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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Intresting indeed. Thanks fer the link, Mate. I be checkin it out more tomorrow.
  2. Jonathan Hawks walks about the ship inspectin all the metal strappings, chain, hinges, grates, pullies and the like. many look like they could use replacin before any real hard sailing. He takes notes of what he sees and then goes to Mr Lassiter. Mr Lassiter, Sir, I made me a quick inspection o the ship ana found several areas where it be my recomendation ta ave fixin. I'fn ya follow me, fer a few, I'll show ya. (They walk over to the main mast) Ya sees e're, a few o the straps round the main mast look ta be weakinin ana should be replaced some time soon. I needs ta climb up higher ta get me a look at the upper ones, but ya can see what I mean e'r. Ana some o the hinges ta keep the hatches tight. Just so's no sea water get in and makes a mess o any cargo we be haulin. But the masts are first in my book. Any ard sea ana we mite loose one. I know she been through much, but I seen it happen in me days. Snaps off like a twig at the brace. I can get right to work on forgin some new ones and avin some o the crew change em out if ya like.
  3. Jonathan goes on board and heads to the storage area to drop off the throwing knives and caltrops he forged after completing the hinges for the fort. He places them in the chest and leans the shovels against the wall. Leaving the area, he heads to a bath, grab some food and then to his room to rest since there is nothing else at this time and it is late.. It has been a long day.
  4. Finishing up the last of the hinges for the fort doors, Rummy stopped by to see them being attached and the doors lifted into place. Hearing the thud of the special lock Mr Hawks made, they were tested and are solidly back in useful condition. "I'm glad you came to see this Rummy, now me and the men e're can rest for a spell. Took a while ta complete and we be hot and tired. Men, good work I says. Go take a plunge and swim yerselves clean. Me, I got me some business at the ship first. These shovels need ta be brought back ana these several throwin daggers and caltrops fer the ships armory. Had me a bit more tyme ta make a few. Well, I best be off afor I bathe meself and ave a good meal. Rummy, I will see you back at the ship to." Jonathan leaves the cove with a cloth sack over his shoulder containing the daggers and caltrops. With the two shovels in his hands that were repaired, he makes his way to the ship.
  5. Ya can always try me website chapter on weapons and the like. See i'fn thar be someone that makes em. Or ask i'fn it can be. I got me many listed. Let me know i'fn it elps. I do know Tizona swords are all over. Weapons
  6. Few more hours till I be at Faire, then leaving early thar ta get me sleep afor a nother shift. Then off. So, all in all not bad.
  7. Emmerson Lake and Palmer
  8. Back at the cove, Jonathan gets the forge fired up and begins fuelin it with air with one man on the large bellows. Each burst causes the flame to change slightly. Brighter and brighter the coals begin to heat. He sends another man ta the river that flows round back for more water to fill the large half barrel where he will douse his creations as well as use for fire water in case of a flame up. Happy with the progress, he takes a 4 ft piece of metal and places it on the coals, testing them. After ten minutes, he pulls it out and sees it is orange in color. "Almost ready mate. Just a few more minutes." The other man starts again on the large bellows until given the signil to stop. "Ahh, that be better. Now ya can rest. While we be waitin for the material ta come, bring me one o them there shovels sos I can start on a new end. That won't take me long." The man carries over the thick metal strip and Mr Hawks places it in the coals to heat.
  9. Right this moment feel grand, but wait till 11:30 tonight when the medusa of a teamleader comes in and ask me.
  10. Embarassed ta be even sayin this, but sittin e're at work eatin McNuggets. I know, I know.. Just shoot me later when me bellies full.
  11. The few men that Jonathan Hawks sent back to retrieve raw ore and some pieces of steel to be melted in the forge go about their business loadign the wooden cart. One man spies Mister Lassester and saunters over to give him the message from Jonathan . "Mister Lassester, Sir Mister Hawks sends this message to ya. He said to tell ya that the forge is in place and being fired up so as to begin makin the hinges and straps for the large fort doors sos they can be put in place. He sent us to get the raw metal. he also said that i'fn ya need to speak to em, he will be busy late getting these done. Oh...ana he said that the shovels that be needing repair will be ready some time tomorrow. Is there anything ya want me to convey back to him, Sir?"
  12. Some 9 inch nails
  13. Ana why should ya be scared? Aint nothin from me fer sure to be scared bout.
  14. Got me a bloody sinus headache at the moment. And this here job aint helpin it.
  15. Jonathan Hawks finished his surveying and meaqsurements of the repairs that needed to be made to the metalwork of the cove fort. he then began supervising the men as to where and how he wanted his forge set and before long it was ready to be fired up. That be a right good job men, I says. Now, I needs me more of the ore and more of the raw metal that be back in the ships storage. You there... Hawks points to one of the men. Take a few o these e're men back ta the ship and go to the hold fer some o that raw steel I be needen. Take this cart and bring it back in it. And, let Mr Lasseter know I be firin this thing up and startin in on the hinges and straps. By the tyme ya gets back, it should be good and hot ta start me task. I'fn he wants ta see me, tell em I be there as soon as I can. This stuff takes time. The men leave with the cart for the ship as Jonathan fires up the forge, squeezing the bellows, and begins getting the fire red hot.
  16. The forge is to be completed to your specifications, sir, and so I leave it in your capable hands. I shall leave the lads in your charge for just such a purpose and return to the ship, taking just two or three of them to haul out the required iron and tools. (William hand picks two workers and one of the horse drawn carts and returns to the Watch Dog.) Ok Red, ya be takin care. I be seein ya back at the ship later. These men will do fyne. Jonathan begins telling the men what he needs done. They get the doors in place and he begins the task of measuring the area for new hinges and straps.
  17. That be grand Captain Straw!!! Opening was great as always. This weekend shall be warm as well. I shall be there sunday and in Michigan for a faire sat.
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