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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Ahh Hetha... Ya be makin me smittin and at yer charm. I give ye thanks for the hearty welcome. A drynk it be for ya. Here ya are lass.
  2. Well, I see that. Only ya be needin to get more of yer fill from Snow. I try and pace meself. Need me wits at least a while. "Downs a bottle and puts empty on the table" Ya see Capin, more then one can best along. Now ifin ya want more, only a bottle left I have wit me. Me ship harbors a lot in the hold though. Damn long coats can only hold so many bottles. "shifts gold plated pistles to the side to get at the last bottle". Now this one be fer sharin. I was hopein an offer would come my way for some as well.Me ships to far to get more now.
  3. Ahh Lass, I be watchin that many times over. And with other plunderers no doubt. Every nights a party. Only wish ya could join us. Hows that for an invite?
  4. Damn ya Snow... Ya scarfed down another of me bottles. A mite thirsty one ya be. Don't fear Capin Jakc, I have more. matter of fact, here ya go wit o 3 pinter just for you. More then enough to pass. Now, tell me what place in this here port has the most action. I be wantin to check it out and try me luck a bit
  5. Rules!!! What be those, I ask? Broken promises or a way to arrest a pirate I say. Hell wit them. Free is the way to be. And I am keepin it that way. And I will ablige by callin ya Captain. I own title as well, but me name sounds better without. Less others be knowin bout me past the better.
  6. Well, now Jack. May I call ya Jack? I just always be leavin me options open. I be rememberin the no love for yer fella pirates quote somewhere. And I used it on occasion meself. Came in handy for me in gettin me ship it did. had her ever since. At least it is one code that be honored by other sea dogs. Oh, and here, Jack... Have some of me special brew I just give ta Lady Snow. That be ifin she dina swig it all. Hey Hey Hey, Snow!!! Save some for da captain of thisin other ship!!!
  7. Rum I have ta share. Aspirations be what they be. I make non for there or not. It was a past tyme that is best kept under the bunk. But me britches is another story. Here ya go lass, have another swig from thisin new bottle. A wee bit stonger then the last. Carful now...
  8. This be a grand greeting from 3 lass's no doubt. I canna ask fer better if'n I was ta board the womens vessels one by one. Wait... I did that once. Walked away with me trousers under me arms I did. But it wasn't under me own doin.
  9. Ahoy!! I be new to this here port. I'fn ya have a place for a bottle o rum, I be stayin. I be Jonathan Hawks. Captain Hawks o the Sea Tyrant. I be glad ta parlay wit all ya other sea dogs.
  10. Just be biding me tyme till Pirates II comes out. We need another good dressen up and goin out with the other land lubbers ta see it.
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