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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. This moment I be listenin to Styx "Renegade"
  2. Great work Patrick. Really appreciates the tyme ya be puttin in and what ya be sharin wit the rest o us scallywags.
  3. Ya can still gets um on the secondary market. I seens em or find nother rogue willin ta sell some. They be out there fer sure. I aves em meself.
  4. Ahh, I be thankin ya fer the info. It is well received and will be placed in me locked chest. Hopes ta get to it.
  5. Gonna give it a try fer sure. So much startin up I sees. St Louis faire be next month as well.
  6. Ya mite be a pyrate if'n ya go ta work barfoot I says.
  7. Me own project is ta be gettin me more garb and trinkets ta makes things a bit more intrestin. Avin a ell of o tyme choosin I am. Ave ta see what I comes up with. May even get me a pet monkey. Been thinkin bout it I has.
  8. I now be a feelin better and be lookin fer the weekend since weather be in the 70's and a lot be happenin out and about.
  9. Well, I be listinin to the Bilge Pumps, but Kashmir is the one always be in me mind. Probably in most of our minds. One of the best.
  10. Well, better I be. Just a good old cough what some rum helped with.
  11. This very moment I be listinin ta some Alice Cooper.
  12. I dona think so, but I not be sorry fer em in the least.
  13. Sorry Snow, I see ya already be leavin the Crimson Pirates fer em. But I will leave the link in case he be needin it.
  14. Ahh, or ya be chekin any one of these fyne groups as well: the Pyrates Royale - Pyrates Royale the Jolly Rogers - Jolly Rogers The Bilge Pumps - The Bilge Pumps The Crimson Pirates - The Crimson Pirates Dark Cove - Dark Cove Jolly Garogers - Jolly Garogers The Shantyman - The Shantyman I op's this be coverin it fer ya!!
  15. ...and done while holding a knife in your teeth! Aye Lady Snow... twood be a site to beholden. Ya knows yer a pyrate when ya be avin a party and the half barel o beer be made of wood with metal bands. Ya knows yer a pyrate when at a kiddies party ya be jugglin belaying pins.
  16. Ya be learnin right fine says I. Least fer now matey. The more drynk ya be buyin the rest o us rogues, the more ya be soundin like a better pyrate ta us.
  17. "Now, gets out me face" be another good Ren one fer a pyrate comback to an English noble. Hahaha!!
  18. Right this moment, some "Afro Celt Sound System"
  19. Well, today be no different. Still feel like the wind be akin way from me sails. This plague seems ta be hittin many I fear. Must be a curse I says.
  20. Ok, lets clarify... Gangstas o the sea..
  21. Ya knows yer a pyrate when in Gym class ya beats em all at rope climbin waitin at the top fer the rest and sits thar the rest of the class lookin out.
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