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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Some Blackmores Night
  2. Just o bit queezy in the stomach at the moment. Came ta work tonight not feelin the best.
  3. Counting down the hours till weekend at Michigan Faire
  4. Thar be many more too. It only need looking fer.
  5. Grand indeed. One more day and off from work for 5 days. HUZZAH
  6. Some good old Black Sabbeth
  7. Working through the night and most of the next day, Rummy and Jonathan Hawks complete the much needed repairs to the vessel. As Rummy and her help hold the wood in place, Jonathan wraps some special straps he has made only once before some several years back for some damage similar to this. These are round, but have two high points which also attach themselves both up and down from any break. They will render the original material as good as new with even more strength to hold for time to come. It is his special invention which noone else has been able to recreate to his specialization. "Alright Rummy, looks like I be finished e're. Ya did a most good job I says. This il hold as if twer new and longer. Ana it puts no more weight on it ta be hamperin its usefullness. You and yer men did a shipwrights job I says. Wishin I coud do with wood like that meself. Let us be telling the Captain e're we be done and make way back ta the Watch Dog. What say ya Lassie?"
  8. "Oh, sorry Re..... I mean Mr Wake. I just figured they be no worse for ware seins we be elpin em and all. Dina think they be carin bout names. It be the bloody pirate in me. Ard habbits and all. But I will ablige ya. Again, I be waitin o'r thar Mr Wake" Hawks turns and makes his way starboard lookin out over the rail.
  9. Aye Red. I will try ta be doing me best fer um. No guarentees tho. I be needin ta make some extra heavy strappins and pins as well as braces ta be holdin it up. Me skills are good, so I be givin it me all. Mayhaps they ave somthin more fer me ta work with. I be awaitin yer orders. In the meantime I be waitin starboard.
  10. Aye, I agree wit JoshuaRed. It be easy enough. Lots O good tunes fer ya thar.
  11. Before leaving, Mr Hawks turns to William. "I aves me one question Red. Ow does I bring me tool to be forgin wit. I got me small tongs, hammer etc. Ana I do ave a small forge , but I be needed a few men ta get it on board and on to a safe slab o steel sos not ta burn any wood."
  12. Oh, I knows what ya meant lad. But that aint what we be avin on e're. This all be pennin it on parchment I says. There be many a port ya can go on the net and be downloadin sea songs any time on yer own.
  13. Ey mate, I be posting a song fer ya e're. Ya cana cut an paste it to yer captians log if'n ya wants. They be all text wit nothin ta be loadin. So, e're ya be. I be givin it a shot ta humor ya. If'n it dona work, well, then ya be on yer own. This one be called - New York Girls As I walked down the Broadway One evening in July I met a maid who asked me trade And a sailor John says I Chorus And away, you Santee My Dear Annie Oh, you New York girls can't you dance the polka? To Tiffany's I took her I did not mind expense I bought her two gold earrings And they cost me fifteen cents Says she, 'You Limejuice sailor Now see me home you may' But when we reached her cottage door She this to me did say My flash man he's a Yankee With his hair cut short behind He wears a pair of long sea-boots And he sails in the Blackball Line He's homeward bound this evening And with me he will stay So get a move on, sailor-boy Get cracking on your way So I kissed her hard and proper Afore her flash man came And fare ye well, me Bowery gal I know your little game I wrapped me glad rags round me And to the docks did steer I'll never court another maid I'll stick to rum and beer I joined a Yankee blood-boat And sailed away next morn Don't ever fool around with gals You're safer off Cape Horn
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