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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. I sees. I was lookin at the link ya posted of the leather corked holder. If.n thats not be it, please be pointin me in the right direction ta see it. The boilin elps fer sure. Ana how much does it be holdin
  2. I agree on the pistol names as well Cap. Fergal as it right. Ya can cross em to. But then ya be makin sure of whos who. Lol...
  3. God Smack "Moon baby"
  4. Well, Cap... I says Sally be a right fyne name fer yer Blunderbus. It be sea fairin fer sure. What be better then "Say hi ta Sally"
  5. Well Mate, I already got me one just like it from a different vendor who be sellin them. There be several for other enactments, I says. They be looking good in yer pic. Most sell em fer 40. Now, If'n ya can coat em with pitch instead o bees wax, they last longer and wont crack or melt in the heat inside causin leakage. I did notice the wax does harden after a wile which be causin it ta crack inside. Lost me some good mead I did that way. Meself, I went through 2 that way. Just got me a new one this last weekend at a different fest. I opes this one lasts me longer. They are nice though.
  6. Battlements and Ballistas
  7. Sounds interestin. Thank fer the info mate.
  8. Ya mites be a pyrate if'n ya be a cop and ya pull out yer wheel lock ta stop the criminal
  9. Ana that be true to Mad Eye. It be all ina the way people take it.
  10. I be feeling great. Just got me back from a weekend fest. Weather a bit cool, but other then that, it be fyne.
  11. South Park appens ta be on. I be earin it i the background.
  12. That'n be the one with the skull doller on it I believe? Tryin meself ta remember. If'n it is, e-mail me and I will see what I can do. Give me all the details. I aves em all. But it won't be till after this weekend since I will be away in Ohio at a fest. Won't be back in Wisconsin till late Sunday.
  13. Geart now, I ave me only a few hours ta go here at work before I be headin out to Ohio fer a festival. Rain or shine I be there. Likes I say: A bad day at faire is better then a good day at work.
  14. A little Sammy Davis Jr.
  15. Ell, or if'n ya like ta eat cats. Ok, where be the ASPCA. I be waitin fer em.
  16. Just goes ta show ya ow the simplist things can get turned about over tyme. many then take that as the real doins. I says, if'n ya want ta see the real thing, then dig in ana do the research yerself.
  17. The Medieval Babes
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