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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. "Ya know I never use a cutlass. The rapier be my weapon of choice, and I don't think it's going to have much effect on these lines. I don't know about you, but I got that creepy feeling running up my spine."
  2. I blushed! I couldn't believe it, but I did. My face felt hot as if I stood in front of an open stove. Gritting my teeth, I ignored the sensation, and let Jacky lead me from the galley. "I'm sure my crew would appriciate it if Spoons could teach Goose a few more recipies, I just didn't want you thinking we were all starving to death from lack of rations. Our holds are full of provisions, it's just that Goose doesn't always know best what to do with them." He held out a drink. I took it and gave it a sniff. "What is it?" I didn't think Jacky was the sort that needed a little surity, but I'd had other men try and slip something fishy into my drinks before, thinkin' ta soften me up. "Not that I don't trust you and all, but in my line of work, you learn to be cautious." I give him a big smile, hoping he won't be insulted by the question.
  3. Someone bumps inta me. At little edgy 'cause of the dark and the spider webs, I shout, "Oiy, watch what yer...oh, it's you." I realise it's CrazyChole, and she's askin' Eyes for a light. "Whose ship do ya think this was?" I ask, as we work our way slowly toward Eyes, Jacky, and Red Cat. "I don't know about you, but if we run across a big guy named "IT", or a dead pyrate named One-Eyed Willy, I'm heading back to the Pub." Now as I think about it, I wonder if OderlessEye is related to One-Eyed Willy, being as they both have little situations with eye sockets.
  4. Very sad indeed. As those above, I offer my prayers to the family.
  5. Welcome, Crimson Blade, from one tech-challenged pyrate to another. It took me quite a while to figure out all the tricks to posting signatures and avatars, and I still haven't attempted to post a photo, but follow Rumba's instructions and you'll do okay. As for me, I'll take me usual - French bubbly with a tot of Tattoo. Welcome to the Pub.
  6. Once the gust of air carring Eyes' special, personal funk has bown by, I take take the rope, and with one last look at the sleeping Mike, I shimmy down to join the others. The air be damp and full of rum smell, and everthing is covered in spider webs, with lines thick as anchor cable. Rum swilling spiders? It takes me a minute to realize I'm standing on a ship. Someone has lighted a lantern, so I head for the dim glow, wondering just what we've got ourselves into, and hoping Eyes knows what he's doing and doesn't lead us all to our doom — or to the spider that made those thick webs.
  7. Port Royal dead! NEVER. After having just spent four days on a boat, during rain and gale force winds (we stayed safely tied to the dock and just hung out), I now have a better idea of what Ransom and the Rakehell are going through - or survived - during the hurricane. Horizontal rain is so interesting. One gust nearly blew me off the dock ramp as my husband and I were coming back from dinner at a nearby restaurant. On Monday I had to call the marina office to report that the boom on a sailboat behind us had come lose and was wagging back and forth, threatening to decapitate the mast on the sailboat moored next to him. Never a dull moment. The marine weather channel reported offshore for Charleston/Coos Bay 22-26 foot swells, 26 foot surf, and 60 mph wind gusts. Said combined seas were 32-36 feet. Yikes! Welcome, Lilith, and have no fear. Port Royal is alive and well, just on holiday hiatus.
  8. I'll second Mr. Tar's idea about the patch. I'd plunk my silver down for one, any day! Thanks Lorien for posting the websites. I think I'm registered into the PDX one, but I'll have to dbl ck, as it's been a while since I did so. I will definately have to get up your way in 2007. I know you PMed me a year ago and invited me to hang out with you and the Portland bretheren, but I was a bit new to pyracy back then. Now I know how much fun it is, and how nice the people are, so in 2007 I plan to get my pyrate gear together and hit some gatherings, and your gang be on my list, being as how you be the closest! I am sooo jealouse of your sail on the Lady. I've sailed on her three times, but only for their in-harobr cruises, not on the open sea. Our first time on her, we had so much fun, we bought the crew a big cake, with a thank-you messag written on top. My husband and I are trying to figure out how to do a Port to Port on her, from say Coos Bay to Newport, or Coos Bay south to Eureka or Crescent City. Some day. **sigh**.
  9. Well, Red Cat brought the ribs, so ya can ask her. I'm not sure what best they came from, but they taste good.
  10. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Bought a version of Phantom of the Opera, that was really lame. Like they recorded it in someone's garage. Got the soundtract to the movie, and it was MUCH better. < We don't buy a real tree either. Our house is too small, so I have about four mini-fake trees (2') that I decorate, and put up all over. Then we buy a real wreath, and hang it on the wall between the kitchen and the dinning room, so you get the cool smell. V Do you put up Christmas lights outside? If so, what color?
  11. I hold a steaming piece of fruitcake under Red Cat's nose, to bring her around. But like her, I'm totally baffled by the map and the numbers. I can't see how my little bit will fit in, since I'm lousy at numbers and guessing games, but I think it may be time to reveal my piece of tin. I hold it out in front of Eyes, as he seems to be the numbers expert, and wait to see what he thinks.
  12. Ransom


    The only thing beer is good for is beer bread 3 cups self-rising flour 1/3 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 1 bottle Rogue Brewery Dead Guy Ale Mush it all up, throw into a greased bread pan, and bake for about 25 - 30 min. If pushed, if I have no other option, if I'm dying of thirst and it's 112 degrees, I'll drink an icy cold Harp, or Guinness. Other than that, I'll take a glass of wine any day.
  13. And people wonder why I don't miss TV? Pulled the plug on it 13 years ago, and haven't missed it once. We watch DVD's instead, or...read!...or ....talk! My beef? Telemarketers who call me three or four times a day — and at all hours, even though I'm on the DO NOT CALL list. And most of them are recordings, so ya can't tell them to piss off!!!
  14. "Champagne? Might it be Moet Chandon White Star Extra Dry?" With a BBQ'd rib in one hand, I plops meself down on the blanket. "So what's in the basket?"
  15. Goose looked up when the two captains entered the galley. He nearly dropped his bowl of peas when he saw Ransom. Never seen her in a dress before. Actually, he'd kinda stopped thinkin' of her as a lady, bein' as how she was always in men's clothes, and was always cursin' him for somthin'. She gave him the once-over as well, and he was sure she was as surprized at his new appearance just as much as he was of hers. When Spoons entered and clapped Goose on the shoulder, Goose felt a real sense of pride at his cooking accomplishments of the day. He was sure the two captains would enjoy their meal. But he secretly hoped there'd be lots o' leftovers, as Spoons hadn't let him do much samplin' of the evening fare while they were putting things together.
  16. It sounds like you, along with another computer guy I know, lives in Dilbert World. He says that comic strip is right on.
  17. Oh, I don't know. UPS will ship pretty much anything. And think of all the fun you'd have listening to the delivery guys cursing over the heaviness of the box. Or you could make funny animal noises and scare the bejeebbers out of um. In any case, Chole would have a surprising Secret Santa gift!
  18. As we walked along, I could see Jacky had a lttle extra strut to his walk. Inwardly I smiled. I figured the dress was already doing its work, even if he guessed what it was for. After I crossed to the Relentless, I could see Spoons look of surprize. I wondered how the cooking lessens he was to give Goose had gone. With a tingle of anticipation, I let Jacky lead me below.
  19. Oh no. Not that old line "The check's in the mail!
  20. Cold, foggy mornings, then the sun comes out for a bit, but it's still in the low 40's or high 30's. The view out my front window is really pretty, with all the hills around covered in snow.
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