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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. This one is Marie-Antoinette, starring Kristen Dunst. It is based on Antonia Fraser's biography (if you haven't read any of her works, you might do so. This movie is to be released in the Fall of this year. It actually looks pretty damn good. Here is the site where you can see the trailer: http://www.apple.com/trailers/sony_picture...nette/high.html
  2. RumbaRue, anything for you, Lassie. Did ya gets ta see it? I ates that they put both on wit out any notice after they said one thing afor.
  3. Post Mortim Lividity
  4. Yes it is. and there was even a surprise for me to after all the posting. It seems that the History Channel is showing and did show the entire Koran episode all at once part1 and part2. Don't know why they changed it but it makes more sense. Heck, even the listings on different cable companies etc list something else the second hour. Oh well... Sorry folks. Just keep it in mind when watching it at a different time like midnight or next week. Jonathan/Clisto
  5. Thanks Gunner. I am just waiting for any pre-ads for it. Ana Rummy, ya sure know how ta make a pirate feel good. Now, i'fn it lives up to yer own expectation be the question.....
  6. Well, I thank ya all kindly fer the wonderful remarks. It be a fun tyme I says. Ana by what I seen in the whole thing, worth ownin fer those so inclined. To bad they be showin it in two parts on separate nights. Now Mr Wake, ya knows ya cana always ave nother good and trustin pirate record it fer ya who be close by. I know you of all pirates be pretty resourceful. Ana far as that thar kiss goes from me lovely red hair'd blue-eyed Scarlet, nothin be better then sayin huzzah in that fashion.
  7. I have kept this a secret since October until things were finalized. I was asked back then if I wanted to play the part of King Richard the 1st (Lionheart) in an upcoming cable History Channel Documentary called "Secrets of the Koran". Of course I jumped at the opportunity. This is a 2 hour documentary on the Koran or "Qu'ran" and its religious history. The first hour is pretty much all about the Koran and Muslim religion with all the ins and outs of it. The second hour adds the introduction of Christianity to it and the clash of both. This includes the first 3 crusades. I am playing the King in the third crusade period during the time and clash with Saladin. Earlier in the second hour, I was also asked to be a plain extra knight during the battle of Hattin in the First Crusade. Some night fighting and shots where my face is not seen since they didn’t want the same person to be seen playing the king later. Later in the third crusade I am in a few other scenes with some close up shots, and riding. It was just a lot of fun to do and something I have always wanted to do in playing Richard since my family comes from his time. So, after finally getting my advanced DVDs and watching it, the show was real informative and historically enlightning. Out of 25 hours of shooting, it came down to about 2 minutes of fame for me, but thats how it works in TV stuff. Towers production in Chicago flew me out to El Paso to do the filming for a few days where the movie "Courage Under Fire" was filmed and we doubled the buildings etc as both Muslim and crusader props. It was a lot of fun. I am riding on horseback, and doing some other things. Anyway, the History Channel now has it posted on their site. Part 1 is being shown next week Thursday, March 2nd at 8:00pm central time and again at Midnight central time. Part 2 is suppose to air the following week Thursday March 9th at the same times. http://www.historychannel.com Then just look for the lineup called "Decoding the Past: Secrets of the Koran". So, there you go. I hope everyone enjoys it. Not since I am in it, but for the historic value it has to offer. They did a lot of work and a lot of filming, historic investigation and interviewing of experts. The History Channel always offers great programming. Jonathan Hawks - aka Sir Clisto
  8. A Jelly fish stum em that was washed up on the sand
  9. Ana I thoughts I sees everything. Now wouldn't that be a cabin boys entry.
  10. Resting for next round
  11. Sorry thar Bunny fer the late postin back on this. me job been getting in the way. Thank ya kindly fer the kind words. I believe in em fer sure. No one be tellin a person when ta be nice er loving their better half. It be the little things along the journey not planned that the two o ya have fun workin out tagether. It means much more in the end.
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