue sash as a memento of the dress I could not keep. Once back in my usual clothes, I felt more myself. Yes, I was a female, but expensive fancy gowns were not meant for me, not for a long time, if ever. I was who I was, and truth be told, I liked my life at sea, even if fine dresses were denied me. I hoped Jacky would understand, and not think I had rebuffed his gift out of pique. His generosity touched me deeply, and it meant more to me than I could say, that he though well enough of me to offer it. Back in pantaloons, shirt, justecorp, and boots, I joined my host in the galley, prepared for a rebuff and most likely a quick return to the Rakehell.
  22. "That's it? No treasure, no nuthin'? What the hell was the point? Just ta supply some wooden-eyed spider with a drinkin' mug?" I flop down next ta Red Cat, cursing under my breath, " Flippin' ^%$*& spiders...dang %$#^@ rum vapors...blasted waste o' me...*^$@^ time!
  23. Before Jacky could make it to the door, I called him back. "Jacky, what am I to do with this? It's gorgeous, but meant for some lady of The Quality, not the captain of a ship. The clothes I have on are better suited to my vocation than this fine gown. If I was going to some high-toned and fancy party, that might be different, but that's not likely to happen anytime soon. And, God, can you imagine what my crew would think if I returned to the Rakehell dressed in this?" I let my hand run over the fine fabric, then folded it carefully and put it back in the chest. I turned to Jacky. "I thank you for the offer, but it is much too fine for me. Now, let us go up to the galley and get something to eat."
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