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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. the Real McCoys (yes, I just dated meself)
  2. Now lassie, it gona be constin ya a dram o rum as well as that thar kiss. Cousin I been treatin ya right well after all. I told ya I was a gentleman. So, what ya say lassie?
  3. Welcome aborad Durty Mick. Glad ta ave's ya wit the rest of this e'res scurvy lot.
  4. Ahh, lady Renee... I be buyin fer the hearty welcomes ya gave me. Sit e're and drynk with me.
  5. I cana sees that Scarlet dear, but as ya say, thar be many lands, nough fer many o pirate ta plunder. Just the faster ya be, the more ya reap. Dont think our paths would cross on any o them soon. Not that that be a bad thing mind ya. (wink) Especially alone........
  6. My Sister Scarlet <- Certified Kilt Inspector - at your service... Ana one day I needs be checkin it out ta be true er not.
  7. Ana that be ture, Scarlet. Only this let me keep me options open ta be getting to em first. Then I don't need be sharing the wealth I be reapin.
  8. After spending the better part of the night finishing up with forgeing things which he thought he would have finshed sooner, he ended up going to bed and sleepin real sound. As the morning bell rings, he sleeps right threw without hearing a sound. He dreams of adventures of finally going ashore after being at sea for a while.
  9. Here be another I found from this years Highland Games. I am also scottish being a real Macrae.
  10. Here be another I found from this year.
  11. Sittin e're at work and typin on this e're board.
  12. At this second I be eatin nothin but Ice ta elp me sinus headache.
  13. I feels terrible. Me nose still didn't get better. I went ta the doctor today ana found out it wasn't me allergies but a damn sinus infection. A good one to. Been keepin me up. Now I got me some real GOOD drugs ta be takin care o it. Opes I feel better by the weekend. I be going to Return to Camelot Faire.
  14. Mine be down since I aves me some other lands ta be explorin. Wishin it be different. But alass, to many ports and only one pirate of meself ta do em.
  15. "Good day Mr Anthony. That be quite a blade ya aves thar. Ana ya say ya want a good sharp edge. Well, leave it o'r thar againt that wall. I will get it done fer ya afor dinner. Avs just a few things ta finish first. I'll make sure ta get Rummy later ta tell ya when it be finished. Ana i'fn ya want, wipe yer forehead wit one o me rags o'r thar. I sees ya sweatin from the heat e're. Rummy, ya plays a fyne tune ya do. I be gettin in tough later wit ya bout Mr Anthony's steel. It will get me away ta be on deck coolin off meself. One doesn't guite get used to it. But fer the most part, it aint bad in e're. I thank ya both fer the company." Jonathan winks at Rummy and then turns to continuing with his hammer on steel while Rummy's flute music fade away as the door closes.
  16. Mr Hawks is busy forging some other things for the ship to keep as stock in case they are needed. he doesnt hear the knock at the door over his pounding. After a few moments, the knock becomes a loud pounding. Jonathan stops and listens. "Come on if i'fn yas can take the heat who e're ya be" He then continues his work.
  17. Below deck, Mr Hawks was told by one of the men that an order for supplies is being taken and he is wanting to know what Mr Hawks is in need of. "Lad, only thing fer me at the moment be more coals. I go through nough when doin me trade. Also send word fer more pieces o brass. that be it I says. Now go check wit Rummy as well. I knows she be needin a few things." The deck hand leaves and looks about for Rummy.
  18. Now ya got the bug. Ya best be bringin nough cosin they won't last lang. Specially if I was thar.
  19. See, now ya know what we been a sayin all along, Rummy. Ana the different the better too.
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