"Good day Mr Anthony. That be quite a blade ya aves thar. Ana ya say ya want a good sharp edge. Well, leave it o'r thar againt that wall. I will get it done fer ya afor dinner. Avs just a few things ta finish first. I'll make sure ta get Rummy later ta tell ya when it be finished. Ana i'fn ya want, wipe yer forehead wit one o me rags o'r thar. I sees ya sweatin from the heat e're. Rummy, ya plays a fyne tune ya do. I be gettin in tough later wit ya bout Mr Anthony's steel. It will get me away ta be on deck coolin off meself. One doesn't guite get used to it. But fer the most part, it aint bad in e're. I thank ya both fer the company."
Jonathan winks at Rummy and then turns to continuing with his hammer on steel while Rummy's flute music fade away as the door closes.