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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. But, my dear Capt. Sterling, are you not yerself a merchant? If those dear children were meant as gifts, by all means, please return my coin! Gottcha! LOL
  2. A bowl of fruit went tumbling to the floor, cutlery joined them, and one of the glasses rolled across the carpet, leaving a stain of crimson. Clothing and boots lay flung about as if a hurricane had entered the room. Only breeches were left for each to discard. With feral grin, and my eyes locked on his, I let my hands fall in slow carress to last vestige of barrier. From this point on, the hurricane would be within us. There would be no safe harbor, for none was desired.
  3. It was as if my clothing were a form of shackle. They must come off. I must be free. And so I was, a bit of breathless humor as I sat in previously offered chair and Sebastian pulled off my boots. From that point on, nary a breath could have come between us. All ghosts forgotton. All attention focused on sensations of pure joy.
  4. It was rage, but of another kind. It had been a long time since I had let all barriers down, all resistance abandoned. With eager fingers I clutched at the fabric of his shirt and pulled it over his head, bareing his muscled chest. Then I dropped my hands and unbuckled my own belt and let leather and weapon fall. All the while, his lips explored my neck, my collarbone. Then, like one dying of thirst, I sought his mouth.
  5. Heat flared hotter. I met his dark eyes, a new storm brewing within my body. "We have sanctuary, we have incense, we have wine." I took a sip from the glass. "I am in want of rites of sacrifice."
  6. I took his offered glass, our hands touching briefly. A spark of heat flared. In the rational part of my mind, I took in his casual state, and savored it. Despite his attempt to hide it, I could see my blatant announcement had surprised him. It was a confession of his own, and secretly I relished it. But I was in a perverse mood, and too angry to stop myself. "Oh yes, a proposal brought all the way from dear old England. As I said, I am persued by ghosts. I feel in need of an exorcist. Are you well versed in banishing demons?"
  7. I took the glass he offered, and savored a taste of its contents. "Ease my soul? No, my dear Sebastian, I doubt anything could do that at the moment. Besides, we should be celebrating. After all, I've just been offered a proposal of marriage." I gave him a salute with the glass, downed what remained, and held out the glass for a refill.
  8. So, when do we start this white elephant..er, I mean, valuable treasure...exchange?
  9. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ People who don't have an ego that needs constant attention. < When I get mad, I throw things! I've sailed staplers, dishes, or if outside, rocks, sticks, pinecones. It's a great catharsis. This is usually a reaction to some inanimate object that won't work the way it is supposed to (they can put a man on the moon, why can't they make a stapler that doesn't jam?). V When you do get mad, what kind of things set you off?
  10. For the brief instant he stood next to me, I detected the scents of leather and horse, and, surprisingly, the sea. I was not fool enough to believe his noturnal ride was one of pleasure, but knew better than to ask him it's true nature. I could guess well enough. Besides, at the moment, I was not interested in where he had been. I almost wished the room could remain in darkness. In that isolation, I might have time to come to terms with the offer my aunt had transported all the way from England. Two offers, really — one tempting, one longed for. Both so very out of reach. Warm light bloomed. My isolation gone. And there was Sebastian.
  11. The sun! We saw the sun today! Rain coming...again, but got to work outside. This is Oregon waffle season. The weather waffles between rain, snow, hail, sun, rain, sun, hail, fog, snow...and this could all be in one day. Ah, spring in Southern Oregon.
  12. "What finds me here at such a late hour?" I tried to laugh, but it was a hollow gesture. "Ghosts. Ghosts that seem determined to haunt me, no matter how hard I try to escape them." He returned the pistols to his pockets, then stood back a pace and passed me, heading for his private room — a sanctuary of silk, damask, and incense. The invitation to join him surprised me. The offer of a meal and libations, away from the world, a temptation. I had a choice. Turn to follow him, or continue down the stairs and back to my ship. Without further word, I turned to follow.
  13. When Sebastian's eyes locked on mine, like a lightning strike within the storm of my mind, I saw a quick, clear image of him standing naked in Trilby's spare room. What little was left of my reason told me to push past him and escape. In my present mood of confusion mixed with fury, I was dangerous, both to myself and anyone unlucky enough to cross my path. I had not exected that person would be Sebastian. But my body refused to move, arrested by other emotions demanding to be obeyed. I wanted to scream, or cry, or fight. Instead, I stood frozen in place, every heartbeat thudding in my chest like a hammer. As always, when so trapped, I turned to the only shield I knew — words, and a feigned, forced air of indifference. "So, Manouche, it appears we have both been involved in a bit of late night intrigue, non?"
  14. Oh yeah, I tried that as well. Still nothing. Kinda ticks me off, 'cause it leaves me out of the loop when new characters come in under disguise! Everyone else is doing the "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" and I'm like "Whot?"
  15. Long ago I had accepted that my life, from a very young age, had been a series of betrayals. Some had been trivial, some aggrivating, some anticipated. Two, connected by circumstance, had drastically changed the course of my life. The betayal by my father when I was seventeen cast me adrift in the hard reality of a life at sea. But a year before that event, I'd had another betrayal. The betrayal of innocence and love. I'd met a man who I felt sure would be a partner and lover to his prospective wife, not an overlord. His kisses were sweet, his attentions gentle. I adored him, and thought my future secure. But when he was presented with a more advantageous match to a much richer heiress, he took it. Three mounts later there was a grand wedding, but not the one I had anticipated. After a month of me refusing to be thus abused again, my father shipped me off to Italy, to spend a year with a female cousin. Her task was to marry me off to the first bidder. She failed, and I was on my way home when the brig was taken. I had not seen nor heard from the man who had betrayed me in that most callus way, but I recognized his handwriting instantly. It had hardly changed in eight years. When I turned the envelope over, there was the impression of his signet ring in the glossy red wax. I could not imagine what he could have to say to me after all this time, nor did I care. I tore the envelope to shreds without opening it. "That, you obstinate child, was an extremely stupid thing to do," Aunt Violet snapped. "The man is married. What possible reason could he have for writing to me now?" "His wife died a year ago. He has spoken to Rudd. They both want you to return to England." I felt anger roil within me. "So, I was to be under his suitable auspices. He the proper person to guide me back into society. And then what?" Aunt Violet's voice softened a bit. "My dear, he wants to marry you." "NO!" The word burst from my mouth like an explosion."You have no idea what kind of life I live now. None of you do. You don't know what's been done to me, or what I have done to others. But I will tell you this, if I went back to England, I would be arrested." Abruptly standing, I flung my half-full whiskey glass at the wall. It shattered into glittering shards. Whiskey bled in a puddle to the floor. "This conversation is over." Aunt Violet straightened her back and her gray eyes were hard as stone. "As you wish, but if you change your mind, call for me at Trade Winds." I escaped into the dim hall, shoving the door closed with a bang. Emotions long buried — rage, hurt, fear, helplessness — bubbled to the surface like molton lava. With a low, animal growl, I slammed the heel of my fist into the wall, then turned toward the dark stairwell. I had the sudden, overpowering urge to get roaring drunk, or kill someone. Preferable both.
  16. Thanks, but I tried that first. Nada. I have a Mac, so that might be the reason, but I would think it shouldn't make a difference. Oh well.
  17. My cats see me take out The Box, and everyone does the worm crawl to the nearest hiding place. The Box means The Vet...no one likes The Vet!
  18. Just how do you go about doing that? I tried clicking on the signature, but got nothing. I double clicked, and right side clicked. Nada. So, for the computer impaired, what's the trick? Oh, and Captain. Glad ta see you're not dead. Was getting kinda worried there for a bit. Now you're safe home with the misses, you'll be fine.
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I'm lucky, because I work at home. I can sleep in whenever I like. Usually no later than 9:30 < I have a teddy - red satin, but I don't sleep in it. I sleep in either a T-shirt or sweatshirt, and men's jammy bottoms (cause they're comfy and come with all those silly designs on them. I have plaid, snowmen, and skull & CB.) During the summer, I sleep sky-clad. It's cooler. If I'm not going anywhere, I wear jammies all day. I also wear socks to bed. We have tile floors, so the sliding is excellent! I will walk to the barn in my jammies, but no one can see me but the horses, and they don't care as long as they get fed. V Have a favorite T-shirt. Do you collect them? (Mine is an old Queen concert shirt that I retired - to remind me how awesome the concert was)
  20. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I like 15th -16th century music - bores some people out of their minds. ^ Microwave < Darn, was kinda hoping Jacky would answer that jammie/no jammie question Ah well, after this post, I'm off to bed - in men's pirate jammies. True! V Borrow clothes from the opposite sex? I guess this is more of a girlie question, since we do that a lot. If you do, what do you borrow?
  21. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I had a pet ferret once. She was a riot. Also had a pet goat that we walked on a leash along with the dog. < We have a dog, but...I like my cats. Sheep! No, no, never get sheep. Trust me, we used to raise sheep. Stupidest creatures on the planet. BIG pain in the butt. V What do ya wear to bed - nuthin' or jammies?
  22. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I have no idea! < My cats conspire with each other to annoy me when I least want their attention. But they're so cute when they do it, I rarely get mad — I get even. V Buy lots of toys for you pets, or make home made ones?
  23. Don't know why, but I find those dolls/cartoon characters kinda creepy. Can hear the frogs out at the pond. Billions and billions of the little devils.
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