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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Those look good. I just might gets me some. Thanks fer the link Mate
  2. I be thankin all ya scallywags fer the fyne congrats. Ana I be a man o my word in offerin all who wants drynks of choice. At least till me next plunderin find. And katheryn, I be at yer service. What ya be wantin asides a rum now?
  3. Now Capn. I dona think that be what I be wantin. Ya put it thar ta tease me ya scallywag. Although a ship can get one excited as well. Ave ya see er in the water, mate? Where be the red hair lasses on er? Thats what I be askin ya? Anyway, ave a grog or whe'r ya want on me fer at least tryin.
  4. Well, me ard works paid off again. A Plunderer I be. Ana wit me new found rank, I be buyin amny a drynk fer all me mates on the board. ARRR!!!!
  5. Aye Hetha, I agrees wit ya, and fer even a bigger reason. This here be me 300th post ana a plunderer I now be. ARRR!!!! Step aside and let me ave some gold.. Rum all round...
  6. I still do that now. Got many o them ta stillpaint as tyme pops up. gots me special glasses and all. Even won awards fer a few. It be work, but fun work I says. Been doin that fer bout 30 years now.
  7. Well, mate, I guess In and are both a work fer me. Now ya got me spyglass trained on the beach and not the waters. Holy Mother O..... Now me sails a flappin.
  8. Halt, who goes there?
  9. Parade Rest (HooRaah)
  10. Bloodwood, by Alan Dargin a digireedoo master
  11. Well, I just got up and it be reary and cold out. But me spirits be high. Lookin forward ta the next four days off I am.
  12. Always a grand site to beholden mate. Not a one I dona care ta see. Cept mayhap an English one. Although me own square rigger I procured from em. Haha!!!
  13. Pettin? I guess so. That Pirate pettin zoo line sometime bogs down on one mate. Mayhap he been the bogger. Poor soul he was. Aye, was. It killed em it did. Now he be the poster fer all scallywags being over pet.
  14. Ya mights be a pyrate if'n ya be a life guard on the beach and be usin a spyglass instead of binoculars to see trouble on the water.
  15. More power to ya Patrick. I give ya credit ya got the go fer doing em all. Ow long ya figerin it be takin ya ta do one?
  16. It be the bloody studio companies and rights and things. Real pain in the ares when it come ta this stuff. ya can write is bout it. The powers that be get nough crap from us, who knows what they be doin.
  17. Thank ya fer the info there Capt. Morgan. Any book o the sea be good. I be lookin out fer it meself.
  18. Keep one thing in mind Mad Eye. Dona be comin back wit two mad eyes. Dona want ya looking like this guy.
  19. Well, I changed me mood I did. Now it be the "Conan" soundtrack.
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