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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Aye, I agree that Holly is a great tyme. I goes each year o'r labor weekend with some other Bristolians. Usually in different garb. Not always pirate, e'n though I belong ta the crew of their Merry Raven there. This Saturday I be in Kalamazoo, Michigan for Silver Leaf faire.
  2. Well Mate, take what ya can, been away from this e'er post a bit. Thar still be nough ta be goin round I says
  3. The bloody sounds of all the Hissing from the computers in this dept. damn they be loud.
  4. Grand, just 5.5 hours left till 4 days off from this hell hole they call work. Then off to Michigan for faire Sat then back to Bristol on Sun
  5. A Mac & Cheese dinner
  6. Gorgeous sexy eyes beconing to me. I love the eyes first. Whitty, fun and then a booty.
  7. MerryDeath - in person, online and phone many times Lady Katheryne Lyons - on Phone and Online Jonathan Hawkins - In person and Online from Bristol Kendra the Sea Maiden - Online IM Captain Mad Eye - Online IM Lady Barbosa - Online IM
  8. (William looks about and apears at a loss for words.) I suppose it is, sir, but no more than any fortress under construction, yet... (William continues to look around at an almost empty courtyard and the near completion of all the walls, earthen works and gate housing, then turns back smiling.) Actually, Mister Hawks, with the exception of the few pilings of lumber and stone for the smithy I'm not sure that I can agree. Is it the abscence of a finished forge that causes you to think so? Not really Red... Mayhap it just looks that way ta me, seein the way things be leanin and all. Mayhaps I ave ta look closer. Jonathan strolls around the area getting a closer look at things. They still seem a bit mangled lookin, but in time will look grand and be well fortified. Well, William, I seen worse in places and gettin a closer look made it not as bad as I first seen. It will be lookin grand in no tyme I says. Now, I needs me a few men to hoist them doors up so's I can get me measurements fer the hinges and straps. nails I ave a few barrels of, so some of them carpenter types cana get workin on things. Ana again, the rings I ave to. Just give the word to them and they can go back and bring em e're. Ow long ya think afor the forge be ready? I ave some iron needin haulin e're to.
  9. Good thinkin on keepin me away from the powder storage, Red. Er ya mite fynd a whole new place ta be buildin a fort. It does get mighty hot e'n up ta 30 paces from a forge. The location is fyne. And I assume ya aves some good men that ave learned the work around a forge. I got no tyme ta be learnin anyone what ta be doing from scratch. Now, it be lookin like I got me work cut out fer me. Does ya ave nough men ta get the doors up in place fer me ta get a proper measurement now? This place is a mess.
  10. Glad ya likes me work Red. Well, we best be goin ta the fort. But give me a few ta be getting me boots. Twas a long night, don't ask. I'll be back right quick. Hawks leaves walking gingerly barefoot and with a sore toe. He retrieves his boots and gets back to William the Red with some paper, a quill and some measuring device. Are ya ready Mate? It be a long day I says and the weather be grand for gettin things done. Mr Lasseter, ya ave a good day. Either Red or I will be reportin back later. If'n ya needs us ya know where we be. I want ta be gettin them there doors fixed right quick so it can start ta be locked up proper. Well, off we go. Jonathan nods, turns and heads tword the cove with Red by his side.
  11. After gettin little rest from a long night of makin the pick that Red requested, Jonathan Hawks wakes and splashes cold water on his face. Lookin about ta get his bearings, he slips into his clothes and walks out into the morning air. Takin the pick with, he yawns and starts makin his way to the galley for a bit of food. After all he has a long day ahead going to the cove to get measurements for the Iron hinges and straps for the doors of the fort. Part way to the galley he stubs his toe and then notices he forgot his boots and is barefoot. Bloody Ell!!! I must o been tired. Not e'n thinkin this morn. Ow in the ell I forgot me boots is beyond me. Turning about to retrace his steps back to his room, he sees Red and Mr Mister Lasseter conversing so he decides to walk over before hand to see whats up. Good morning, Mister Lasseter, ana you to Red. I figure I best stop and see if'n thar be any news about or if'n ya require anything else afore I go to the cove for measuring them hinges and straps ya wants made. By the way, er'e be yer pick Red. I opes it be meeting yer expectations. Spent most o the night forgin in I says.
  12. Well, e was already on the Oprah show wit the same thing. Just can't see em as some wussy faced non pirate. That movie just looks bad.
  13. The Bloody Bugger e'n played havoc wit us up er'e in Wisconsin wit buckets o rain t'other night.
  14. Aye... you go rest then. I will work on that pick till a wee bit later in the eve. Then I be gettin some slumberin meself. In the morn I will take me a stroll ta the cove fort and get me some measurements fer the hinges. and straps. I take it the place really needs some attention. I'm thinkin I got me work cut out fer me wit that place.
  15. Well Red, I donna see them as a big challange ta me. Just the tyme to do em I says. Let me see, I suppose ya needs the hinges first. Ow big ya want em. I can get ta work on em right away. I also ave half dozen large iron rings in that barrel o'r there already made. Yer welcome to um. Now that me forge is hot, I can get down ta work.
  16. Damn fyne at the moment. Lookin afore to work endin and this weekend startin in Michigan Saturday at the Silver Leaf Ren faire. Bristol openin was grand last weekend.
  17. Kingdon of Heaven soundtrack
  18. Comin aboard Capin.. Sorry I been away fer a spell. Woke up in a ditch in the outskirts and dona no know how but someon took a few o me things. I be on the watch fer um. If'n ya don't mind I be gettin settled in right fast. Ana need ta be gettin me forge heated up proper. Word about be a few people need some things fixed.
  19. Huzzah to you Jonathan Hawks! Let's drynk two! ~ and may you learn tas enjoy yer nights off fer a while~ Aye!!! Thanks ta ya hearty Rummy. Ya be me one and only lass that feels me pain I says. Now that I be back, i can only ope the next two days go fast. ya see, I took off this ere Friday and Saturday for openin of Bristol faire ere by me. So, me work worries will be at me back a bit. Ere's a bit o Rum from me private stock if'n ya want some. :)
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