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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Skipping Stones
  2. Chaotic Neutral
  3. Mr Hawks finished shutting down his small forge for the day after giving the special piece to Rummy for the Captain. Once satisfied all is cool, he puts on his hat over his bandana and makes his way up the stairs and along the rail to take in some good sea air. Seeing William, across the way, Jonathan removes his hat and waves it in his direction as an acknowledgment. As he looks over the rail out to sea, he softly hears a tune coming from somewhere on board. It is from a flute. He cocks his head slightly to take in the sound better. "That must be Rummy" he said to himself. A small smile came across his face as he listened intently to the lively tune.
  4. Mr Hawks catches up with Rummy a while later as she is returning to deck with her flute. He holds something in a small pouch in his right hand. "Ahh Rummy, I see ya be ready fer all the nights merriment. I take it the Capin took well ta yer handiwork. I just opes he liked me addition. One thing though, ya left a mite to soon. I ads me one more special addition." Jonathan holds out the pouch and hands it to Rummy. She opens it and her eyes go wide with surprise. "Ahh, seems ya like it I says. It be a separate piece I made fer the Capin that be interchangeable on the top. I figured e might like ta change when he be in different company. This nice brass skull works right fyne on ship. Bein pyratical an all. Only I mades it wit its own capins hat attached to. All it needs be is unscrewed from the other. Ya think he be liking it?"
  5. A Mrs Smiths peanut butter cookie.
  6. Me workin buddy has the music goin. Thar be some Pink Floyd on.
  7. Jonathan Hawks


    Dark Lord Imperial Russian Stout - It be made by the Three Floyds Brewery and takes a whole year to brew. They make only so many cases and a bottle sells for about $15.00 for like 40 oz. It be wqax sealed and has the consistancy of motor oil. It is brewed with Starbucks coffee, black currant berries, and chocolate. There is a large monsterous lord on the from label holding an axe. I can tell ya it is a grand ale.
  8. Sittin here at work doin computer stuff besides on the pub.
  9. It is a total blast, pardon the pun. Did it at Paintball Daves about 2 months ago again. Won a whole day session fer 4 I did. Only thing was it be really hot when we went. Ana by the by it be the close end to a bad night o work, sos I be looking forward ta the morn and feelin a lot better.
  10. now thats just ridiculous. What be ridiculious Negro Pirate mate? I sees nothin a matter wit the gentlemans pictures. At least he be in garb and not a sweatshirt. He be showin a true love fer the hobby ya scurvey dog. We spend a lot o tyme gettin it right. Where be yer garb er colors?
  11. Good outfits I says.!!
  12. *Huge smile and a quick wink at Mr Hawks* "I was SO hoping you would volunteer such an adornment! It would be much appreciated !" :) "I be gettin right to it, Rummy. I needs ta heat up the other kettle o brass and pour the mold in sand. I be surprisin ya for em. I will make some decoration in the mold. I thinks he will like it. Won't take long. I will send fer ya and the stick once I got it done so it can be fitted right proper." Mr Hawks hands the walking stick back over to Rummy. "Ana, i'fn ya needs another, just let me know. I will get right on it." Jonathan walks away to tend to makin the bobble for the cane
  13. Well, thar Rummy, I sees ya does fyne good work. The Capin should be pleanty pleased by what ya done fer um. The finish be as nice as the masts on deck. Now, i'fn ya let me, I know this aint my place, but I cana make a fyne brass cap fer it ta finish it off afor ya gives it to em. What say ya.
  14. Well, thar be regular whistelin fer sure. Also, ta be e'en more accurate, many a song were accompanied by some o the crew usin parts o the ship ta be makin music. Different tones in a wood plank or rail as well as metal sounds from what they had. They be real ingenious I says.
  15. And one more. Although I have more, this should be enough for now. LOL
  16. And yet a third.
  17. Another. I am on the right in black with my real family standard.
  18. Here are a few of my regular outfits I use all the time.
  19. "Well Rummy, this be a mite strange. Does ya sees anything yet? I hears nothin new. I could have sworn it come from o'r e're likes they mayhap see somthin. We best be keepin close, yet observin what we can." Rummy and Jonathan look about to see or hear more of what was happening.
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