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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Sealegs, that be a right well group. I gots em all.
  2. Listenin ta me co-worker talk bout stuff ana listenin ta the sound o the computers hissin.
  3. Thank ya kindly Jill. I pumped meself full o Ibuprophin and I finally could tolerate it. It is almost gone now. But dona what I be doin i'fn it took a month ta heal.
  4. Typin on this e're forum and at work.
  5. Ell, the only real word ta me be ARR!!!! Intrestin aint it?
  6. Damn Diego, that was a good one. I like that. non stop
  7. Now, don't be givin me that great minds stuff. I could say it too... Erotica... Thar I said it. LOL Pleasure
  8. I sees it be goin good fer ya Rummy. Glad ya can say it. Well, ta be honest, me arse is sore. I slept wrong and ended up wit a ball o blankets under me bum ana it caused me tail bone ta be pressed against fer who knows how long I was sleepin. Just one o those things. I cna tell ya it be hurtin ta walk or sit till it goes away. Now no cryin o'r me now.
  9. Actually sound tracks from War o the Worlds the original. I ordered me the new special edition comin out next Tuesday. Ana it aint like the crap with Tom Cruise was in.
  10. Workin on me list o things ta get done by next week. Got ta be keeping everything in order I says.
  11. I be eatin me some canned peaches.
  12. Aye Mate, take it pon the lass o merriment and morale ta get ya up ana going on this e're board. I cana attest ta her ways.
  13. This be the worst year fer um. I opes thar be no more.
  14. I actually likes the man. Spongebob is kind o funny.
  15. That be funny Mate....
  16. Work as usual. I be workin all night long. ARRR!!!
  17. Red Hot Chilie Peppers
  18. All I can say is FANTASTIC!!!
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