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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Some good ole Benny Goodman.
  2. Feel fine but cold wit all this e're below zero temps.
  3. E're in Wisconsin we be avin 3 degrees witout the wind.
  4. Well, I see me post was moved e're. Sorry, mates, I dina know thar was one already.
  5. The new trailer for Pirates of the Carribean II (Dead Mans Chest) is out. All ya dogs cana see it e're i'fn it aint been posted yet. http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/piratesoft...dmanschest.html
  6. Essential Mix online live from England
  7. Mac N Cheese dinner
  8. Tryin ta fix a computer issue.
  9. Well, people around me are sick ana I dona want it.
  10. Stranger the fiction
  11. Haggis be fantastic stuff I says. Me scottish side eats it when we can. Get mine from a place called Lambs Inc. If it be cooked as it should and spiced right, it tastes not bad at all. I'fn ya doesn't like liver, then it aint fer you. Heavy liver smell and taste in a way. The only thing missin e're in the US of A is the lung from the sheep. Illegal ta ave that in it e're, lessen ya makes yer own. It may sound bad, but really it isnt. So, give me then sheep innards.
  12. Not a bloody thing but the clickin o me keyboard.
  13. Grand indeed I be feelin at the moment.
  14. Takin care o a problem that Sweeden be avin at the moment since I be at work.
  15. Well, I aint in ta fencin, but a more bold bigger steel fightin of broadsword. I taught it ana do it.
  16. Me all tyme favorite smell be New Car Smell, then lemon and then Lilac.
  17. It be a 22 degrees out now and snowin e're in Milwaukee.
  18. Clisto, Big Jake er Jake those be bout it. That dona include any vulgar ones I been called throughout me life.
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