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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Without looking away from the charts, I remarked to Red Cat, "Made yourself at home, I see. Already got Africa mumbling pagan curses under his breath." Then I looked up and grinned. "It's good for him, but if you see him poking pins in a doll that looks suspiciously like you, ya may want to get back in his good graces." I poured us both a glass of Port, then handed one to the Cat. "By the way, I've had the locks changed on my liquor cabinet, so there'll be no helping yourself to my best brandy again." Red Cat just gave me that cat-whot-ate-the-canary look, and said nothing. Ignoring it, I asked, "So, what do you think of Jacky's grand adventure to the Dry Tortugas?"
  2. Port Royal, even at this late hour, was still busy with those whose endeavors favored the darkness. With one hand on the hilt of my rapier, I trotted silently toward the harbor, keeping away from the pools of light created by lanterns and torches outside the many taverns. Soon I became aware of another shadow behind me, following at leisure, with no hint of malice. I smiled. So, Sebastian thought I need a bodyguard after all. To my surprise, rather than annoy me, I found the gesture touching. With a small smile still lifting the corners of my mouth, I continued on my way to the docks, and reboarded the Rakehell.
  3. Most of the supplies had been loaded and stowed below. Between what I had and what Jane donated from her purse, we had more than enough to pay for everything. I was glad to see Red Cat finally on board, although I could tell Africa did not share that feeling. With those two trapped on the Rakehell for God knew how long, this voyage would certainly not be boring. I glanced over at the Relentless, still riding at anchor in the bay. I thought I could see a seal playing alongside her, but wasn't sure. With a shake of my head, I went back to preparing the ship for this treasure hunt of Jacky's, wondering just what he'd gotten us all in to, and if we'd all still be friends by the time it was over. Gold did strange things to people, even to people you thought you could trust.
  4. Weelll, there are times when NOT being in the pictures is a good thing. I think I'm going to change my persona to a highwayman/woman, so I have an excuse to wear a mask all the time. BTW. I saw your picture on the RF2 thread, and you looked wonderful. Great job!
  5. After viewing the pictures from the Portlandia weekend, I've decided I'm either going to wear a mask from now on, or stay away from the camera! I ended up looking like everyone's grandmother!!!!! Yuck! And I was not the oldest one there. So, what's the good of keeping the body in shape, if the face reminds you of Grandma Moses? I think I'll destroy all the mirrors in my house as well!
  6. Sorry, I was knocking together garb for the weekend in Portlandia, then gone Friday through late Sunday, and crashed Monday (getting too old to stay up partying until 2:30/3:00 am.) Had a great time with Lorien Stormfeather and crew. Will be back in PR directly.
  7. Africa pushed her hand away. " Careful who you go pokin' in da chest, little Cat, or I be tempted ta trow you overboard anyways." He stepped to the side and let her pass, glaring the whole time. "An don't speck any favors, if you be part of da crew on dis trip. I work you hard as anybody else. You pester me, den I work you harder."
  8. Well, so much for "What happens in Tortuga stays in Tortuga"! And, aye! I'll be hard pressed to top that next weekend! 'Twas also a pleasure meetin' you and Chain Shot. May fair winds bring our courses together again soon! Weelll, I coulda posted the picture!
  9. Africa rolled his eyes as the Red Cat came on board. She always teasing him, and tryin' ta wheedle information out o' him, when he didn't wan ta give any. Liked ta make boiled Cat out o her, he would, but daren't, since she be one of the Captain's friends. Then a thought made him grin and blocked the Red Cat's way. "You don have any papers on ya, do ya? I got Captain's permission ta trow ya off dis ship if ya's got papers."
  10. Happy Birthday to you one more time. Not often ya get ta see a good looking pyrate blindfolded, tied to a post, and whipped with a feather-sword by a gang of pyrate ladies! Was grand to meet you at last, Secret Santa, and thanks again for the rum cake and carmel sauce you sent home with me and Chain Shot. Cheers on your natal day!
  11. Jane's pale brow furrowed as Ransom spoke. She knew their interped leader was acting strangely and this was just more proof. Inwardly she was glad she'd been reassigned to the Rakehell. "Now why 'e do at? We already antied up r coin last night. Thar's no need fer credit." She dug around in the wrinked folds of her skirts until the small leather pouch apeared. "I've 'nough in 'ere fer tha whole lot n no ties o my own to it. 'Ere." A thin finger untied the stiff thong to open the bag pulling just one gold coin before offering the entire bundle to the captain. The girl shrugged, the money wasn't her's to begin with & she certainly didn't know what to do with such a bounty except drink it up at the pub. Perhaps it was better to fund their adventure with the coin. "Less git this little trip provisioned n on tha water 'for Commodor Tar gets ta big fer 'is breeches aye?" Jane smiled, smothering a soft giggle at Mr. Tar's new title. Although if he continued with the random behavoir, he'd quickly earn it. I grinned at the heafty chink of coin in the purse. "Good. That's good." Then I returned to the deck and our visitor. "Mr. Dillard, you may inform Mr. Toplofty Tar that he can keep his letters of credit. We won't be needing his charity on this trip. Good day to you, sir." I tipped my hat to him, then turned to Africa. "If any more errand boys with papers show up, especially if they are from the Relentless, make it quite clear they won't be welcome aboard." Africa smiled. "I be happy da do dat. You wan me ta shoot dem?" "No, nothing so drastic. Just don't let them on the ship." I returned to my cabin, but not before shouting to Goose for more hot water and fresh tea.
  12. "Yes. Commodore Tar has sent letters of credit for us to draw on. I'd prefer to provender the ship without being indebted to him. I've got a bit of shiny stowed away, and you offered that purse of yours. Between the two of us, is there enough to buy supplies without having to be beholden to Jacky? Before you answer, know that, if this little treasure hunt gets us nothing but lagarto skins and bug bites, I won't be able to repay what you give. We'll both be walking around with nothing but air and lint in our pockets."
  13. "Right where you are will be fine, Dillard." I turned to Africa. "Keep an eye on him. Not that I'm worried that he'll do anything, but this whole sceme has me paranoid. Africa nodded, then turned his eye on Dillard. I went below, looking for Jane. But I thougt it interesting that Dillard had not acknowledged our previous aquaintance. He acted as if we'd never met before. Which was fine with me, since our aquaintance had been short, and at least a year in the past.
  14. I thought about this retort. I needed to speak with Jane before I agreed to Jacky's offer. It galled me that I would be indepted to him, no matter the terms. "Wait, Mr. Dillard. I have to have conference with one of my passengers before I give answer to Mr. Tar. Can you do that?"
  15. Aye, she may only be a ship, but she's that man and his wife's livelyhood and home. You lose you home, you still have a job, you lose your job, you still have a home, but this couple has lost both, for the time being. A double shot, if you will. To cast doubts on their skill as mariners is a shame. It puts doubts in people's minds and makes them hesitate to donate funds that are so sorely needed. That is a shame. I have donated willingly, trying to put myself in their place, and wondering how desperate I would feel under the same circumstances.
  16. "Come aboard, Mr. Dillard, and present your papers." I waited until Mr. Dillard came aboard. He handed me a leather portfolio with papers within. I read the papers with interest, then a growing anger. So, Jacky thought to indept myself to him, did he? Offering credit on his account? The nerve! With barely held-in rage, I turned to Mr. Dillard, handing back the papers. "You may tell Commodor Tar, that I will not be indepted to him under any account. If he thinks that I would borrow monies, credit, or any such thing, he is vastly mistaken. This is his adventure, his maps, his information, but that's as far as I go." I tossed the papers back to Dillard, sincerely hoping that my small stash, and Janes purse, would pay for whatever provisions we needed. But I'd be damned if I'd take credit from Jacky. "Go back to the Relentless, and inform your captain, that I am not in need of his charity!"
  17. I was in my cabin, sipping tea from a delicate china cup. On my desk sat a fine silver teapot, sugar bowl and cream pitcher, all gleaming in the sun slanting in through the stern window. Steam curled from the pot's gently curved spout. The set was one of the few items of plunder I'd kept for my own personal use, and had not sold or traded. There was a knock on the door, and then Africa stuck his head in. "You got a man on da dock, wantin' ta deliver some papers." I put the cup down. "Papers? Now, who the hell would be bringing papers to us? Does he look like any of the harbor officials?" Africa shook his head. "Don' think so. He look like any ol' sailor." "I better go up and see what he wants." Reluctantly, I followed Africa to the deck to see who our visitor was.
  18. Once my orderes were delivered, I went below. Not to sleep, I was too fired up for that. I was also keeping an ear out for Red Cat, but so far, she'd not come aboard. I made notes in a log, sipped some port, and waited until dawn. Red Cat never showed, but I wasn't worried too much. She'd be on board when it counted, knowing she'd be left behind if she wasn't. An hour before sunrise, and still wide awake, I left my cabin and went up on deck. Standing watch, Jimmy Cox knuckled his forehead as I approached, then said, "Pretty quiet night." "Good, I've had enough excitement for one day." "I hear we're to take on more supplies and headin' for the Dry Tortugas." "Yes, that's true." "Ifn it's not too bold to ask, what are we to do there?" I didn't usually keep secrets from my crew, but in this case, I didn't really know what we'd find. "Don't know, Jimmy. I guess we'll find out when we get there."
  19. I was so thrilled by this news, that I almost cried. I've never met these people or seen the Royaliste, but through the Pub, know all the good things this ship and crew have done for others. I am overjoyed that she is afloat, and although still needing much work, she is safe. God is good!
  20. When I reached my ship, I called out for Africa. He came up from below, and listened while I gave him a rundown on where we'd be sailing, and with who. He merely nodded, but I could tell he had something on his mind. "Spit it out." "You say we goin' wid the Relentless, and you know how you get with dat man. Crew goin' to be jumpy if you keep snappin' at everyone da whole voyage." He had a point. "You can tell the crew that I won't be snapping any more than normal." He grinned. "Dat not goin' to help much." Ignoring the remark, I said. "We're going to have guests along. Two women, so be on your best behavior. I say this for your protection, not for theirs, 'cause if anyone tries anything fancy, their liable to ge their throats cut. Clear?" "Clear. When dey come?" At that moment, Jane called out for permission to come aboard. "Right now. Make them comfortable below."
  21. I have a lot of herbs growing in my garden, and love to run my hands over them as I walk along. The air becomes full of the scents rosemary, lavender, sage, tyme, mint, oregano. Heaven. I like to pick lavender blossoms and rub them on my skin.
  22. That someone would board her and steal from someone already obviously in trouble, is just ...SICK! They aught to be shot! Then drawn and quartered! I still pray that time and tide will allow the boat to be saved. Will donate what I can through the PayPal site.
  23. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ No kids. At first by choice ( I was the oldest of 5) then by surgery. < Hope you and the "wife" have a pleasent drive to RF2 V Ice skating or roller skating? Both or neither?
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