"Lass, we best hurry afor she makes way to the sea. By the look o things, Mr Lasseter gave order ta move the ship er go after what be a threat us. Sees ow they all be runnin bout and the sails are comin inta place. We best be runnin ta get on her afor we be left ashore. And i'fn that be the case, get yer weapon ready ana stay close ta me as we make way back ta the cove fort. Now, run to the dingy!!"
Rummy and Mr Hawks hurridly get to the small boat and row to the ship. As they come on board, everyone is running about at their posts making her ready to cast off. Seeing Mr Lasseter, Jonathan makes his way to him and chimes in.
"Mr Lasseter, sir, Rummy and I just We be ready made it back in tyme. What be yer orders fer yer carpenter and smithy?"