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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Now that would be way kewl for making BLT's, or PB&J's on toast. Wonder if it does the same to an English muffin?
  2. I recently showed pictures I took at an event to a group of friends. They seemed more bewildered than anything else. Kinda like...why do you do this? Except for one. She commented that she wished she was "into something like that" because it looked like fun. I pointed to the pictures and said she could do that too, and she replied that pirates weren't her thing. Oh well, too bad for all of them.
  3. If I sniffed your tummy, Cat, would I smell jet fuel?
  4. My husband and I enjoy this magazine a lot. It promotes a lifestyle that I wish I could live, but know I can't. I like my animals and garden too much. But I admire the people who can let go, sell everything, and sail the world. I love reading about their adventures.
  5. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Jeez louise, same deal, where to start. Okay...piano lessons, chinees cooking, fencing (with a rapier, not a board), Italian or French or both, sailing, rig-climbing, photography, equestrian jumping (might be too old for that - I don't bounce so good when I fall these days)...a zillion things. ^ Not sure about pirate events, but Portland Pirate Festival maybe. < Wouldn't mind living forever if I could do it healthy and with all limbs and senses intact. V Bump the first question one more time - it's such a good one.
  6. Pizza - awesome take and bake from Papa Murphy's My cat, Celest, sleeping in my lap Too many *&^)$% telemarketers Red Cat and her owie foot. Is it better?
  7. I heard Triby curse and followed him out into the hall. To my surprise and dismay, I saw the actress sitting in a chair, while the smell of vomit filled the air. Trilby glared at the woman, who seemed pale. I stepped forward and peered at her. "What's wrong this time? Too much drink? Another battle with your inn furniture?" Trilby waved me away. "Can't yea see the poor woman is sick? What ails yea, miss? Yea look right peeked, and no mistake." He waved to Souris. "Get me a beaker of port. Quick now." He turned to me. "Keep an eye on her. I need tae fetch something from mae study." I nodded, then turned my attention back to the actress. "Come now, Miss Lilly, no theatrics. The professor is right. You look like a dead trout. What ails you? What happened to Dr. Reily and why didn't you go to him?" Trilby returned about the same time Souris brought the wine. Trilby crumbled some powder into it, then stirred it with his finger. "Before I give this tae yea, better tell mae why you're spewing all over mae clean floor." Then he turned to me. "Go outside and look above mae front door." "Why?" He snorted. " 'Cause some blasted fool has nailed a doctor's billboard over it, since so far today I've nursed a drunken gypsy, had a she-devil arrive for lunch, and now this...woman has shown up sicker than a dog and wanting mae comfort. I'm nae a doctor, so who is sending these people tae mae house?" By the end of this speech, he was shouting and waving an arm.
  8. I stopped in the doorway of the wardroom and eyed the two women. Charts were spread out all over my desk, but I'm sure neither knew just what our first destination was. I gave the Cat an exasperated roll of the eyes. "How the hell did you break into my brandy again?" All she did was grin back at me and take another swallow. I entered the room and made to reach for the bottle. "Might as well join you, but this is the last of it, since from here on in, we need to be on our toes and sober." The Cat graciously poured me a glass of my own and handed it to me. I nocked down a swallow, then addressed my guests. "I've just had a meeting with Jacky. Our first port of call is Cuba. He says he can get us in and out of Havana with no trouble from the Spanish. There are papers we need, and he's going to get them. Until we are safely out of that harbor, the Rakehell and the Relentless are merchant ships. Once out of Havana, we head for the Dry Tortugas. If for any reason the ships become seperated, either by weather or enemies, we each cut our losses and head back to the Pub and safe harbor. Any questions?'
  9. I think I'm stuck on that channel for awhile. Today...snow...yesterday, snow...righ now...uhhh, wait, lemme think...oh, right, SNOW. Was out taking pictures earilier, and a big blob of snow fell out of a pine tree and hit me square on the head.
  10. As I entered the galley, I curled my nose and glared at Goose. "Tell me you didn't put your mother's secret spice in the stew? God's teeth, it's a wonder any of your family survived childhood." Goose sniveled. "It's my galley. That woman," he pointed a bony finger at Jane, "she's got no business meddlin' with my cookin'." "What you do to food isn't cooking, it's an abomination. Dump that stuff and start over, or the crew will pitch you over the side. And turn over that bag of spice." I held out my hand. Reluctantly, Goose gave me a grubby leather pouch that stank like bilge water. With the tips of two fingers, I carefully took the pouch, returned to the deck, and flung the smelly stuff overboard. Behind me, Africa said, "I hope dat his muthers secret spice. It good fo nuthin' but putting the hex on someone." "Yes, the spice is gone, thank God." I looked toward the mouth of the bay, where the Relentless was just crossing into the open ocean. In her wake, the Rakehell followed, her reddish sails full-bellied as the wind picked up. Africa had the crew well in hand, and the ship was trim and tight. Before going below to relay the plans to the Cat and Jane, I asked, "How is the new boy working out?" Africa glanced to where the young man was coiling and stowing rope. "He a bit green, but he be alright soon. I make sure." I smiled at my first mate. "Well, since you have all well in hand, I'll go below and go over the plans for the voyage with our new guests." "Where we goin'." "For starters, Havana. But keep that to yourself for now." He made no comment, but his eyes got a bit wider as he nodded acceptance of my last order.
  11. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Anything containing peas, lima beans, or okra. < I am mildly superstitious - I figure a little extra good luck charm insurance can't hurt. V Scared of the dark?
  12. Wasn't readin' nuthing into it. Just joking a bit. Google away.
  13. Stickin' your nose in a cat's warm tummy and taking a deep breath. Yeah, my cats love this — I have no facial scars.
  14. Is googling worse than oogling?
  15. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Slogging out to the barn, dressed like the bubble boy in rain gear, dairy-wife boots, and hat, to feed two horses, one dog, a flock of chickens and a dozen outdoor barn cats. < Our pastures are pretty much flooded at this point, and our pond overflowed into my garden. V Prefer to deal with rain or snow? Or, neither?
  16. BLT Sandwiches for dinner The two Canadian Geese that hang out at our pond every year. My best friend, who just got back from sunny California Jacky Tar
  17. You'd better watch who you say that around Jacky. It could be taken completely wrong! Jacky has a thing for goddesses. Er, he used to, anyways. :)
  18. Toss him in the bilge with the rats and roaches Run him up the mast with the Jolly Roger Tie him to an oar till he heaves and cusses. Ear-ly in the morninig!
  19. Lemme see...~looks out window~ ...yup... same as yesterday and the day before...rain, snow, rain, snow, rain, snow...right now - rain. Ten minutes ago...snow. You get the idea.
  20. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Depends on what they're playing! < Rain, snow, rain, snow, rain, snow...did I mention rain and snow? V Do you get cabin fever, and what do you do to get over it?
  21. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about! What is a lucet, and what happens when you yank the thread off?
  22. Tea, for sure. I have a whole collection of it. Usually in the morning I drink Irish or English breakfast teas - two, three cups, with just a touch of sugar. I also have a penchant for smoked teas, like Lapsang Souchong, or Russian Caravan tea (my husband hates even the smell of them LOL). I also love Ty-phoo tea, which is so fine it looks sorta like gun powder. One of my favorites, and which I can't find anymore, was by Xanadu, and called Star of Persia. It was heaven! I don't drink herbal tea of any kind. It all tastes like grass clippings to me. For a treat, every so often I buy a Chai Tea from Dutch Bros. (They're like Starbucks, only better! Based in Grants Pass, doncha know )
  23. I don't know, Patrick. There is a guy calling himself Lizzard Man, and he has all these implants, tattoos and~gulp~a split tongue. He really looks like a lizzard, but he's really creepy. I think he's probably got the Lizzard King title wrapped up. Maybe?
  24. Once back on deck, I turned to Africa. "Get the ship ready to make sail. We follow the Relentless as soon as she hoists the signal flag." He nodded, then turned to the rest of the crew and started barking orders. Red Cat stood by with a questioning look on her face. It was obvious she wanted to know how the conversation in the jolly boat had gone. "Come on, let's find Jane. Then I'll let you both know what the plan is so far." As I headed below deck I wrinkled my nose. "What the hell is that ungodly smell?"
  25. At his referal to send word for him at the bookstore, I bridled. What had gone between us thus far warrented more than this brisk dismissal. Then I caught the look in his eyes. Pain lurked within, but not of the physical. Something coiled within his mind, some beast of worry, or guilt or even fear, but whatever it was, it was not directed at me. He reminded me suddenly of a wounded animal that wished only for shelter and solitude in which to heal. The last look he gave me before closing the door spoke of many other things. Things which did lay between us, and might or might not ever be explored. I could do nothing but nod and watch him go. Trilby came up behind me. "Sae, I see yea hae run him off again." "I might be one of the demons that drove him from this house, but I am the lesser of the tribe that dances within his brain at the moment." I turned away from the door. "Come, Professer. Let us finish our lunch. Mayhap you could open a bottle of Port. I feel in need of a strong drink."
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