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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Ta be honest, we never celebrate it. All it be is a day fer the damn sales people ta be makin money off others on cards, flowers, jewelry etc. Ya don't be needen a day ta be tellin ya ya loves someone. The best is ta be doin it on yer own all the other times. That be what I do. Just unexpectidly. Love ain't no one special day event. Specially when it be set down tellin ya this is the day. So, on Valentines day I aint doing Shyte. Just about 2 weeks ago, I stopped on me way home from work and gots me a small boquette o carnations ana few muffins fer breakfast. She didn't expect it. Thats a true day. I like doing things like that. Specially with this being me 30 years wit the lass come this June.
  2. Bloody tired. Been a long night e're at work. Almost fallin asleep at the wheel.
  3. I aves me a beard alright. Been fer many o year fer reenactin
  4. See, I be one fer the when it happen ya know. Ta trust in anything else will get yer heart broke. The right one be there, it just be findin em or er.
  5. wraps up in it together at faire to hide the action
  6. But shooting blanks isnt good either.
  7. Welcome to my nightmare!!!
  8. well, if it aint in decent, it aint fun.
  9. If its in long enough and hard enough its indecent
  10. Not to bad. have the next 3 days off I says. Be feelin a bit better then.
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