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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Only makes sense since Oregon doesn't have power yet. I did hear you're getting indoor plumbing though in the third quarter of 07. -- Hurricane "Ooo, that's low, that is. Next time one of those hurricans you be named after washes over Florida, I'll be sittin' high and dry, watchin a DVD on my HDTV, thinkin' of ya. NOT"
  2. I started laughing. I laughed so hard I thought I'd split something. "We braved spiders..." Holds sides and wheezzing..."rum fumes, bone-cages, and, for me personally"....Tears are running down my cheeks...(snort, gaffaw)..." getting shot at......all for a ....SPITTOON!" I point at the shiny gob-bucket. "Well, it better be a magic spittoon, to make all this bother worth it." ***Waaa...ha ha ha ha, snort, wheez, sniffle.*** I lean against Red Cat to keep from falling down. "Spittoon, for God's sake, can you believe it, a spittoon..."
  3. I was dressed, but with one little problem. The clothes were too big. The shirt hung to my knees and the slops wouldn't stay around my hips, but kept falling to the floor. Hanging on to the slops with one hand, I shuffled over to the sea chest, opened it, and looked for a belt. There were extra clothes, navagation maps, a fancy spy glass, a spare pair of boots, neck cloths, and a fine brass sextant - but no belt. "Damn and blast." I rumaged further, and finally found a long blue silk sash. "Ah, just the thing." With the slops firmly held up by the sash, I felt secure enough to venture on deck and make my way to the galley.
  4. "Who let's ye out at night?" I chuckle an go back t' my bar stool. "No one "lets" me do anything, mate. I do what I want.
  5. Haven't had it since about 1994. Don't miss it, and from what people say about what's on the old tube now, I don't think I'll be signing on for a PrimeStar dish any time soon."
  6. Between the dust and the rum, the floor is starting to resemble oatmeal, which is totally forgotton when Eyes kicks off the lid to the big chest. "Jeez Louise, would ya look at that!"
  7. I get a refill on my margarita before settling down to the dice game. Should be interesting, concidering I've never played it before. I turn to Jacky. "Okay, if you're only going to watch, maybe you could kinda coach me like, so I don't make a total fool of myself."
  8. Eyeing with curiosity the items Red Cat keeps pulling from her pocket, like some conjurers trick, I decide the game would be more interesting with a few more players. "Hey, Jacky, up for a game of liars dice?"
  9. With a laugh, I turned around. "Well, if ya keep yer eye on booty, cast an eye on this one!" And gave my rear a little wiggle.
  10. "I'm not saying a word until you leave this room and I can put some clothes on. AND, if I was too feeble fingered to get my dress off last night, there is no way I could wriggle out of a corset by myself." Jacky only grinned at me, but eventually left the room so I could get dressed. I quickly slipped on the shirt and slops, all the while wondering why in the world I had mentioned Sebastian. "Musta been drunker than I thought," I mumbled, vowing never to touch a drop of alcohol while in Jacky's company, and furious with myself that I couldn't remember being "all too pleased" to have Jacky take my dress off—an event I'd actually been looking forward to.
  11. Alto (Read? Are you kidding. I have 10 tons of books. Master and Commander be but one of them.)
  12. Going to stand next to Silky, I put my hands on my hips and inspect the man from head to toe. "So, just how easy are ya, Mr. Roberts?"
  13. It's also nice for those who don't have TV at all!
  14. "Cards? Dice?" I pull up a chair next to Red Cat, and throw some dice on the table. "How about a game of Liar's Dice?" I take a chip and dip it in the salsa, then pop it into my mouth. "Ummm, spicy. My favorite."
  15. I sipped my coffee carefully, while clutching the bed covers to my chest. Over the cup I glared at Jacky, but it's hard to be threatening when you've no clothes on. What made matters worse, is I couldn't remember how or when I'd been put to bed, or what had happened after that. I didn't "feel" like anything had happened, but I just couldn't remember. Besides, I didn't think Jacky was the kind of man to take advantage of such a situation. But, God's teeth, he'd seen me naked! And I hadn't even been awake to see his reaction. Maybe he hadn't liked what he saw, and that's why... I took another sip of coffee, then, ignoring the question about Sebastian, I said, "So, you took my dress off, did you? Why, might I ask? Unless it was too dirty to wear, why not just let me sleep in it? I also notice there are no swords, pistols or knives anywhere close to this bed, which might be an indication that you knew what my reaction to being undressed without my knowledge or permission would be!" Mustering up my fiercest glare, I said with deadly calm, "If you would be so kind, get me a pair of slops and a shirt."
  16. I crack one bleary eye as light hits my face. My head feels like cannons are going off in my brain. I slowly turn my head. The room is empty, but there is a mug of coffee next to the cot. Reaching for it, I notice my arm is bare. I know this isn't right, somehow, but it takes my fuzzed mind to put two and two together. With dawning fury, I lift the coverlet. "WHO THE HELL TOOK MY CLOTHES?"
  17. Melody (screech, screech was a quote frm Master and Commander)
  18. I meant a friendly drink, not a binge! A night in gaol - no thanks!
  19. Should we ever meet face to face, first one is on me -er, I mean, I'll buy.
  20. Screech, screech, scrape, scrape. Not a tune you could dance to, not if you were drunk as Davey's sow.
  21. That's for breakfast. For serious scurvy prevention, I'll take a margarita with lime!
  22. Can you think of a better way to prevent scurvy?
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