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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Well, on to Owosso in Michigan fer the Medieval Reenactment Saturday then back ta me home faire Bristol this Sunday for week 5.
  2. I be "Iron John Bonney"
  3. Great since our team leader is on vacation.
  4. Well now Rummy. Seeins ya found me e're wit Cut Throat. I got me a bit o tyme while he be unwrappin his new item and inspectin it. Now... what be on yer mind that I can do fer ya Lass? Jonathan walks Rummy a few paces away so they can talk.
  5. Seein Rummy walk up while Cut Throat opens the cloth with the knife, Jonathan turns to her for a few. "Rummy, I be glad ta go over things wit ya, sept at the moment I be tied up, so to speak wit Cut Throat e're. I cana meet ya back at the fort i'fn ya can in bout 1 bell from now. Ow's that sound to ya lass?"
  6. "Oh... thar ya are lad. Tis a fyne eve indeed I says. I knows ya been waitin fer yer order and it just appens I ave it e're." Jonathan produces a white cloth which is wrapped up from his belt. He hands it over the Cut Throat. "E're ya go mate. I ope's ya likes it." (The knife is made right to his specifications. Mr Hawks also took it upon himself to give it a whale bone handle and engrave a small ship in a calm sea upon each side of the blade. The weight is perfect and it has an edge that will shave any man proper.)
  7. Mr Hawks returns looking for Cut Throat to give him the knife he asked that be made. It is a work of art, with a small surprise as well. Looking about, he doesn't seem to see him anywhere at the moment, so he wonders about looking for any other pieces of metal on the ship that could use repairing.
  8. "Aye Red, I will do so then. I can use me more rest. Ave a good rest." Jonathan leaves for the fort ta make sure the forge is shut down fer the night properly before turning in himself. After doing so, he excuses his men for the night and then takes his leave to a nice soft bed.
  9. Cut Throat basically nods at all the suggestions Mr Hawks throws his way and finally tells him to use his descretion. They shake hands again and Cut Throat leaves. Mr Hawks will get him when it is complete. He has something special in mind. In the meantime, Jonathan once again heads back to the ship to see if there is anythign else that needs forging since the regular work is now complete. The ships work comes even before the knife. Gets on board the ship and once again sees Red, inspecting things as he walks about the deck. "Well, Red, I come back ta check in and see i'fn thar be anything special or left over that need fixin with me forgin. Cut Throat came ta see me ana we got an understandin thar, but me ships work comes first. "
  10. "There ya be Cut Throat. (puts hand out to shake). I been told ya want a knife commissioned. Well, ya come ta the right man I says. been doing this fer many a year. Ana by what ya say, both sides fer sure with blade? I cana make it how e'r ya want. just be lettin me know afor I start. Ow bouts a name engraved or mayhaps a bone handle e'r e'n a whalestooth handle. You name it I can do it."
  11. After about an hour of pounding and folding the straps, there are many of different sizes to be taken and stored on the ship. The men load up the cart and push it to the waters edge on to the raft. "Thanks fer all yer elp, Shipwreck, It was much appreciated. make sure ta tell Mr Lasseter or Mr Red the cannon straps are done and bein stored below." Just as the men leave for the ship, Cut Throat is seen through the corner of Hawks eye approaching.
  12. Excellent, Mate... what I needs is nother hand loadin the extra "straps pon the cart and elp haul em ta the small rig raft e're so they cana be brought ta the ship. Should only take a short tyme makin em. Then I aves ta wait a spell ta see if Cut Throat makes it e're fer a special request. I'fn that be ok, then follow me and the men."
  13. Sadie the cleaning lady
  14. "Ahh, Shipwreck John, ya went past me so fast I dina get ta say good eve to ya. So, Good eve... Yer gonna ferry me and the men e're ta the shore I take it. Thanks fer that, it be a wet walk on the other hand Hahaha!!!" Slaps John on the back and they get a laugh. "I gots more forgei ta do fer the cannons. afore they be completely ready. At least some that is. Extra straps. But dona let me be boring ya wit all the details. I opes yer day been going well. If'n ya be free from other duties aside of fairin us ashore, I cana use another hand fer a short tyme. What say ya lad"
  15. "I will Red, we cana spare ta be loosin any. By the by, If'n ya sees Cut Throat come by, tell em ta be seein me at the forge by the fort fer the knife he wants. I'll make sure ta do a right special job fer em. Just need ta get what hes looking at fer it. Well, mate, we be off to the store room fer the weapons and then to the fort. Thaks again ta be givin Mr Lasseter the message." Jonathan turns and leaves, disappearing into the storage hold.
  16. Aye, Now I be a wanted man fer sure. What a grand day this be fer me, I says. Drink up Mate.
  17. After a goodly rest from all day forgin the day before, Jonathan Hawks wakes ta the smell of fresh cooked pork and eggs. He follows his nose to the smells and to the galley for some before heading out to see Mr Lasseter. After taking his fill, he heads on deck and inspects the job the men did in the light of day in putting the new mast straps on. The ship is lookin like new. He doesn't see Mr Lasseter, but instead sees Red lookin about the rail on the port side. Jonathan joins him there lookin out to the horizon. "Well, Red, she be lookin like a grand ship as afor I says. (Yawns) I sees the men did right well placin the new straps in place. They not be a bother fer some tyme ta come. I still ave some forgin that need doin fer Mr Lasseter though. he be wantin some spare trunion straps fer the various cannons ana mounts fer th' swivels finished. But I cana fynd em ta tell em I be startin em in a few back at me forge at the fort. So, I'fn ya can let em know fer me, I be much obliged."
  18. Made me Notorious pirate. I feel grand!!!
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