Well now, I sees I been made deck hand and on the verge of Ships Master. Methinks a good ard days toilin like when I be young get ya places. I needs ta keep goin ta earn me true self yet. At least e're on the pub.
Well, I ave a few personas of which all ave a wee bit o me in. Nature of the beast I says. One canna help draggin yer true self along fer the ride. It be always comin out.
I guess I can starts em out again. Ya knows yer a pyrate when, ya goes fishin with friends and ya post a jolly roger in place of e're own flag, use the scrap food fer bait and replace them beer bottles wit Rum.
I be from Quincy, Mass, Coastie. I been to Mystic many tymes and enjoyed it well says I. Able to board most of the tall ships ere and ave a memorable day.
At be one faire I needs to be gettin to. It be on my list fer a few years now. I been to TRF, grand time me had. Lot of other bloody pyrates be going as well.