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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Roberts and I returned the horses to their original tie rails, with no one the wiser. I notice Roberts touch the wound on his head a few times, and I'm sure it's hurting him like blazes, but I don't much care. He hasn't earned my trust yet, so I figure a little pain is no more than he deserves. When we reach the Fat Weasel, I'm so concerned for the Cat that I open the door without knocking. Jacky has a pistol pointed at my head before I can get two steps into the room. I hold up a hand, palm out. "Sorry, luv, it's just me and Roberts." Then I look toward the bed, where Red Cat seems to be peacefully sleeping. "How is she?"
  2. "Well, there's three as won't be making any gold off of Red Cat's death. Food for crabs and gulls, they are." I glared at Roberts. "Best get her out of here. Fast. Don't want the watch, or anyone else wondering who did the damage." I gesture to the three corpses on the beach. "Come on Jacky, we need a safe place to go. Where do you think is the best?"
  3. As the Rakehell sailed carefully into Port Royal harbor, I surveyed the damage done by the storm. It was bad, but not as bad as it could have been. Once the ship was secure, I gave orders to Africa and the men to guard her, then went ashore to look for my missing cook, Goose. I found him, snug and dry in the cottage behind the stable, keeping the stableman company, and both drunk on cheap wine. The cannon sat where I had left it, untouched by the weather. So, I thought, Sebastian still had his little French toy to collect. The Rakehell had drawn near to Kingston, but the wharf and buildings had been nearly wiped out. There was no way for anyone to unload cargo, assuming anyone was left to do so. The only recourse was to anchor in Port Royal, leave a message at the bookstore, and wait. Before doing so, however, there was one more person I wanted to see. So leaving Goose with his companion, I headed toward the house of Professor Angus Trilby.
  4. Oh, I think Jack prides himself on being a pestilence... Welcome back, Jack! And, what did happen to your bondage signature?
  5. Looks like I'm going to be snowed in today. It's coming down pretty hard, and everything under it is frozen. Think I'll stand by the wood stove and watch it out the window. BTW, I never touch Red Bull! Stuff'l kill ya.
  6. It had been a long time since I'd been on a horse, racing along, the wind whipping my hair. But the joy of it was blunted by the scene before me, the three assailants weilding blades at our friend, who had now fallen. With a banshee-like scream, I aimed the horse at the nearest man, literally running him down. With a whosh of air and a grunt, he bounced off the animal's chest and was flung to the ground. Turning in my saddle and pulling the horse's head around, I started at a dead run after a man who was attempting to escape. The horse's hooves tossed glittering sprays of sand as we raced across the moonlit beach, chasing after the Cat's attacker. With a wild laugh, I aimed the point of my rapier at the man's back.
  7. Sorry, but I'm still laughing about that raccoon picture. Too funny!
  8. I followed Jacky and Roberts, sure now that Red Cat must be in trouble. We raced down the lane, heading for the Fancy Parrot, where Jacky stopped and plucked something from the ground, and stared at it intently. "What is it. What did you find?"
  9. **Visual** thong draped over a computer tower. Ah, the stories it could tell - the thong, not the tower.
  10. With my headache still pounding behind my eyes, and the brandy starting to fog my brain, I didn't have any idea what Red Cat was talking about. Come to think of it, I'd spent the last 24 hrs three-sheets-to-the-wind, which should have been a sign that I was not my usual self. I resoved to resist the temptation of alcohol until I could once again think straight. "Jacky's a polite man, for a pirate, and he'd do for me what he'd do for anyone - watch my back. Further than that, I just don't know. Actually, I'm kinda wondering where that dress he offered me came from, and what it was doing in his sea chest. It's worth a tidy bit of the shiny, so why'd he keep it? What lady was so special he couldn't bear to part with her dress?" The thuding around above was sending cannon salvos through my brain. I lept up from my chair, unlocked the door, leaned out and shouted, "Oi, what are you gutless bilge rats doing, throwing cannon balls across the deck? Give it a rest, would ya!" I relocked the door and returned to my chair. Red Cat watched me with a feline grin on her face. "Sorry, but my head is killing me. So, when are you planning to sail for Burmuda?"
  11. They're the same ones you see in WallMart, wearing pink leggings and a shirt that hits them at hip level!
  12. Professor Angus Trilby had spent the day taking inventory of the storm's damage. Luckily, he hadn't fared too badly. None of his books or papers had been lost, which was the most important concideration. The house was missing a few roof tiles, and water had leaked into his upstairs bedroom, creating a soggy puddle in the middle of his fine damask counterpane. Water had also seeped in under the doors at both the front and back of the house, which Souris was in the process of mopping up. More importantly to Angus, was the condition of his outside furness. He had inspected it as soon as possible, pulling away from it's stout belly a broken chair, a lady's sodden hat, and a dead seagull. To his relief it had survived without damage. Water had soaked the cold coals within, but the sturdy brick chimney still pointed bravely at the now sunny sky. His experiments could continue without interruption. With a sigh of contentment, Angus had returned to the house.
  13. I watched Roberts walk away in one direction and Jacky the other. Shaking my head, I turned toward the smithy and tried the door. It was unlocked, which I thought strange. On entering, I smelled the mixed oders of hot iron, burning coals, and cleaning oil lingering in the stuffy air. Tools, horseshoes, and half-finished weapons hung from the walls and roof rafters. In the forge, coals pulsed with a red glow under the banked ash, and I could feel the heat of it on my face. I did a quick survey of the place. No-one was about. With the door unlocked, that was even stranger. With a final glanse around, I left the smithy and stood silently in the shadows of the building, waiting and watching. I saw and heard nothing, other than the shouts of laughter coming from The Dead Monkey, and a huge stray cat running down the lane with a dead rat in its jaws.
  14. Roberts might be getting a belly-laugh out of the situation, but I didn't like it one bit. It was the sort of place where a man...or woman...could get a knife in the ribs, and no one the wiser. I had my rapier out, and could almost feel the throwing knife in my bodice, waiting for an excuse to fly into some blokes neck. I touched Jacky gently on the sleeve, not wanting to startle him and get myself shot. "I don't like this. Roberts could be leading us into a trap. I don't think Red Cat would come to a place like this alone. She's not that stupid."
  15. Well, I can tell ya from first hand experience, if they aren't wearing undies, then they aint riding in jeans, 'cause those chaff in areas that you REALLY don't want to be chaffed in! I ride in english riding pants, WITH my undies, and eveything is fine. :angry:
  16. I look up at the sound of the thud, then shake my head. "Well, I imagine one or more members of my crew are dieing to know what we're talking about. And I'm sure Goose has embroidered the tale of last night to...well, I'm sure he's exagerated things." I peer at the stern window. "I'm surprised they haven't dropped someone on a line and hung them off the stern, just to keep tabs on us." I pop another bit of roll into my mouth. "As for Jacky, well, no one knows how complicated he is more than I do. Trouble is, we both like our freedom, which is, I think, the biggest obsticle to our relationship. I told him I didn't want our times together to be nothing more than a nice meal and a friendly chat between voyages." I lean over the table, picking at the roll and dropping the bits onto the table. Then I look Red Cat full in the eyes. "But you know, Cat, I'd do anything for the man, if he but asked me. Anything except give up the Rakehell. So, where does that leave us?"
  17. Come on, that's not so bad. Try wearing a pair of thong underwear! What a girl won't do to prevent panty lines! :angry:
  18. Nice hot buttered rum toddies? :angry:
  19. Quick Hands, eh? Well, I girl would like ta know just how ya came by that name, 'cause I speck most of the lasses around here would prefer a slow hand, if ya get my drift. Then again, if it be for thievin', then quick hands be handy, for sure. And since it's your shiny that's paying, I'll have me usual, French bubbly with a shot of Tattoo." Welcome to the Pub, mate.
  20. I was thinking more that he was hanging out at Tsunami Kates, 'cause didn't he leave his hat behind on the bar, with a giant bottle of Guinness?
  21. Hey, where have I seen that hat before?
  22. A really BIG hall. Pepper bacon be one of my favs, but it's kinda like that ode to spam: Eggs, bacon, bacon, roll, bacon, orange juice, bacon, bacon and...bacon. And, BLTs are part of that "heavenly feast" William was talking about.
  23. "I'll let you look at my charts, an copy them if you wish, but, you best be careful around Burmuda. Strange things are wont to happen there. I've had my compass go crazy as a dervish, run into huge islands of seaweed with all manor of odd sea creatures living in it, and seen strange...well, really strange, things in the sky. It's a haunted place, the waters around Burmuda." I pluck a roll from the table and pick off bits to nibble. "As for Jacky, well, it's the usual. One step forward, two steps back. This morning he offered me a fancy ball gown. Can you imagine? Don't know what possesed him, but it was a lovely gesture. Could have blown me over with a feather." I didn't intend to entertain Red Cat with the knowledge of just why I needed a dress at that moment. However, I notice Red Cat is rolling her eyes, and taking another gulp of brandy. "Well, you asked." I lean back in my chair. "You know Cat, that man drives me crazy — in more ways than one. I never know where I stand with him. One minute we're all cozy an intimate, and the next thing I know, he pulls back and acts all business-like. Which puts me in a foul mood, which just makes the situation worse. Sometimes he says things that put my back up, and the next minute he says something so sweet it makes me get all tingly inside. "But, I suspect his cook, Spoons, wishes I'd take the Rakehell on a long sea voyage. Come to that, this relationship has my crew a little spooked too." I let out a chuckle. "Maybe I should sail with you to Bermuda." I give her a grin. "So, what's your Cat-ish advice?"
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