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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I'd be laughin' too, except I was taking a sip of Champagne at the time, snorted it through my nose, and now am caughing and sputtering — while invisioning a dreadlocked, Jamaican snow woman sitting at the bar leaving a puddle of melted snow under her chair.
  2. "It's okay, Red Cat, the voice is from someone related to the girl who liked the Princess Bride - pay him no mind." I upend my boots and pour out the last of the DP, pull them back on, then peer over Eye's shoulder to see what his bit of the map looks like. All I see are numbers and letters. "Gee, maybe it's a map to a used car lot, and those are the license numbers of the ones on sale for the holidays."
  3. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yeah, I figure it's my reward for putting up with the crowds. < US Cellular laughs at my cell-phone bill. Then asks why I bother to have one. I think I put on maybe 3 min a month - if that. V If you did buy yourself a gift, what would it be?
  4. Me? Innocent? You must have mistaken me for someone else!
  5. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ My Dairy-wife muck boots - in a heatbeat. < I'm with you, barefoot is the best V How do you declare to the world that you're a pyrate when you're not in garb?
  6. I know, but I was just tryin' ta be funny. Oh well.
  7. I laughed. "Don't be silly man. I prefer barefoot to almost any other state of foot. Other than that, maybe a fine pair of boots." I put my arm through his, and smile. "Lead on, sir. I believe we're keeping Spoons waiting."
  8. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Depends on the moment - either one is good. < Okay, confession time, if I had the silver, I'd be the Imelda Marcos of Oregon. I LOVE shoes. V What's your favorite bit of clothing - non-pyrate?
  9. My recently washed shirt now soaked with DP, I shake like a dog, and look at Eyes. "What the hell started that flood of brown and carbonated?" With my boots squelching, and my nose dripping foam, I stand next to Eyes and stare at the bits of tin, not mentioning right off that I may have the code to the map in me pocket. "So, what do you think it all means?" I ask, an innocent look on my face.
  10. I'll see yer nekkid freaks (or cover me eyes with me hat if they be too freaky) and raise ye snorkelin, bbq ribs and an open swim up bar! OMG, how do I find the place? I'm fogged in here, cold and with rain commin'. I think I'll add grilled seafood, sangria, and beach bonfires to that list.
  11. Hummm...washed the dishes, cleaned clothes, cleaned the cat boxes, swept the floor around the wood stove..... What? OH, worth mentioning. Ah, well, er......I bought a gallon jug of Tattoo.
  12. We'd only taken a few steps when I decided the shoes had to go. "Damn and blast." I halted, shook the shoes off my feet, picked them up, then heaved them at the deck of the Rakehell. With a wide grin on his face, Africa caugt one of them, but the other missed, bounced off the side of the hull, and splashed into the water. Wisely, Jacky made no comment. I met his amused eyes and merely shrugged. "Been on a ship too long, I guess. I used to dance all night in shoes like that. Can't imagine doing that these days. I've forgotten what it was like to be a silly girl, with nothing on my mind but balls and parties. Never thought I'd miss all that, but sometimes I do."
  13. "Sure. Besides, if we all stay here much longer, we'll be drunk as lords. Do we sign an accord...or do we just trust each other?"
  14. "Cursed skirts!" I snarled, trying to get myself straightened out. Jacky, ever the gentleman, held my elbow so I wouldn't fall again, but the little smirk on his face didn't make me feel any better about my loss of pride. Nor did the laughter coming from my own crew. I turned to shout at them, "One more titter out of you lot, and I'll cut your rum ration." There was instant silence on deck. I turned to Jacky. "I'm fine, so you can let go of me, sir." With a final tug on the constricting bodice, a breath to calm myself, and a wince, as the blasted shoes were already putting blisters on my heels, I faced the captain of the Relentless. "Not quite the entrance I had intended to make. You should be back on your ship, waiting for me, not here on the dock. I told that other escort you sent that I could find my own way." I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. "Now you've spoiled my surprise."
  15. While Red Cat and Jacky are nose to nose at the bar, I push the charcoal remains of the fruitcake around with the toe of my boot. One more piece of shiny tin is revealed. I pick it up, spit on it, and clean off the soot. Doesn't look like a piece of map, but has little symbols and sigals on it. A code? I give a furtive glance at the others. Okay, they may have the map, but maybe I've got the key on how to read it. I slip the bit of tin in my pocket, thinking I'll wait a bit, and see just how much sharin' these pyrates are willing to do. It's always nice to have an ace up your sleeve, when you're not sure how the game might go. I walk up to the bar and let Ray pour me a dirty martini - dry as a Caribbean cay, if you please.
  16. From the shadows, I've been checking out the newcomer. Can't quite figure out what those thing are on his eyes. Seems to get around well enough, but that could be 'cause he's had lots of practice. I step up closer, and wave my hand in front of the dark patches over his eyes, just to see if he can really see anything. When he leans back in alarm, obviously not sure what I'm about, my question is answered. So, not blind, just a pyrate fashion statement. With a grin, I motion to Ray. "Now that I know the poor lad isn't here at the Pub with his hat out beggin' for alms, I'll take me ususal - French bubbly with a tot of Tattoo." Welcome to the Pub, mate.
  17. For me 2006 has been a pretty good year. Met all kinds of new pyrates, and got envolved in Port Royal, and Relentless & Rakehell stories. That's been lots of fun. Heck, the Pub even helped me get a shirt I ordered a year ago and gave up on. For 2007? Maybe I'll finally get some pyrate gear together. I don't even have a hat! Maybe I'll finally get to meet some Pub folks in person. Also just completed a book and have started sending out query letters to agents, so keeping my fingers crossed on that one for sure! As fer the rum, just bought a gallon jug of Tattoo, for all that eggnog and hot chocolate I plan to drink over the holidays! Cheers!
  18. Probably make the poor sharks sick!
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