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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. I had that to. I can tell ya I hate Stroths Rum. Bloody stuff is 160 and 180 proof and tastes like paint thinner. I can do a shot only I says.
  2. good, bad and the ugly
  3. Thisn be a favorite o mine - "When the Inquisition put me on the rack, my limbs weren't the only thing they stretched. "
  4. Well, I be at work now and thank the stars it be slow. I be feelin good bout that. Now, when I gets off at 7am, mayhaps i be feelin different.
  5. Some Korn (Life is Peachy) ta waks me up ana get me goin
  6. Gots me a wee bit o the sniffles, but all in all I feels grand. Lookin afor a new day. Although I aves ta work the night.
  7. Writin out checks fer me bloody Bills. ARRR!!!!
  8. A bannaner, sos ta keep the scurvy down ana give me potassium. Dang that be a big word.
  9. I says do what ya aves ta get somthin done. Ana i'fn some good ones get in the way, it just appens ta be. But in the end it be fer them to. So watch out where I be castin.
  10. Going to go out for a night walk around work to break the sitting around company stupidness.
  11. Music of the Nile
  12. A piece of Pecan Pie.
  13. A slow night this be. Ana lookin afor to it as well.
  14. Mr Hawks cant help hearing all the comotion going on aboard. he turns tao get a better ear full, then shrugs his shoulders knowing it doesn't concern him and goes about his business smoking his pipe once again. He is used to this kind of racket. And, he has been on the backside of it himself at times. "Now, why did the lass stop playin I wonders"
  15. Mr Hawks stays looking out over the rain listening to the soft music of Rummys flute as the melody drifts soft and then loud with the shifting of the wind. He recognizes a tune and starts to hum it softly. He retrieves a small pipe from his pocket, fills it and lites the contents. taking a long draw, he smiles and continues to enjoy the tune.
  16. Actually, the Hissin sounds of all the Damn computer DASD around me.
  17. I be feelin grand. What more cana I say?
  18. Asides from typin on this e're forum, I be workin. Kind o hard ta believe huh? Aye, I be graveyard.
  19. I be takin me some Guatemala Run any day. I ave me some at home. won the world rum competition. Me second shoice is Capin Morgans private stock or Whalers coconut.
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