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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Al Dargins - Austrailia
  2. I be playing Monkey Solitaire
  3. The hint of talk radio in the background.
  4. Just heated up me lunch e're at work. Got me some stuffed shells.
  5. I do wear me a beard fer reenactin. Most lassies dona mind and like strokin it er ticklin it. Feels right good I says.
  6. A bit o Spanish, then French, Manderine Chinese, Gaelic and a tiny smidge of Greek.
  7. The Essential Mix from Great Britian live online.
  8. Working on finishin up some filmin.
  9. Another great day I must say. But later when work be in its 10th hour I will see again.
  10. Chocolate chip cookie
  11. Well, I get me a lot talkative ana lost at tymes. Kinda dont remember how I got from one place ta the next. Also get more an eye fer catchin the ladys eye.
  12. It be only 16 e're ana windy. Be making the chill bout 9. Damn nor eastern come out o nowhere.
  13. Aside from postin e're, I be working on me daily schedule fer home stuff. I gots me jury duty in a few weeks. So, I be landlocked fer a while.
  14. Some Scottish mayhem
  15. A can o peaches. That be my supper.
  16. Grand indeed. Just looking afor this bloody night shift be at an end.
  17. Americam Chopper
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