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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Sound effects from the original War of the Worlds. Not the new crap that come out lately.
  2. Super tonight. Looking forward to faire again this weekend.
  3. Well, I sees ya be off to a good start. Keep up the good work I says and welcome aboard.
  4. Listenin ta some talkin heads - Burnin down the house
  5. Tired, cranky, ana just want ta get me bones home.
  6. Super since even though I be e're workin, in 5 hours Bristol be on another weekend. I will be thar.
  7. Braveheart sound track
  8. The Old Man and the Sea
  9. Mr Hawks walking about the ship checking for damage of any metal structure, runs into Rummy. "Avast Lassie.... I sees ya got thru all the comotion unharmed. Glad ta be seein that. Now, I dona sees any problems with some o me work I did, so's I gots me some free tyme. Now, you were tryin ta tell me about some things ya be needin afor we were interrupted. What be those needs? mayhap I cana get to them right fast fer ya."
  10. Afro Celt Sound System Volume #1
  11. Feel good personally but I HATE THIS BLOODY JOB!!! Still out looking.
  12. "Lass, we best hurry afor she makes way to the sea. By the look o things, Mr Lasseter gave order ta move the ship er go after what be a threat us. Sees ow they all be runnin bout and the sails are comin inta place. We best be runnin ta get on her afor we be left ashore. And i'fn that be the case, get yer weapon ready ana stay close ta me as we make way back ta the cove fort. Now, run to the dingy!!" Rummy and Mr Hawks hurridly get to the small boat and row to the ship. As they come on board, everyone is running about at their posts making her ready to cast off. Seeing Mr Lasseter, Jonathan makes his way to him and chimes in. "Mr Lasseter, sir, Rummy and I just We be ready made it back in tyme. What be yer orders fer yer carpenter and smithy?"
  13. "I appreciates it Rummy. Did ya appen ta sees anyone bout the area yerself? Let us be going in e're and discuss that folded parer ya had shown me in more detail once things seem a bit more quiet."
  14. Now, that thar be funny. Ana Bloody temptin to....
  15. I been wantin ta talks to ya about where we be with th' repairs of the Longboat and the Watch Dog... the men have fitted the deck and side planking perfectly. Beautiful mahogany we've used. Caulkers then plugged up the holes between the planks and now the surface is so smooth it appears almost seamless now. Just imagine her speed~ I do so like tas imagine her on the open sea agains, I do! "Well, Rummy, Lass... as far as me work bout the ship it be caught up, unless thar be more people a wantin I dona know bout. I inspected nary each inch meself ana forged new metal fer any part looking ta be less then sea worthy. Red has been seein ta followin that up as well. Sos ya cana put yer mind at ease on them thoughts I says. " Mr Hawks looks ta Rummy, and has a feeling in his mind that she has something up her sleeve she would like him to do for her. He waits patiently slowly twirling his hat in his hand.
  16. I says, bring on the party.
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