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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. harmless pranks
  2. Ahh... Rummy. First I e'res ya, then I sees ya. What I means was, I eards ya playin. Ana right fyne tune too. I be up late cusin it be a calm sea fer now, nice salt breeze in me face, ana the sky filled wit stars. Not many a tyme like this once on the water. No one ta be yellin thing either. Quiet is good when ya can get it I says. Me only regret was earin yer flute stop. But now that ya be ere, yer company is right welcome. Ow bout a draw o me pipe? As far as the arrow maker, we shall see. Cana promise a thing. Mr Hawks and Rummy lean against the rain breathing the night air in deeply as the ship sails on.
  3. Jonathan Hawks


    Ow bouts some o the worlds strongest beer. Just out. Check out the link. worlds strongest beer There also be the one e're as well that been out a while at 25% from Samuel Adams. It be one of their Utopias. Basically just over $100.00 a bottle. Samula Adams Utopia
  4. Ana ya can gets a nice Tattoo bomb ta drynk it out a. They be grand.
  5. I be listenin ta ZZ Top (Tush)
  6. I feel yer pain Ghastly. I be sittin e're workin while I'm pennin this on the board. It be 02:45am to. 12 hr shifts I says. But, I be over in 4 more. So, at the moment I be feelin anticipation.
  7. Ya only need ask Scarlet. I aves nough ta be goin round many tymes. Ya dina ave ta be givin me yer blues neither. Although they made me a bit weak kneed. I be a sucker fer eyes. And the rest o ya feels good to. Only since I aves me other hand restin on yer cheek. Ana that be the far one on me lap. Hahaha!! Drynk up lassie. Jonathan gives Scarlet a wee squeeze.
  8. Well, I sees me tyme as come. I just finally now made me more well known then ever. I just mades me Dread Pyrate. ARRRR!!! Tyme ta start tearin up the high seas ana everything else in me way. Ana with that said, I be crackin some kegs o me own private stock o Guatemalan Rum fer those so wantin. So ladies, gents, rogues scallywags, and scoundrals, belly up ta tha bar, get yer poison and let Ray make yer night complete. HUZZAH!!!!!
  9. That be a funny thing. I passed ito n ta more o me friends on a few other boards. Actually works best when he be flyin high.
  10. Fer once not a bloody thing. Kinda sad tis. Oh well, i be waitin fer lunch time e're at work.
  11. (Stands up tall and dusts off his boots and pants with his hat). Ahen..... well now. I reckon ya be right on that. I loves the way ya think lass. I'fn ya allow me, I be makin me way o'r ta the lot a ya fer some surrounden. Ana by the way, let me open that bottle fer ya. Life be good I says!!!
  12. Stella Mara
  13. Pirates of Penzance
  14. Ya gots ta remember that this is all due to the spaghetti monster running it all to.
  15. Now, I thought this be the Pirates Single Bar. I was hopin that meant single malt scotch. But me dreams were just shattered. SIGH!!!
  16. That tour be a grand site thar Charity. Wishin I could be thar wit ya.
  17. Beauty and the Beast
  18. Movie soundtrack from Kingdom of Heaven
  19. Now I be at work fer a long 12 hour shift.
  20. Right now some lunch at work. Taco bell...
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